Imatges de pàgina

sionary society, for the use of the society.

The liberal support of this truly Christian institution, is a duty which we owe to ourselves as members of the Protestant Episcopal Church; the reputation of which, in this period of unusual exertion in the extension of the gospel, is deeply involved in its success; also as members of the Christian church at large, which necessarily imply, that we use the means and powers with which God has endowed us, in endeavouring to extend the blessed king dom of his Son, and to promote the spiritual interests of our fellow creatures.

I now offer the parochial reports which have been presented to me, in conformity with the provisions of the 45th canon of the church, by the rectors, ministers, and wardens of the several congregations in the diocess, that they may be read for the information of the convention, and inserted in the journal.


Shrewsbury, August 21st, 1822.

The parochial reports mentioned by the bishop present the following aggregate:-Baptisms (adults 16, infants 50, not specified 82) 148-marriages 41funerals 195-communicants 679.

On motion, the clergy were called on for their reports of services rendered as missionaries to vacant churches :

The Rev. Mr. Rudd reported, that he officiated twice, on a Sunday, in Christ Church, New-Brunswick, while the bishop was absent in the discharge of episcopal duties; and twice, on the eleventh Sunday after Trinity, in St. Peter's Church, Spotswood. On the latter occasion he baptized one child.

The Rev. Mr. Chapman transmitted a report, that he officiated, on two Sunday afternoons, in Trinity Church, Woodbridge; and, on one Sunday, in Christ Church, New-Brunswick, in the absence of the bishop.

The Rev. John Croes, jun. reported, that he officiated, one Sunday, last autumn, in St. Peter's Church, Freehold; and, that he has since attended one funeral, and performed two baptisms in said church. He also preached, one Sunday, in Christ Church, New-Bruns

wick, on occasion of the bishop's administering confirmation.

The Rev. Clarkson Dunn reported, that, since the last convention, he has officiated twice at Christ Church, Johnsonburgh; twice at Trinity Church, Woodbridge; twice at Belvidere; twice at Hope; once in the township of Frankford; twice in the neighbourhood of Sparta; and, one Sunday, at NewBrunswick, in the absence of the bishop.

The Rev. Mr. Carter reported, that he officiated, on one Sunday, in Christ Church, New-Brunswick, in the absence of the bishop; and, on one Sunday, at Belleville and Paterson.

The Rev. Mr. Morehouse reported, that, in consequence of absence from home, and other circumstances, he has been unable to fulfil his missionary ap pointments.

The Rev. Mr. Ward reported, that, in addition to his appointments as missionary, he has preached three times on Sundays, and once on a week day, at St. Peter's Church, Berkeley; on a week day at St. Peter's, Freehold; three times, on week days, at Spotswood; on two week days at MullicaHill; on a week day at Glassborough; twice, at Mr. David Stout's, in the vicinity of Spotswood; three times, on Sundays, at Woodbridge; on two Sundays at New-Brunswick, in the absence of the bishop; and, on a Sunday afternoon, at the long vacant church (St. John's) at Chew's Landing.

The Rev. Mr. Douglass reported, that he had preached once at St. John's Chureh, Chew's Landing, to an attentive congregation; and several times at St. Stephen's Church, Mullica-Hill.

The Rev. Mr. Cadle reported, that he had, by appointment, preached, on two Sundays, at Christ Church, New Brunswick, in the absence of the bishop; he had, also, in addition, preached, on one Sunday, at St. John's Church, Chew's Landing; once at Mullica-Hill, and twice at Glassborough.

The Rev. Mr. Powers reported, that he had, by appointment of the bishop, officiated, on one Sunday, at Christ Chapel, Belleville, and on one at Paterson.

The following sums were reported as

having been collected during the past year:

For the Missionary Fund, $180 10 For the Episcopal Fund, 85 69

The committee appointed to take into consideration so much of the bishop's address as relates to the increase of the missionary fund, reported the following resolutions, which were adopted: Resolved, first, That it be recommended to every congregation in the diocess to form a missionary association; the contributions of which to be transmitted every year to the treasurer of the convention, in aid of the collections which are annually made in the several churches for missionary purposes.

Resolved, secondly, That the board of directors of the missionary fund be authorized to transmit annually so much of the avails of the fund as they may think expedient, to the treasurer of the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, for the use of the society.

The committee appointed to take into consideration so much of the bishop's address as relates to the general theological seminary, offered the following resolutions, which were adopted:

Resolved, first, That early measures be taken for raising the sum of $2000, for the purpose of establishing a scholarship in the seminary, to be called the New-Jersey Scholarship.

Resolved, secondly, That all sums subscribed, be paid into the hands of the treasurer of this convention; and that, in case a sufficient sum shall not be immediately raised, the sums so paid shall be placed by him at interest, with good security, until they shall amount to the sum necessary for founding such scholarship.

Resolved, thirdly, That eight persons be appointed to solicit subscriptions to this object in the several congregations of the church in the diocess.

On motion, the convention went into the election of two trustees, the number to which this diocess is entitled in the board of trustees of the General Theological Seminary of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States. On counting the votes, it was found that the Rev. John Croes, jun. and Peter Kean, esq. were elected.

The following addition to the constitution of the church in this diocess was proposed for consideration at the next convention:

All canons, and other acts of the convention, shall be signed by the bishop for the time being; and, in case of his declining to sign any canon or act, he shall give to the convention his reasons for it: such canon or act shall, nevertheless, be considered valid, if subsequently passed by three fourths of the members present.

The following appointments were made;

Standing Committee. -The Rev. Charles H. Wharton, D. D. the Rev. John C. Rudd, the Rev. James Chapman, the Rev. John Croes, jun. Robert Boggs, esq. William P. Deare, esq. Pe ter Kean, esq. Jacob Van Wickle, esq. Delegates to the General Convention. - The Rev. Charles H. Wharton, D. D. the Rev. John C. Rudd, the Rev. John Croes, jun. the Rev. George Y. Morehouse, Peter Kean, esq. Joseph V. Clark, esq. Dr. P. F. Glentworth, William T. Anderson, esq.

The list of the clergy of this diocess appended to the journal of the above convention, contains the names of the bishop, nine presbyters, and three deacons.

The following is an appendix to the above journal :

The board of directors, to whom is confided the appropriation of the missionary fund, beg leave to make the following report to the convention :-

That, as was mentioned in their last communication, the Rev. Mr. Ward had been engaged to perform the duties of a missionary to the vacant churches. This engagement was for the half of his time, for one year, commencing on the 1st of October last, on the condition of his receiving $ 150 in aid of his support. The other half, he had consented to devote to St. Mary's Church, Colestown, on a stipulation made between him and the vestry of that church. Mr. Ward has been enabled, thus far, faithfully, and, as they trust, usefully to fulfil his engagement.

In his report to the bishop, ex officio president of the board, it appears that he has, since his appointment, per

formed divine service, and preached, on five Sundays, in the congregation at Paterson, and baptized one infant; on three Sundays at Christ Chapel, Belleville, and baptized two infants; on three Sundays at St. Thomas's Church, Alexandria; on one Sunday, and two week days, at Mr. Robert Sharp's, Amwell; on seven Sundays, and one week day, at St. Peter's, Freehold; on seven Sundays, and one week day, at St. Peter's, Spotswood, and baptized two children; on four Sundays, and one week day, at St. James's, Piscataway; and, on four Sundays, and one week day, at Trinity Church, Woodbridge.

That he has, in addition to his performances of the regular services of the sanctuary, distributed catechisms among the children, and examined their progress in the study of them in several churches in which the measure was practicable.

He further states, that he has found the people of the congregations in

which he officiated attend divine ser

vice generally very well; and, in many cases, unite in that holy exercise with great propriety and solemnity.

He reports, that the collections for the missionary fund, during the time he has officiated, amount to $74 37 cents. The board also report, that they, through their president, continued to the Rev. Mr. Dunn, the missionary to the churches in Sussex, the sum of $ 50 for the year lately passed, in consideration of his not, as yet, receiving the proceeds of all the church property at Newton; a part of it being under a lease, the rent of which having been anticipated in the erection of buildings.

They also report, that the sum of $18 has been allowed to the Rev. Mr. Douglass, rector of Trinity Church, Swedesborough, for performing missionary duties at the vacant church at Glassborough; that church being out of the course of Mr. Ward's mission, it was thought the best mode thus to supply it. Mr. Douglass reports, that he has officiated on six Sundays, and two week days, at that church, and administered the Lord's supper once.

Signed by order of the board.
JOHN CROES, President.

Shrewsbury, August 22d, 1822.

By the treasurer's account it appears that his receipts during the past year, with a balance in the treasury from the old account, were $89615, and the expenditures, $648 32, leaving a balance of $247 83; and that the missionary fund amounts to $3171 64.

From the account of the treasurer of the episcopal fund, it appears that the receipts into the said fund were $213 41, that $150 had been paid to the bishop, and that the whole fund amounts now to $1482.

For the Christian Journal.

Extracts from my common-place book. LET inclination yield to duty, and duty will soon become inclination.

The Christian's strength is in a great measure derived from a just sense of his weakness. Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

The opinions of most men are in a very great degree influenced by their natural or acquired dispositions and feelings. The Christian who possesses a temper habitually cheerful and lively, thinks the sentiments and the deportment of the sober and austere injurious to the cause he professes to support: while he who is of the latter disposition will censure the conduct of the former as inconsistent with the genuine spirit of religion. You will likewise hear the man who is by nature generous and open-hearted, condemning the man whe is cautious and wary in bestowing his alms; while the latter will accuse the forner of weakness in giving to all persons indiscriminately. In this manner is our reason warped by our feelings. We do not sufficiently divest ourselves of their influence. They too often gain the ascendancy over us, and obscure the light and impede the force of the judgment.

Men who are sensible on every other subject, when they marry, very often take leave of their senses. Let the young clergy think well of this.

"Trifles light as air are to the ner vous confirmation strong as proofs from holy writ."

In the composition of a discourse, particular care should be taken with the introduction and the conclusion, to conciliate the favour of the audience in the first place, and to leave a strong impression on their minds at the close.

Bishop Horne somewhere advises composuists always to read a portion of some eloquent author before they begin to write, in order that their minds may catch some of his spirit. This is certainly a good direction; for the complexion of our thoughts is dependant, in a greater or less degree, upon every thing we see, touch, hear, or with which we have any connexion.

The papists and the dissenters both object to the testimony of the fathers, and endeavour to lessen their authority: the first, because the fathers will not bear them out in their additions to the church; the latter, because the writings of the fathers convey a strong censure upon them for taking away some of the component parts of the church. The church of England, on the other hand, relies very much upon the fathers, because their testimony goes to establish

the ministry, doctrines, and worship of said church.

Médio tutissimus ibis

Optimum est majorum sequi vestigia.

"The Calvinistic doctrine of predes. tination hath little form or someliness; little beauty that we should desire it." Horsley.

"The proof of our moral liberty is to every individual of the human race the very same, I am persuaded, with the proof of his existence. I feel that I exist, and I feel that I am free; and I may with reason turn a deaf ear upon every argument that can be alleged in either case to disprove my feelings. I feel that I have power to flee the danger that I dread to pursue the pleasure that I covet-to forego the most inviting pleasure, although it be actually within my grasp, if I apprehend that the present enjoyment may be the means of future mischief-to expose myself to present danger, to submit to present evils, in order to secure the possession of a future good. In a word, I feel that I act from my own hopes, my

own fears, my own internal perceptions of moral fitnesses and discongruities." Ibid.

"Virtue is not a mushroom that springeth up of itself in one night, when we are asleep or regard it not, but a delicate plant that groweth slowly and tenderly, needing much pains to cultivate it, much care to guard it, much time to mature it in our untoward soil, in this world's unkindly weather: happiness is a thing too precious to be purchased at an easy rate, heaven is tou high to be come at without climbing, the crown of bliss is a prize too noble to be won without a long and tough conflict. Neither is vice a spirit that will be confined down by a charm, or with a presto driven away; it is not an adversary that can be knocked down at a blow, ox despatched with a stab." Barrow.

How few of us are sufficiently careful as to the manner in which we spend our time; that is, how few of us are sufficiently industrious? Placed in situations where the means of knowledge are easy of access, it is a solemn duty which

we owe to our Creator, to our fellowmen and ourselves, not to waste in idle ness that precious time which is given


The best and noblest objects of man's pursuit through life, are the at tainment of knowledge and improvement in piety. When then we consider how richly fraught each day of our lives may be with knowledge, provided we take the proper means to acquire it, and how much good we may do in our generation, we cannot but feel deeply impressed with the duty and importance. of making the most diligent use of our time. Let us therefore resolve, through divine assistance, to cultivate the virtue of industry hereafter, more carefully than we have heretofore done.

Patience and forbearance, which are passive virtues, indicate greater firmness and excellence of character than any of the active. A man may be urged to the attainment of the active virtues by motives of ambition or of worldly interest. And even although duty alone should impel him, yet there is always in prospect some considerable recompense of honour or pleasure. If he is kind and generous to the poor, they will in part repay him by the praises they bestow and the good name they give him. If he is generous to the public, or if he endangers his life in the service of his country, he is certain of obtaining a share of glory and of the public esteem. But when he undertakes the exercise of the passive virtues; when he commences the work of subduing his passions, and oftentimes those very passions which impel him to seek for glory and renown; when also he knows that the combat he enters upon will be concealed from the view of the world, that his fellow-men will not perceive the struggles he undergoes in bringing down his wayward feelings, and consequently that no credit will be given him on account thereof; 'tis then that all his firmness, all his fortitude, and all his patience are required, and in proportion to his success will be his merit. Further, in proportion to the difficulty of acquiring these virtues, is their utility. It is a truth not perhaps so generally acknowledged as it ought to be, that the virtues of patience, forbearance, &c. tend to promote the happiness of the human race, more than those which carry with them more shew and splendour. The dazzling virtues may contribute to the public glory, and somewhat to the public good, which also to a certain extent promotes private happiness. But the passive virtues enter at once into the dwellings of men, and contribute to the contentment and felicity, not only of those who possess them, but of all who come within the sphere of their influence.

The Country Clergyman.

Blood's attempt upon the crown.

SIR Gilbert Talbot was master of the jewels in 1673, when Blood made his famous attempt upon them. They were intrusted to the immediate custody of one Talbot Edwards, who died at more than eighty years of age, and is buried in St. Peter's chapel: from the relation of this venerable old man, and other sources, the following narrative of the transaction has been compiled by Mr. Bayley, and is inserted in his 'History and Antiquities of the Tower of Lon

don,' published in 1821, and reviewed in the British Critic for March, 1822, from which work we have extracted the article.

"About three weeks before this au dacious villain made his attempt upon the crown, he came to the tower in the habit of a parson, with a long cloak, cassock, and canonical girdle, aocompanied by a woman whom he called his wife. They desired to see the regalia, and just as their wishes had been gratified, the lady feigned sudden indisposition: this called forth the kind offices of Mrs. Edwards, the keeper's wife, who having courteously invited her into their house to repose herself, she soon recovered; and on their departure professed themselves thankful for this civility.

"A few days after, Blood come again, bringing a present to Mrs. Edwards of four pairs of white gloves, from his pretended wife; and, having thus begun the acquaintance, they made frequent visits to improve it. After a short respite of their compliments, the disguised ruffian returned again; and, in conversation with Mrs. Edwards, said that his wife could discourse of nothing but the kindness of those good people in the tower; that she had long studied, and at length bethought herself of a handsome way of requital. You have, quoth he, a pretty young gentlewoman for your daughter, and I have a young nephew, who has two or three hundred a year in land, and is at my disposal. If your daughter be free, and you approve it, I'll bring him here to see her, and we will endeavour to make it a match. This was easily assented to by old Mr. Edwards, who invited the parson to dine with him on that day: he readily accepted the invitation; and, taking upon him to say grace, performed it with great seeming devotion, and, casting up his eyes, concluded it with a prayer for the king, queen, and royal family. After dinner he went up to see the rooms, and, observing a handsome case of pistols hang there, expressed a great desire to buy them, to present to a young lord who was his neighbour; a pretence by which he thought of disarming the house against the period intended for the execution of his design.

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