withholding my support from Bible societies, I act with those in the highest stations in the church from which we are descended, and with the great body of its clergy.* But it is a source of • The names of the following bishops of the Church of England and Ireland appear among the supporters the British and Foreign Society: Most Rev. Poer Trench, Archbishop of Tuam; Honourable and Right Rev. Shute Barrington, Bishop of Durham; Right Rev. John Buckner, Bishop of Chichester; Right Rev. Thomas Burgess, Bishop of St. Davids; Right Rev. John Fisher, Bishop of Salisbury; Right Rev. Henry Bathurst, Bishop of Norwich; Honourable and Right Rev. Henry Ryder, Bi. shop of Gloucester; Honourable and Right Rev. Thomas Lewis O'Beirne, Bishop of Meath; Honourable and Right Rev. Charles Lindsay, Bishop of Kildare; Honourable and Right Rev. William Knor, Bishop of Derry-10. The names of the following do not appear among the supporters of the British and Foreign Bible Society:- Right Honourable and Most Rev. Charles Manners Sutton, Archbishop of Canterbury; Right Honourable and Most Rev. Edward Venables Vernon, Archbishop of York; Most Rev. Lord John George Berisford, Archbishop of Armagh; Most Rev. William Magee, (suthor of the work on the Atonement, Archbishop of Dublin; Right Honourable and Most Rev. Richard Laurence, (author of the cele brated Bampton Lectures on the Articles,) Archbishop of Cashell; Right Honourable and Right Rev. William Howley, Bishop of London; Right Rev. George Tomline, Bishop of Winchester; Right Rev. William Henry Majendie, Bishop of Bangor; Right Rev. Richard Beadon, Bishop of Bath and Wells; Right Rev. John Kaye, Regius Professor of Divinity, Cambridge, Bishop of Bristol; Right Rev. Samuel Goodenough, Bishop of Carlisle; Right Rev. George Henry Law, Bishop of Chester; Right Rev. Bowyer E. Sparke, Bishop of Ely; Right Rev. William Carey, Bishop of Exeter; Right Rev. George Isaac Huntingford, Bishop of Hereford; Honourable and Right Rev. J. Cornwallis, Bishop of Litchfield and Coventry; Honourable and Right Rev. George Pelham, Bishop of Lincoln; Right Rev. William Van Miulert, Bishop of Landaff; Honourable and Right Rev. Edward Legge, Bishop of Oxford; Right Rev. Herbert Marsh, Bishop of Peterborough; Right Rev. Walker King, Bishep of Rochester; Right Rev. John Luxmoore, Bishop of St. Asaph; Right Rev. F.H.W.Corn wall, Bishop of Worcester; Right Rev. George Murray, Bishop of Sodor and Mann; Honour able and Right Rev. R. Ponsonby, Bishop of Down and Connor; Right Rev. William Biswet, Bishop of Raphoe; Right Rev. Nathaniel Ale.runder, Bishop of Clogher; Right Rev. George De La Poer Beresford, Bishop Kilmore; Right Rev. James Saurin, Bishop of Dromore; Right Rev. Robert Fowler, Bishop of Ossory; Right Rev. Lord Robert Tottenham, Bishop of Ferns; Right Rev. Thomas Elrington, Bishop of Limerick; Honourable fod Right Rev. Richard Bourke, Bishop of of painful regret to find myself differing, on this subject, from many of the clergy and members of our own communion whom I greatly esteem and respect. I would wish to guard against the supposition of any design on my part to censure those episcopalians who deem these societies worthy of their support, and the proper channels of their pious munificence. Among the episcopal laymen of this description, I recognize in the president and acting vice-president of the American Bible Society, individuals who are not for a moment to be suspected of acting from any other principle than a sense of duty, and whose pure and elevated characters adorn the church of which they are members. My object is not to censure others, but, in the discharge of my official duty, to state and defend the principles on which I think churchmen should act in their efforts for the propagation of the gospel; and to ask for those who do act on these principles, the credit of an adherence to the dictates of conscience, and an exemption from the imputation of being unfriendly to the distribution of the oracles of truth. No imputation can be more unjust, injurious, or unkind. It is not to the distribution of the Bible, but to the mode of distribution that our objections apply. We deem ourselves not warranted in sanctioning what appears to us a departure from the apostolic mode of propagating Christianity-in the separation of the sacred volume from the ministry, the ordinances, and the worship of that mystical body which its Divine Founder has constituted the mean and the pledge of salvation to the world. And we think that episcopali Waterford; Honourable and Right Rev. Tho mas P. Lawrence, Bishop of Cork; Right Rev. Charles Mungan Warburton, Bishop of Cloyne; Right Rev. Richard Mant, Bishop of Killaloe; Right Rev. John Leslie, Bishop of Elphin; Right Rev. Christopher Butson, Bishop of Clonfert; Right Rev. James Verchoyle, Bishop of Kiliala. To whom are to be added the bishops of the Seotch Episcopal ChurchRight Rev. Gorge Gleig, Primus, Bishop of Brechin; Right Rev. Alexander Jolly, Bishop of Moray; Right Rev. Daniel Sandford, Bishop of Edinburgh; Right Rev. Patrick Torry, Bishop of Dunkeld; Right Rev. William Skinner, Bishop of Aberdeen; Right Rev. David Low, Bishop of Ross. Total 45. ans will best preserve their attachment to the distinctive principles of their apostolic church, and thus best advance the cause of primitive Christianity, and most effectually avoid all collision with their fellow Christians who differ from them, by associating for all religious purposes only among themselves. The Bible and Common Prayer Book societies continue their eminently useful operations; and one in the central counties is distinguished for its zealous exertions. It is highly gratifying to see churchmen uniting their efforts and their contributions in the extension of our church; and with it, of the truths, the ministry, and ordinances of that gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation, in their primitive purity. It gives me pleasure to notice the prosperous condition of the Sunday schools which are instituted in several congregations of our church. As the principal object of these schools is the religious instruction of the young, it would seem that they ought not to be liable to any influence or any control but that of the authority of the church, the young members of whose fold they profess to instruct in Christian truth and duty. And here, my brethren of the clergy, I would earnestly call your attention to the important part of our office, the religious instruction of the young members of our flocks, as the best security, against enthusiasm on the one hand, and lukewarmness on the other, and as a principal mean, with the divine blessing, of establishing them in the principles and habits of sound piety. I am not influenced by any apprehension that this important duty is neglected. On the contrary, I well know that some of the clergy have extended this instruction beyond the formulary set forth by the church designed for children, to explanations of the Christian system, suited to those of riper years. My object is to suggest the importance of uniformity, as far as may be practicable, in this particular. It would seem that the Church Catechism supposes sonte preliminary religious instruction, and that this excellent formulary will admit of a subsequent enlarge ment of the course of religious instruction. Under this impression, a short Scripture Catechism, which has been prepared and submitted to the revision of the venerable senior bishop of our church, and the alterations suggested by him adopted, has been published. It is my intention to pursue the same course with the Explanation of the Church Catechism in use in this diocess, and with the volume on the Festitivals and Fasts, the basis of which is the standard work of Nelson, the pious layman of the Church of England. It would then seem that in the Scripture Catechism, in the Church Catechism broke into short Questions and Answers, in the Catechism explaining and enlarging the Church Catechism, and in the work on the Festivals and Fasts, there will be a course of instruction embracing the whole circle of religious truth and duty, the ministry and liturgy of the church, and those parts of the sacred volume which establish and enforce the doctrines and duties of the plan of salvation which it reveals. It is my intention to take measures to have these books stereotyped, so as that they may be procured at a low price. The importance of this subject will, I trust, account for the solicitude with which, in the discharge of my official duty, I would press it on your atten tion. In conclusion-I am averse to obtrude my personal concerns or feelings on your attention. But I trust I shall be excused for a single remark. The recent illness, which suspended, for a time, the exercise of my official functions, in the evidence which it afforded me of the interest which I have in the kind regards of my brethren of the clergy and the laity, has imposed on me the obligation to devote, with renewed zeal, my exertions in their service. And it powerfully excites to the same course, by the admonition which I ought to derive from it, of the uncertainty of the time when I may be called to give an account of my stewardship in that station which it has pleased our Divine Master to assign me in his church. JOHN HENRY HOBART. Troy, 15th October, 1822. Abstract of the Proceedings of the Thirty-sixth Annual Convention of the Diocess of New-Jersey, held in Christ Church, Shrewsbury, August 21st and 22d, 1822. THE convention was composed of the Right Rev. Bishop Croes, four presbyters, two deacons, and twenty-five lay delegates, representing ten parishes. It was opened with morning prayer, conducted by the Rev. Abiel Carter, rector of St. Michael's Church, Trenton, and a sermon by the Rev. John C. Rudd, rector of St. John's Church, Elizabeth-Town. The Rev. John Croes, jun. was elected secretary, and the Rev. Clarkson Dunn appointed assistant secretary. Agreeably to the provisions of the forty-fifth canon of the General Convention, the Right Rev. Bishop Croes then delivered the following address : My Brethren of the Clergy, and of the Laity, In making the address, required by the canons, at every meeting of diocesan conventions, I have the pleasure to commence with remarking, that I have been enabled, through divine goodness, to visit almost every church in the diocess since we last assembled. On the termination of that meeting, I proceeded immediately to admit, in St. Andrew's Church, Mount-Holly, to the holy order of deacons, John Mortimer Ward, of this diocess. -The Sunday succeeding, I visited St. Mary's Church, Colestown, preached to a numerous congregation, and administered the communion. I was assisted in the latter office by the Rev. Mr. Ward; with whom the congregation, long vacant, immediately made an engagement for the e half of his services. The residue, I engaged him to devote to the vacant churches as a missionary. In September I visited Christ Church, Shrewsbury, preached three times, and administered the holy rite of comfirmation to 26 persons. The church at Shrewsbury preserves its strength and respectability; and its spiritual, as well as its temporal concerns, may be considered in an improving state. Since my last visit, the congregation has repaired and painted the interior of its VOL. VIL house of worship. In the same month I visited St. Thomas's Church, Alexandria, preached to a large and atten tive congregation, and administered the holy communion. The building belonging to this congregation, after having laid in ruins many years, is at length neatly repaired and improved. The day succeeding, I visited the congrega tion of St. Andrew's Church, Amwell, and officiated. On Sunday, the 23d of September, I visited the vacant church at Spotswood, and preached. I did the same also on the following Wednesday. -On Sunday, the 30th of September, I visited Trinity Church, at Newark, and performed divine service, and preached twice; and, on Wednesday following, I officiated also at Williams ville, near Newark. The congregation of Trinity Church, Newark, preserves its standing, both as to numbers and re spectability; and it is to be hoped that its spiritual condition keeps pace with its temporal. On Friday, the 5th of October, I visited the congregation of Christ Chapel, Belleville, vacant, and preached. On Sunday, the 7th, I visited also the vacant church at Paterson, celebrated divine service, and preached twice. This congregation, I have since learned, are using means to procure funds for the erection of a church. I visited, on Monday, the 8th, St. Matthew's Church, Jersey, and officiated. This church, Í am informed, is regularly supplied with a minister, the Rev. Cave Jones, of New-York, on every second Sunday. From the 30th of October, to the 3d of November, I attended a special session of the General Convention, assembled in Philadelphia, on matters relating to the general theological seminary. I again visited, on the third Sunday in Lent, (March the 10th, 1822,) the still vacant church at Spotswood, preached twice, and administered the holy communion. On Sunday, the 14th of April, I performed divine service and preached at St. James's Church, Piscataway, which still continues vacant. On the third Sunday after Easter, I administered the apostolic rite of confirmation in Christ Church, New-Brunswick; on which occasion 16 persons were confirmed. 3 This church has, within a short time, been newly roofed, and otherwise repaired and improved: the congregation, though not large, are attached to the doctrines and worship of our church; and unite in her holy services with much propriety, and, I trust, real devotion. I visited, on the 21st of May, St. Michael's Church, at Trenton, and preached on the occasion.-On Sunday, the 26th of that month, I visited St. John's Church, Salem, and officiated in the morning. In the afternoon I preached at St. George's, Pennsneck, and administered confirmation to five persons. These churches preserve their standing. -The succeeding Thursday, I visited St. Thomas's Church, Glassborough, and St. Stephen's Church, MullicaHill, both vacant, and performed divine service, and preached at each of them. On Sunday, the 2d of June, I visited Trinity Church, Swedesborough, and preached in the morning. In the afternoon of that day I preached also at St. Peter's Church, Berkeley. -I visited St. Andrew's Church, Mount-Holly, on Wednesday, the 5th of June, on which occasion I preached, and held a confirmation. The number confirmed was 10. I preached also in the evening.On the succeeding day I visited St. Mary's Church, Burlington, and preached in the evening. It was also my intention to visit again St. Mary's Church, Colestown, and preach, and administer the communion; but, though I succeeded in making the visit, on Sunday, the 9th of June, I was prevented, by sickness, from performing any duties. From the same cause, I was not able to fulfil an appointment which I had made, to visit, in the afternoon of the same day, and officiate at St. John's Church, Chew's Landing, vacant for many years, and almost extinct.-On Sunday, the 16th of June, I visited St. John's Church, at Elizabeth-Town, and celebrated divine service, and preached twice. The congregation of this church, since my last report, has procured a handsome organ, which has already tended to improve its sacred music. On Sunday, the 30th of June, I visited the congregation of Christ Church, Newton; but was prevented from preaching and administering the holy communion, as I had appointed, by severe indisposi tion. This congregation continues to flourish, and means are in progress to erect, with the divine blessing, a handsome stone church, the next summer. From the canse above mentioned, I was also prevented from proceeding to fulfil an appointment, made to preach at Christ Church, Johnsonburgh, on the afternoon of the same day; and to preach and administer the holy communion on the following day at St. James's Church, Knowlton. I visited, on Sunday, the 21st July, Trinity Church, at Woodbridge, and preached. On the following Sunday, I visited St. Peter's Church, Perth-Amboy, and preached both morning and afternoon. I again visited St. James's Church, Piscataway, on Sunday, the 11th of August, and officiated.-On Sunday, the 18th, I visited Christ Church, Middletown, and preached; and, on the afternoon of the same day, I again visited Christ Church, Shrewsbury, and also preached.-On Monday, the 19th of August, I visited St. Peter's Church, Freehold, and officiated. This church is still vacant; but has the prospect of obtaining a minister very shortly. It is with great gratification that I am am able to state to you, my brethren, that more of the churches in the diocess have had stated regular service during the year just past; and that the residue, still vacant, have, in general, been more frequently opened for public worship, in the same time, than at any former period: eighteen churches having had regular service, and ten having been occasionally, though often, served by the missionary, and other clergymen. This state of things, under the divine blessing, will, I have reason to hope, gradually improve; and, that, at no very remote period, several of the yet vacant churches will also be regularly supplied with ministers. One person only has been admitted a candidate for holy orders since the last convention, Mr. John Sellon, of Shrewsbury. - There has been also but one ordination, that of the Rev. John M. Ward, before mentioned.-Four confirmations have been held. The number confirmed 57. The Rev. Daniel Higbee, late a presbyter of this diocess, has removed to the diocess of Delaware. The several institutions in the diocess connected with the church continue, through the divine blessing, to prosper. The funds belonging to them gradually increase; and to the application of one of them, the missionary fund, is principally to be ascribed, under God, the improved state of some of our long vacant and almost ruined churches, and the establishment of ministers in others. -The Sunday schools also are gene rally flourishing, and continue to produce their usual beneficial effects among the children of the poor, and upon society in general. It affords me a high degree of gratification to communicate to you, that at a late General Convention, specially convened for the purpose, the conflicting claims of the general theological seminary, and of a theological seminary established in the diocess of New-York, relative to a bequest of the late Mr. Ja cob Sherred, and which threatened for a time to disturb the peace and unity of the church, were happily brought to a termination, by the organization of a seminary to be composed of both, and, according to the conditions of the bequest, to be established in New-York. -The seminary thus instituted is already in successful operation, under professors of acknowledged talents and fidelity; and with students, respectable as to numbers, capacity, and diligence. -It is to be hoped, that the members of the church in this diocess, especially those upon whom God has bestowed wealth, will not be backward in contributing to the support of an institution of such immense importance to the well-being and respectability of their church, and of the holy religion which they profess. The ultimate success of it, indeed, under the blessing of the divine Head of the church, will greatly depend upon their liberal donations, in connexion with the donations of the wealthy episcopalians generally throughout the United States. Let none, therefore, withhold his proportion from an object of such weighty consequence to the church of which he professes himself a member; and in whose respectability and usefulness he cannot but feel the deepest interest. This 'I consider it my duty also, and it is with no small degree of pleasure I perform it, to announce to you, that the General Convention of 1820 instituted a Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society for general purposes. was, however, not matured till the late special General Convention, when its organization was completed. The society is now in operation. Its objects are to send missionaries into the states and territories in which our church is not yet organized, and collect together the scattered members of our communion who have migrated to those remote parts, and are now wandering about as sheep without shepherds-to afford temporary and occasional assistance to those diocesses which are not able of themselves to support the requisite missionaries; and to send missionaries also to the heathen of our own country, and, when opportunity offers, and its means are sufficient, to the heathen on the eastern continent, for the purpose of endeavouring to "turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God." It is desirable that every churchman, who can conveniently pay three dollars a year, should become a member of this very useful society. But, as many persons are unable to pay that sum, it is recommended to the several diocesses to establish auxiliary societies or associations, the members of which to pay a much smaller sum, or to adopt any mode to give aid to the parent society, which, in cases in which diocesan institutions already exist, may not interfere with such institutions. I would, therefore, suggest to the convention, the expediency of recommending to every congregation in the diocess, to form a missionary association; the contributions of which to be transmitted every year to the treasurer of the convention, in aid of the collections which are annually made in the several churches for missionary purposes; and that the board of directors of the missionary fund be authorized to transmit annually so much of the avails of the fund as they may think expedient, to the treasurer of the general mis |