Imatges de pàgina

And on hire handes faste loketh she.
'Allas, shal myn handes blody be?
I am a mayde, and as by my nature,
And be my semblaunt, and by my vesture,
Myn handes ben nat shapen for a knyf,
As for to reve no man fro hys lyf!


What devel have I with the knyfe to doo?
And shal I have my throte korve a twoo?
Thanne shal I blede, allas, and be shende!


And nedes coste thys thing mot have an ende;

Or he or I mote nedes lese oure lyf.

Now certes,' quod she, 'syn I am hys wyf,

And hathe my feythe, yet is hyt bet for me
For to be dede in wyfly honeste,

Thanne be a traytour lyvyng in my shame.
Be as be may, for erneste or for game,
He shal awake and ryse and go hys way
Out at this goter, or that hyt be day.'
And wepte ful tenderly upon his face,
And in hire armes gan hym to embrace,
And hym she jeggeth and awaketh softe,
And at the wyndow lepe he fro the lofte,



Whanne she hath warned hym and doone hym bote.
This Lyno swyft was and lyghte of fote,
And from hire ranne a ful goode pace.


This sely womman ys so wayke, allace,
And helples, so that er she ferre wente,
Her crewel fader did hire for to hente.

2690. semblaunt, appearance ;-reve, to reave, take away.

2695. shende, destroyed.

2699. bet, better.

2707. jeggeth, joggeth.

2708. lepe, pres. tense, third sing. of lepe, leaps.

2709. doone hym bote, rendered him help, or service.

2712. sely, simple ;-wayke, weak.

2714. did hire for to hente, caused her to be, or had her, caught.

Allas, Lyno, why art thou so unkynde?

Why ne hast thou remembred in thy mynde,

And taken hire, and ledde hire forthe with the ?
For whanne she saw that goon away was he,

And that she myghte not so faste go,


Ne folowen hym, she sat hire doune ryghte thoo, 2720 Til she was kaughte and fettred in prisoun.

This tale ys sayde for this conclusioun.




(The numbers refer to the pages.)

[blocks in formation]

althir, 21
althirfirst, 21
althur, 21

al to-driven, 68
al to-rente, 47
al to-shake, 53, 88
an, 64
and, 23, 70
anyghte, 76
apayde, 44
apayede, 7
apparaylle, 120
aray, 131

areste, 27, 95
Argonauticon, 75
arowe, 34
artow, 54
as here, 129
as in, 123, 124
asterte, 90, 113
asterten, 82
a stounde, 53
atempree, 77
at erste, 103
attones, 8, 20, 38
avaunce, 99

aventure, 39
avisee, 78
avowtrye, 90

awhaped, 10, 46, 113

ayein, 5

ayenst, 71
balkes, 110

[blocks in formation]

beleve, 103

clywe, 99, 105

[blocks in formation]

cogge, 76
colver, 113
commestow, 93
compassed, 79
compleyneth, 97
compouned, 129
condicion, 5

constreynte, 115
corage, 27
corps, 40, 50
corrumpeth, 110
costrel, 133

counterpleted, 31

covered, 44

crynkled, 99

cure, 11, 62, 64, 94

dampne, 27

dampned, 96

darke, 47

darketh, 47

darkling, 47

darstow, 75

daunger, 12

daweth, 5

brosten, 69, 117

brotel, 123

brotil, 93

browken, 14

brymme, 119

but, 46, 82, 101, 102, 111, 132

[blocks in formation]

daysyes, 5

dede, 101

dede corps, 50

devyse, 14, 37, 65, 70, 75, 132

deyntee, 14, 52

did, 124, 135

dighte, 55

disjoynte, 82

dirke, 47

dome, 132

disteyne, 18, 19

doo, 64

doon, 97, 102

doone, 135

dooth, 17, 30, 40, 68

dostow, 23

doubte, 82
drede, 30

dredful, 9, 46
drenched, 106

[blocks in formation]
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