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ART. I.-1. The Administration of the Marquis of Lansdowne as
Viceroy and Governor-General of India, 1888-94. By
George W. Forrest, M.A. Calcutta: 1894.
2. Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress
and Condition of India during the Year 1891-92
and the Nine Preceding Years.
3. Statement exhibiting the Moral and Material Progress
and Condition of India during the Year 1892-93.
4. Correspondence respecting the Affairs of Siam.
No. 1. August 1894,
II.-1. The Shaving of Shagpat: an Arabian Entertain-
2. The Ordeal of Richard Feverel; 3. Diana of the Cross-
ways; 4. Lord Ormont and his Aminta; and many
other novels, .
III.-State Papers relating to the Defeat of the Spanish
Armada, anno 1588. Edited by John Knox
Laughton, M.A., R.N. Printed for the Navy Records
Society, 2 vols. London: 1894, .
IV. 1. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research.
Part XXVI. Vol. X. London: 1894.
2. Apparitions and Thought-Transference: an Exami-
nation of the Evidence for Telepathy. By Frank
Podmore, M.A. The Contemporary Science Series.
London: 1894.
3. Cock Lane and Common Sense. By Andrew Lang.
4. Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft, addressed to
J. G. Lockhart, Esq. By Sir Walter Scott, Bart.
London: 1831.
5. Report of Dr. Benjamin Franklin and other Commis-
sioners charged by the King of France with the
Examination of Animal Magnetism as now practised
at Paris. Translated from the French.
. 1
6. A True Relation of Dr. Dee's Actions with Spirits.
With a Preface by Meric Casaubon, D.D. London :
V.-History of Cabinets: from the Union with Scotland to
the Acquisition of Canada and Bengal. By W. M.
Torrens. In 2 vols. London : 1894,
VI.-1. History of the Commonwealth and Protectorate,
1649-1660. By Samuel Rawson Gardiner, M.A.
Vol. I. 1649-1651. London: 1894.
2. The Memoirs of Edward Ludlow, Lieutenant-General
in the Horse in the Army of the Commonwealth of
England, 1625-1672. Edited, with Appendices of
Letters and illustrative Documents, by C. II. Firth,
M.A. In 2 vols. Oxford: 1894.
3. Oliver Cromwell. By Samuel Hasden Church. 8vo.
New York: 1894, .
VII.-Life and Letters of Erasmus. Lectures delivered at
Oxford, 1893-4. By J. A. Froude, Regius Professor
of Modern History. London: 1894,
VIII-1. The Church in the Roman Empire. By W. M.
Ramsay. London: 1893.
2. Inscriptions Grecques et Latines de la Syrie. By
W. H. Waddington. Paris: 1870.
3. Epigraphes Hébraïques et Grecques. By M. Ch.
Clermont Ganneau. Revue Archéologique, May,
June, 1882,
IX.-1. Speech of the Right Hon. the Earl of Rosebery at
Bradford, on October 27, 1894. 'The Times.'
2. Speech of the Right Hon. the Earl of Rosebery at
Glasgow, on November 14, 1894. The Times.'
3. Speech of the Right Hon. the Earl of Rosebery at
Devonport, on December 11, 1891. The Times.'
4. Speech of the Duke of Devonshire at Barnstaple, on
November 26, 1894. The Times,'
ART. I.-1. Proceedings and Transactions of the Royal Society of
Canada. Vols. i.-xi. Montreal: 1892-1894.
2. The History of Canada. By W. Kingsford, LL.D.,
F.R.S.C. 7 vols. Toronto and London: 1887-1894.
3. Parliamentary Procedure and Practice, with a Review
of the Origin, Growth, and Operation of Parlia-
mentary Institutions in Canada. By J. G. Bourinot,
C.M.G., D.C.L. Second Edition. Montreal: 1892.
4. Proceedings of the Colonial Conference, held at
Ottawa, Canada, from June 28 to July 9, 1894.
Ottawa: 1894,
II.-1. Luoghi degli Autori citati da Dante nel Convito.
By Pietro Mazzuchelli. Padua: 1827.
2. Nuova Centuria di Correzioni al Convito. By Dr.
Carl Witte. Leipzig: 1854.
3. Loci Auctorum in Libris de Monarchia. By Dr.
Carl Witte. Vienna: 1874.
4. Dante's classische Studien.
Neue Jahrbücher für
Philologie.' By Dr. Schück. 1865.
5. Dante e Ovidio: Studio. By Gioachimo Szombathely.
Trieste 1887-8,
III.-A Memoir of Mrs. Augustus Craven (Pauline de la
Ferronays). By Maria Catherine Bishop. 2 vols.
8vo. London: 1894,
IV. 1. Somerset: Highways, Byways, and Waterways.
Written and Illustrated by C. R. B. Barrett. London:
2. Historical and Topographical Collections relating to
the Early History of Parts of South Somerset. By
John Batten, F.S.A. 8vo. Yeovil: 1894,
V.-1. Politische Correspondenz Friedrichs des Grossen.
Berlin 1879-94 Bd. I.-XXI. (In course of pub-
2. Die Kriege Friedrichs des Grossen. Theil I. Bd. I.-III.
Berlin 1890-93. ()
(In course of publication.)
. 253
. 315
3. König Friedrich der Grosse. Von Reinhold Koser.
Bd. I. Stuttgart: 1893. (In course of publication.) 373