Enter Lucius. Bru. Lucius, my Gown; farewel, good Meffala, Caf. O my dear Brother! This was an ill beginning of the Night, Enter Lucius with the Gown. Bru. Every thing is well.. Caf. Good Night, my Lord. Bru. Good Night, good Brother. Tit. Meffa. Good Night, Lord Brutus ! Bru. Farewel, every one. Give me the Gown. Where is thy Inftrument? Bru. What, thou fpeakeft drow fily? Poor Knave, I blame thee not, thou art o'er-watch'd. I'll have them fleep on Cushions in my Tent. Luc. Varro and Claudius. Enter Varro and Claudius. Var. Calls my Lord? Bru. I pray you, Sirs, lye in my Tent, and fleep, It may be, I fhall raife you by and by, On Business to my Brother Caffius. [Exeunt. Var. So please you, we will ftand, and watch your Pleasure. Bru. I will not have it fo; lye down, good Sirs, It may be I shall otherwife bethink mc. Look Lucius, here's the Book I fought for fo; I put it in the Pocket of my Gown. Luc. I was fure your Lordship did not give it me. Bru. It does, my Boy; I trouble thee too much, but thou art willing, Bru. I fhould not urge thy Duty paft thy Might, I know young Bloods look for a time of Reft. Bru. It was well done, and thou shalt asleep again; I will be good to thee. This is a fleepy Tune [Mufick and a Song. O murderous flumber! Lay'ft thou thy Leaden Mace upon my Boy, I will not do thee fo much wrong to wake thee. [He fits down to read. Enter the Ghost of Cælar. How ill this Taper burns! Ha! Who comes here? It comes upon me; Art thou any thing? Ghost. Thy evil Spirit, Brutus. Bru. Why com'ft thou? Ghost. To tell thee thou shalt fee me at Philippi. Bru. Why, I will fee thee at Philippi then; Luc. The ftrings, my Lord, are falfe. Bru. He thinks he is ftill at his Inftrument. Lucias! awake. Luc. My Lord! [Exit Ghoft. Bru. Didft thou dream, Lucius, that thou fo criedst out? Luc. My Lord, I do not know that I did cry. Bru. Bru. Yes, that thou didst; didft thou fee any thing? Bru. Sleep again, Lucius; Sirrah, Claudius, Fellow! Var. My Lord! Clau. My Lord! Bru. Why did you fo cry out, Sirs, in your fleep? Bru. Ay, faw you any thing. Var, No, my Lord, I faw nothing. Clau. Nor I, my Lord? Bru. Go, and commend me to my Brother Caffius; Bid him fet on his Powers betimes before, And we will follow. Both. It shall be done, my Lord. [Exeunt. A CT V. SCENE I. SCENE the Fields of Philippi, with the two Camps. Enter Octavius, Antony, and their Army. N OW, Antony, our hopes are anfwered, Ant. Tut I am in their Bofoms, and I know Enter a Messenger. Mef. Prepare you Generals, P 4 Their Their bloody Sign of Battel is hung out, [March. Drum. Enter Brutus, Caffius, and their Army. Bru. They ftand, and would have Parley. Caf. Stand faft, Titinius, we muft out and talk. Olta. Mark Antony, fhall we give fign of Battel? Ant. No, Cafar, we will answer on their Charge. Make forth, the Generals would have fome Words. Octa. Stir not until the Signal. Bru. Words before Blows: is it fo, Countrymen? Octa. Not that we love Words better, as you do. Bru. Good Words are better than bad Strokes, Octavius. Ant. In your bad Strokes, Brutus, you give good Words. Witness the hole you made in Cafar's Heart, Crying, Long live, hail Cafar. Caf. Antony, The pofture of your Blows are yet unknown; Ant. Not ftringless too. Bru. O yes, and foundless too; For you have ftoln their buzzing, Antony, And very wifely threat before you fting. Ant. Villains! you did not fe, when your vile Daggers Hack'd one another in the fides of Cafar. You fhew'd your Teeth like Apes, and fawn'd like Hounds, And bow'd like Bond-men, kiffing Cafar's Feet; Whilft damned Caska, like a Cur, behind Struck Cafar on the Neck. O you Flatterers! If Caffius might have rul'd. Ota. Come, come, the Caufe. If arguing make us fweat, The proof of it will turn to redder Drops. Behold, I draw a Sword againft Confpirators, When When think you that the Sword goes up again? Have added Slaughter to the Sword of Traitors. Oct. So I hope; I was not born to dye on Brutus Sword. Bru. O if thou wert the nobleft of thy ftrain, Young Man, thou couldst not dye more Honourable. Caf. A peevish School-boy, worthlefs of fuch Honour, Join'd with a Masker and a Reveller. Ant. Old Caffius ftill. Ot. Come, Antony, away; Defiance, Traitors, hurl we in your Teeth, you dare fight to day, come to the Field, If If not, when you have Stomachs. [Exit Octavius, Antony, and Arm). Caf. Why now blow Wind, fwell Billow, and fwim Bark: The Storm is up, and all is on the Hazard. Bru. Ho, Lucilius, Luc. My Lord. Caf. Meffala. -hark a word with you. [Lucilius and Meffala ftand forth. [Brutus Speaks apart to Lucilius. Mef. What fays my General? Caf. Meffala, this is my Birth-Day; as this very Day Was Caffius born. Give me thy Hand, Meffala; Be thou my Witnefs, that against my will, As Pompey was, am I compell'd to fet Upon one Battel all our Liberties. This Morning are they fled away, and gone, And in their fteads, do Ravens, Crows and Kites, As |