Tim. Ladies, there is an idle Banquet attends you. Please you to difpofe your felves. All. La. Moft thankfully, my Lord. Tim. Flavius. Flav. My Lord. Tim. The little Casket bring me hither. Flav. Yes, my Lord. More Jewels yet? There is no croffing him in's humour, Elfe I fhould tell him-well-i'faith I fhould, That Man might ne'er be wretched for his Mind. Ser. Here, my Lord, in readiness. Lucul. Our Horfes. Tim. O my good Friends! [Exeunt. I have one word to fay to you: Look you, my good Lord, I must entreat you, honour me fo much, As to advance this Jewel, accept, and wear it, Kind my Lord. Luc. I am fo far already in your Gifts. All. So are we all. [Exe. Lucius and Lucullus. Enter a Servant. Serv. My Lord, there are certain Nobles of the Senate newly alighted, and come to vifit you. Tim. They are fairly welcome. Enter Flavius. Flav. I beseech your Honour, vouchfafe me a word, it does concern you near. Tim. Near! Why then another time I'll hear thee. Enter another Servant. 2 Serv. May it please your Honour, Lord Lucius, Out of his free Love, hath prefented to you Four Milk-white Horfes trapt in Silver. Tim. I fhall accept them fairly: Let the Prefents Be worthily entertain'd. Enter a third Servant. How now? What News? 3 Ser. Please you, my Lord, that honourable Gentleman, Lord Lucullus, entreats your company to morrow, to hunt with him, and h'as fent your Honour two brace of Grey-hounds. Tim. I'll hunt with him; And let them be received, not without fair Reward. Flav. What will this come to? He commands us to provide, and give great Gifts, and all out of an empty Coffer; Nor will he know his Purfe, or yield me this, To fhew him what a Beggar his Heart is; Being of no Power to make his Wishes good, His Promifes fly fo beyond his State, That what he fpeaks is all in debt, owes for ev'ry word: His Land's put to their Books. Well, would I were Tim. You do your felves much wrong, 1 1 Lord. With more than common thanks I will receive it. 3 Lord. O ha's the very Soul of Bounty. [Exit. Tim. And now I remember, my Lord, you gave good words the other day of a Bay Courfer I rode on. 'Tis yours, because you lik'd it. 2 Lord. Oh, I beseech you, pardon me, my Lord, in that. Tim. You may take my word, my Lord: I know no Man can juftly praife, but what he does affect. I weigh my Friends affection with my own? I'll tell you true, I'll call to you. All Lords. O none fo welcome. Tim. I take all, and your several Vifitations H 3 Thou Thou art a Soldier, therefore feldom rich, It comes in Charity to thee; for all thy living Alc. I defie Land, my Lord. 1 Lord. We are fo vertuously bound. Tim. And fo am I to you. 2 Lord. So infinitely endear'd. Tim. All to you. Lights, more Lights, more Light. 3 Lord. The beft of Happinefs, Honour and Fortunes, Keep with you, Lord Timon. Tim. Ready for his Friends. Serving of becks and jutting out of bums? [Exeunt Lords. I doubt whether their Legs be worth the Sums Apem. No, I'll nothing; for if I fhould be brib'd too, there would be none left to rail upon thee, and then thou wouldft Sin the fafter. Thou giv't fo long, Timon, I fear me, thou wilt give away thy felf in Paper fhortly. What need thefe Feafts, Pomps, and Vain-glories? Tim. Nay, and you begin to rail on Society once, I am fworn not to give regard to you. Farewel, and come with better Mufick. [Exit. Apem. S.Thou wilt not hear me now, thou fhalt not then. I'll lock thy Heav'n from thee: Oh that Mens Ears fhould be To Counsel deaf, but not to Flattery. [Exit. ACT ACT II. SCENE I. SCENE A publick Place in the City.. Enter a Senator. to ND late five thoufand: To Varro and to Ifidore Enter Caphis. Cap. Here, Sir, what is your Pleasure? Sen. Get on your Cloak, and hafte you to Lord Timon; Importune him for my Monies, be not ceaft With flight denial; nor then filenc'd, with Commend me to your Master-and the Cap Plays in the right Hand-thus: But tell him, Sirrah, Have fmit my Credit. I love and honour him; H 4 Cap. Enter Flavius, with many Bills in his Hand. Was to be fo unwife, to be fo kind. What shall be done?he will not hear, 'till feel: . Enter Caphis, Ifidore, and Varro. Cap. Good even, Varro; what, you come for Mony? Cap. It is, and yours too, Ifidere? Ifid. It is fo. Cap. Would we were all discharg'd. Cap. Here comes the Lord. Enter Timon, and his Train. Tim. So foon as Dinner's done, we'll forth again, My Alcibiades. With me, what's your will? [They Prefent their Bills. Cap. My Lord, here is a note of certain dues. Cap. Of Athens here: My Lord. Cap. Please it your Lordship, he hath put me off, |