ON SEVERAL OCCASIONS. To which are added, THE TRAGEDIES O F JULIUS CAESAR, and MARCUS BRUTUS. BY JOHN SHEFFIELD, DUKE of BUCKINGHAM. -NEC PHOEBO GRATIOR ULLA EST QUAM SIBI QUAE VARI PRAESCRIPSIT PAGINA NOMEN. VIRG. GLASGOW, PRINTED BY ROBERT AND ANDREW FOULIS M DCC LII. 72 TESTIMONIES O F AUTHORS, Concerning his GRACE, and his WRITINGS. Earl of ROSCOMMON, Efay on Tranflated Verfe. Elay H Repairs fo well our old HORATIAN way. DRYDEN, Abfalom and Achitophel. DRYDEN, Verses to Lord. ROSCOMMON. DRYDEN, Preface to VIRGIL'S AENEIS. "YOUR Effay on Poetry, which was published without a name, and of which I was not honour'd with the confi "dence, I read over and over, with much delight, and as "much inftruction; and, without flattering you, or making "myself more moral than I am, not without fome envy. I was loth to be informed how an Epic Poem fhould be writ"ten, or how a Tragedy fhould be contrived and managed, "in better verse, and with more judgment, than I could teach "others. "I gave the unknown Author his due commendation, I "must confefs: but who can answer for me, and for the rest "of the Poets who heard me read the Poem, whether we "should not have been better pleased, to have seen our own "names at the bottom of the Title-page? Perhaps we com*Efay on Poetry. |