ΟΝ ΤΗΕ DEITY. Wretched mankind! void both of strength and Dextrous at nothing but at doing ill! [skill! In merit humble, in pretenfion high; Among them none, alas! more weak than I; But zealous heat exalts the humblest mind ; Yet fuch the fubjects, various, and fo high! R But on that theme which ev'n the wise abuse, So facred, fo fublime, and so abstruse, Abruptly to break off, wants no excufe. While others vainly strive to know thee more, Wishing that human pow'r were higher rais'd, THE END. } THE TRAGEDY OF JULIUS CAESAR, ALTERED: WITH A PROLOGUE AND CHORUS; BY HIS GRACE JOHN DUKE OF BUCKINGHAM. PROLOGUE TO THE ALTERATION O F JULIUS CAESAR. E to mend SHAKESPEARE! or to match his style! 'Tis fuch a jeft, would make a Stoick smile. Too fond of fame, our Poet foars too high; of greatest actions, and of noblest men, |