The Plays and Poems of Shakespeare,: According to the Improved Text of Edmund Malone, Including the Latest Revisions, : with a Life, Glossarial Notes, an Index, and One Hundred and Seventy Illustrations, from Designs by English Artists, Volum 3Henry G. Bohn, 1844 |
Altres edicions - Mostra-ho tot
The Plays and Poems of Shakespeare: According to the Improved Text ..., Volum 3 William Shakespeare Visualització completa - 1851 |
The Plays and Poems of Shakespeare: According to the Improved Text of Edmund ... William Shakespeare Previsualització no disponible - 2015 |
Frases i termes més freqüents
adieu Antonio Armado Athens Bassanio Biron blood bond Boyet casket Costard dear Demetrius dost doth ducats duke Dull Dumain Enter Exeunt Exit eyes fair fair lady fairy father fear flesh fool forsworn gentle give grace Gratiano hath hear heart heaven Helena Hermia Hippolyta Jaquenetta Jessica Kath King l'envoy lady Laun Launcelot lion Longaville look lord Lorenzo love's LOVE'S LABOR'S LOST lovers Lysander madam master MERCHANT OF VENICE MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM mistress moon Moth Nerissa never night o'er oath Oberon PHILOSTRATE play Pompey Portia praise pray thee princess Puck Pyramus Quince ring Rosaline Salan Salar SCENE SHAK Shylock Sir Nath sleep soul speak swear sweet tell Theseus thing Thisby thou art thou hast thou shalt thousand ducats Titania tongue true unto Venice word
Passatges populars
Pàgina 12 - Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of nothing, more than any man in all Venice. His reasons are as two grains of wheat hid in two bushels of chaff : you shall seek all day ere you find them, and when you have them, they are not worth the search.
Pàgina 127 - Making it momentary as a sound, Swift as a shadow, short as any dream, Brief as the lightning in the collied night, That, in a spleen, unfolds both heaven and earth, And ere a man hath power to say, — Behold!
Pàgina 332 - A jest's prosperity lies in the ear Of him that hears it, never in the tongue Of him that makes it...
Pàgina 105 - The crow doth sing as sweetly as the lark When neither is attended, and I think The nightingale, if she should sing by day, When every goose is cackling, would be thought No better a musician than the wren.
Pàgina 126 - Ah me! for aught that ever I could read. Could ever hear by tale or history, The course of true love never did run smooth: But, either it was different in blood; Her.
Pàgina 333 - Tu-whit, tu-who ! a merry note, While greasy Joan doth keel the pot. When all aloud the wind doth blow, And coughing drowns the parson's saw, And birds sit brooding in the snow, And Marian's nose looks red and raw, When roasted...
Pàgina 101 - The moon shines bright : — In such a night as this, When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees, And they did make no noise ; in such a night, Troilus, methinks, mounted the Trojan walls, And sigh'd his soul toward the Grecian tents, Where Cressid lay that night.
Pàgina 85 - You have among you many a purchased slave, Which, like your asses and your dogs and mules, You use in abject and in slavish parts, Because you bought them: shall I say to you, Let them be free, marry them to your heirs?
Pàgina 220 - Save base authority from others' books. • These earthly godfathers of heaven's lights, That give a name to every fixed star, Have no more profit of their shining nights, Than those that walk, and wot not what they are.
Pàgina 208 - Whilst the heavy ploughman snores, All with weary task fordone. Now the wasted brands do glow, Whilst the screech-owl, screeching loud, Puts the wretch that lies in woe In remembrance of a shroud. Now it is the time of night ' That the graves, all gaping wide, Every one lets forth his sprite, In the church-way paths to glide...