Vexation. Surprise. Question. Information ation. to the size of your middling porpus. As for me, an I were to be drown'd, I suppose there is ne'er a whale of them all, that would not be out of countenance at the sight of me.-Bardolph-is the sack brew'd? To him enter FORD. Ford. Bless you, Sir. Falst. Now, Master Brook. You come to know what has passed between me and Ford's wife. Ford. That is indeed my business, Sir John. Falst. Master Brook, I will not lie to you. I was at her house at the hour she appointed me. Ford. And you sped, Sir. Falst. Very ill-favouredly, Master Brook. Ford. How, Sir, did she change her mind? Falst. No, Master Brook. But the mischievous old cuckold, her husband, Master Brook, dwelling in a continual alarm of jealousy, comes provoked and instigated by his distemper, and at his heels a whole rabble of people to search the house for his wife's lover. Ford. What! While you were there? Falst. Master Brook, you shall hear. As with Vex- good luck would have it, comes in one Mrs. Page, gives intelligence of Ford's approach; and by her invention, and Ford's wife's direction, I was conveyed into a buck-basket. Ford. A buck-basket? Wonder. Vexation. brance. Falst. Yea, a buck-basket; rammed in with Remem- foul shirts and smocks, sweaty socks, dirty handkerchiefs, greasy night caps, and infant's clouts fresh from their stinking tails; that, Master Brook, there was as great a variety of villainous smells, as there was of living things in Noah's ark. There I suffered the pangs of three unnatural deaths. First, the intolerable fear of being detected by a jealous old bell-weather; next, to be coil'd up like an overgrown snake in a dung-hill, roll'd round within the circumference of a peck, hilt to point, heel to head; thirdly and lastly, Master Brook, to be stopt in, like a strong distillation, with stinking cloathes that fermented in their own grease. Think of that Master Brook, a man of my body; that am as liable to melt as a lump of Epping butter exposed to the sun-beams on the twentieth of June at noon-day. Think of that, Master Brook, and that, while I was in the midst of this high salivation, from which that I escaped without suffocation, is neither more nor less than a miracle; while I was in the height of this hot bath, I say, with my very bones melted almost to the consistency of calves foot jelly, to be flung into the Thames, cool'd, glowing hot as I was, case-hardened at once; think of that, Master Brook; hissing hot; think of that Master Brook. XXXIV. VARIOUS CHARACTERS. From Mr Pope's MORAL ESSAYS. (Epift I.) TIS from high life high characters are drawn, A saint in crape is twice a saint in lawn. thing. 'Tis education forms the common mind; Just as the twig is bent, the tree's inclin'd. (1) Boastful and rough, your first son is a 'squire; (1) Though these lines contain descriptions, or characters, they may be expressed with action, almost as if they were speeches. This firft line, "Boastful and rough," &c. may be fpoken with the action of Brafting. See Boasting in the Effay, page 27. The next with that of tempting. See Tempting, page 30. The foldier's character Sneer, or Teaching. Smooth. The next a tradesman, meek, and much a liar 5 Tom struts a soldier, open, bold and brave; Sneering. Will sneaks a scriv'ner, an exceeding knave. Strut. Pride. Is he a churchman? Then he's fond of pow'r ; * Formal. A Quaker 2* sly. A Presbyterian ?† sour; + Peevish. A smart free-thinker? All things in an hourTeaching. Manners with fortunes, humours turn with climes, Tenets with books, and principles with times. Search then the ruling passion; There alone The wild are constant, and the cunning known. This clue once found unravels all the rest; The prospect clears, and Wharton stands confest; *Contempt Wharton! the scorn, and wonder, † of our † Admirat. days, Whose ruling passion was the lust of praise. Fagerness. Women and fools, must like him or he dies, Shall parts so various aim at nothing new? A salmon's belly, Helluo, (1) was thy fate, (2) 56 jowl."(3) Odious! in woolen! 'Twould a saint provoke." may be rep efented by the arms a-kimbo, the lips pouting out, and a blustering manner of reading the line. The scrivener's, with the eyes turn'd afquint, a low voice, and the action of shame. See shame, page 21. The Quaker's, with the words spoken through the nose, and the appearance of affectation of piety. See affectatiom, page 27. (1) English readers may not, perhaps, know, that Helluo fignifies Glutton. (2) That is, a furfeit of fresh salmon was thy death. (3) The glutton will indulge appetite (so indeed will every habitual offender in every kind) in spite of all consequences. (Where the last words that poor Narcissa spoke) "No, let a charming chintz, and Brussels lace, Wrap these cold limbs, and shade this lifeless face, One need not, sure, be ugly though one's dead; And-Betty-give this cheek-a little-red." The courtier smooth, who forty years had shin'd An humble servant to all human kind. Just brought out this, when scarce his tongue "If could stir; where I'm going I could serve you Civil, with Sir." "I give and I devise." (old Euclio said, And sigh'd) “ my lands and tenements to Ned." "Your money, Sir"-" My money, Sir! What-all? Weaknefs. Grief Why-if I must" -(then wept)-" I give it Weeping. Paul." "The manor, Sir? "-" The manor-Hold-" (he cry'd) "I cannot-must not part with that"-and dy'd, Weakness. And you, brave Cobham! at your latest breath Dignity. Shall feel your ruling passion strong in death, Such in that moment, as in all the past, "O save my country, Heav'n!"-shall be your last. XXXV. RECONCILIATION. The scene between Mr. Bevil and Mr. Myrtle. [Consc. Lov.] Bev. SIR, I am extremely obliged to you for this honour. Myrt. The time, the place, our long acquaintance, and many other circumstances, which affect me on this occasion oblige me, without ceremony, or conference, to desire, that you will comply with the requst in my letter, of which you have already acknowledged the receipt. L2 Praying. Complaif. Anger. Complaif. Anger. Offence. Bev. Sir, I have received a letter from you in a very unusual style. But, as I am conscious (1) of the integrity of my behaviour with respect to you, and intend that every thing in this matter, shall be your own seeking, I shall understand nothing but what you are pleased to confirm face to face. You are therefore to take it for granted that I have forgot the contents of your epistle. Myrt. Your cool behaviour, Mr. Bevil, is agreeable to the unworthy use, you have made of my simplicity and frankness to you. And I see, your moderation tends to your own advantage, not mine; to your own safety, not to justice for the wrongs you have done your friend. Bev. My own safety! Mr. Myrtle? Myrt. Your own safety, Mr. Bevil. Bev. Mr. Myrtle, there is no disguising any longer, that I understand what you would force Virmnefs. me to. You know my principle upon that point; and you have often heard me express my disapprobation of the savage manner of deciding quarrels, which tyrannical custom has introduced, to the breach of all laws both divine and human. Reproach. Irritating. Myrt. Mr. Bevil, Mr. Bevil! It would be a good first principle, in those, who have so tender a conscience that way, to have as much abhorrence at doing injuries, as [Turns away abruptly.] Bev. As what? Myrt. As fear of answering them. Bev. Mr. Myrtle, I have no fear of answering any injury I have done you, because I have meant you none; for the truth of which I am ready to appeal to any indifferent person, even of Serioufnefs, your own choosing. But I own, I am afraid of doing a wicked action, I mean of shedding your blood, or giving you an opportunity of shedding mine, cold. I am not afraid of you, Mr. Myrtle. Pious Ven- But I own, I am afraid of Him, who gave me Self Vindication. eration. (1)" conscious of the integrity," &c. may be expressed with the right hand taid upon the breaft |