Imatges de pàgina




ACETES, his story, 161, 187.

Acteon, transformed into a stag, 147, 181, 182.

Æneid III. translation of a story in it, 44, &c.

Esculapius, his birth, 129.

Ætna, description of its eruptions, 14, 44.

Aglauros transformed into a statue, 135.

Albula river described, 35,

Augustus, Horace's ode upon his design to rebuild Troy, 107..

Bacchus, his birth, 150.


Barometer, its description in a Latin poem, 427.

Battle of the Pigmies and Cranes, a Latin poem, 429.

Battus transformed into a touch-stone, 134.

Bees, Virgil's description of them, 13, &c.

Berkley's bombardment of the coast of France, 11.

Blenheim battle celebrated, 58, &c.

Boyn battle described, 7, 8.

Burnet (Dr.) a Latin poem on his sacred theory of the earth, 445.

Cadmus's story, 142, 178, &c.


Cecilia, a song for that saint's day, 24.

Calisto, her story, 125.

Campaign, a poem, 51.

Cato, a tragedy, 205. Verses with that play presented to the Princess

of Wales, 289.

Cave of Polyphemus described, 46, &c.

Chaucer's poetry celebrated, 27.

Claudian, the poet, his character, 172, 180.

Clitumnus river described, 34.

Congreve, his skill in poetry, 30.

Coronis, her story, 129.


G g

Cotes, (Digby, Esq.) his verses on the tragedy of Cato, 197.
Cowley's poetry celebrated, 28.

Cranes, battle with the Pigmies, a Latin poem, 429.

Cyclops described, 19, 46.

Cycnus transformed into a swan, 123.


Dormer, his fate at the battle of Blenheim lamented, 59.

Drummer, a comedy, 295.

Dryden, a panegyric on his translation of the Latin poets, 1, 2.


Earth, its sacred theory by Dr. Burnet, a Latin poem on it, 445.
Echo's transformation, 154, 183.

Envy described, 137.

Epilogue to the British Enchanters, 106.

to the tragedy of Cato, 207.

to the Drummer, 415. ̧

Eridamus river described, 35.

Europa's rape, 139, 177.

Eusden (Laurence, Esq.) his verses on the tragedy of Cato, 193, &c.


Garth, (Dr.) his epilogue to the tragedy of Cato, 207.

George I. verses to Sir Godfrey Kneller on his picture of that king, 291.


Hallifax (Lord) letter to him from Italy, 33.

Hannes (Dr.) a Latin copy of verses to him, 440.

Hermaphroditus's story, 166.

Hughes (John, Esq.) his verses on the tragedy of Cato, 191.


Immortality of the soul, Cato's soliloquy on it, 278.

Just man, his security, 107.


Kneller (Sir Godfrey) verses to him on his picture of George I. 291.


Laomedon, a reflection on his falsehood and tyranny, 108.

Lewis XIV. his ambition and cruelty, 10.

Liberty, its charms, 41.


Mariners transformed to dolphins, 161.

Marlborough (Duke) description of his march to Germany, 52, &c.-
His interview with Prince Eugene, 53. His return to the Nether-
lands, 62.

Mary (K. William's queen) her death lamented, 12.

Milton, his poetry celebrated, 28. His style imitated, 44.
Mincio river described, 35.

Montague's poetry celebrated, 30.

Music, its charms, 25, 26.

Namur, siege of it described, 9.

Nar river described, 35.

Narcissus's story, 155, 185.


Nassau, a panegyric on that family, 8.

Navy of K. William III. description of its triumphs, 9, 10.

Nile, description of that river, 119, 176.


Orpheus, the power of his lyre, 32, 106.

Ovid, general character of his Matamorphoses, 178. The loftiness of
his ideas, and a remark on his commentators, 173.
Alexander Ross's notes upon him, ibid.


Pentheus's story, 159, 186. His death, 164.

Phoebus, description of his throne, 113.

Character of

Phaeton's story, 112, 171. His sisters transformed into trees, 122.
Philips (Ambrose, Esq.) his verses on the tragedy of Cato, 200.

Poets, English, a poem on the chief of them, 27.

Polyphemus and his cave described, 46, &c.

Pope (Alexander, Esq.) his prologue to Cato, 201.

Prologues: to the Tender Husband, 105. To the tragedy of Cato, 201.

To the Drummer, 229.

Puppet-show, a Latin poem, 442.

Pigmies battle with the Cranes, a Latin poem, 429.


Queen Carolina, verses presented to her (when Princess of Wales)
with the tragedy of Cato, 289.

Rape of Europa, 139, 177.


Raphael, his art of painting, 39.

Resurrection, a Latin poem, 434.

Reswic, a Latin poem on the peace concluded there, 421.

Rosamond, an opera, 71. Copy of verses to the author, 67.

Roscommon (Lord) his poetry celebrated, 30.

Ross (Alexander) character of his notes upon Ovid, 173.
Russel (Admiral) his bravery, 11.

Salmacis, her story, 166.


Schellemberg battle celebrated, 54.

Semele, her story, 150, 182.

Somers (Lord Keeper) a poem to him, with one upon King William, 5.
Soul, Cato's soliloquy on its immortality, 278.

Spenser's poetry celebrated, 27.

Sphæristerium, a Latin poem, 438.

Statius, his character, 172.

Steele, (Sir Richard) his verses on the tragedy of Cato, 191,
Sun, description of its palace, 112.


Tallard, his misfortune deplored, 60.

Tiber river described, 36.

Tickell (Thomas, Esq.) his verses on the tragedy of Cato, 196.
Tiresias's transformation, 153.

Troy, Horace's ode upon Augustus's design to rebuild it, 107.

Waller's poetry celebrated, 29.


William III. (King) a poem to his majesty, 7.

Wit, Mr. Locke's account of it, 183.


Young (Dr.) his verses on the tragedy of Cato, 192.

J. Swan, Printer,
Angel Street, London.


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