Imatges de pàgina

and arts, as a special preparation for home life, were introduced and made co-ordinate in importance with the work in agriculture, mechanic arts, commerce, general science, and engineering.

In spite of this long and sympathetic outlook upon the right kind of education for women, the people of Utah have been slow to move away from the old notions. In the Agricultural College and the other schools offering special work for women, the domestic science and arts work languished for many years. The people were not trained to a proper conception of its value. About the year 1900, those in charge of the State Farmers' Institutes, under the direction of the Agricultural College, decided to include lectures on domestic science and arts. In the beginning scarcely a handful of women attended the lectures. Then an awakening came, until the domestic science lectures and schools are now usually crowded to overflowing. Over twelve

thousand women gathered to take part in these discussions last year. This year two-thirds of this number passed through the special institute car carrying exhibits of woman's work, as it passed through the settlements of the State. Women are beginning to understand that house work has received the caress of science and has been made beautiful. It is no more simple drudgery, but a glorious conquest for the welfare of new generations; and in truth it contains no more drudgery than other professions. The pioneer women who have made this State are frequent visitors to these gatherings throughout the State, and while homework to them had been labor, most exacting and often bitter, they have rejoiced to see it exalted to a new and great dignity. No doubt they have often felt a touch of sorrow that this new light had not come to them in their youth, but they wept with joy, that their children and children's children should inherit the new light. Bless


A view in the Institute car. Over 12000 housewives of the State visited and received instruction from this traveling laboratory.

ed be the eager minded, eager hoping women of our State who have looked for and accepted every new and good thing for the unlifting of their kind.

Of late, education for homemaking has risen to great dignity and importance in the State of Utah. At the Agricultural College where the State work in this subject is being done, there are now hundreds of girls as against a handful a few years ago, the last State Legislature, realizing the importance of the new movement, authorized the establishment of the most complete and best equipped college for the teaching of homemaking in the West. A building of five floors will be devoted entirely to this work. It will be equipped in a modern way for all branches of cooking, sewing, dressmaking, millinery, home sanitation, home art, home construction, nursing and all the other subjects that belong to a woman's course of education for homemaking.

Lecture rooms, laboratories, rest rooms, etc., are being provided; also private baths and lockers; an automatic electric elevator, and other modern conveniences. It is a thing to be proud of, that Utah among these Western states is leading out in this direction. HowHowever, it is only in harmony with


spirit of the founders of the


who has studied and taught with marked success in some of the greatest universities of America. The faculty is so large that individual attention can be given each student. A rigid, but not frigid discipline will be insisted upon. The women who are trained in such a school must be more than intellectually prepared for life—morally they must also have the right outlook upon life. The highest possible ideals of right living will be held before the students continually. Members of the faculty themselves have been chosen very largely because of the admirable moral qualities they possess in addition to their mental training. The purpose of the school is to elevate the womanhood of the State.

The instructing force of the School of Domestic Science of the Agricultural College has also been. enlarged for next year. At the opening of the school year on September 14th, when the woman's building will be ready for occupancy, nine members of the Faculty will be ready to devote their whole time to the special work in home economics. A director of the work has been employed, a lady of rare character and high training and ability,

Domestic science and arts is being introduced in the grade and high schools of the State; the State Normal School, connected with the University of Utah, is also giving elementary courses in the subjects suitable for the work given in the elementary schools. The teaching force in homemaking for the State must, however, for sometime to come, be drawn from the graduates of the Agricultural College who have been placed under the excellent college environment there existing for the special study of homemaking. Teachers of home economics are called for far in advance of the present supply. More are demanded. Moreover, the kind of

work that such a course offers can be applied in positions connected with hospital service, restaurant and catering work, home decoration, professional dressmaking and millinery, and numerous other lines of endeavor suitable for women. Not only does a college course in home economics train for the duties resting upon the mistress of the home; it furnishes many opportunities for

the making of an independent livelihood. Domestic service, itself, despised as it is, if rendered under an intelligent mistress is more desirable and fitting for the unmarried woman, however well she may be educated, than most of the unnatural pursuits by which she now frequently makes her living. The better trained women are for domestic service the better paid will they be and the more will they enjoy their work. A course of education

in home economics properly given, whether at the Agricultural College or elsewhere, rests upon good and thorough courses in the sciences, arts, literature, and the other basic subjects of education. The beautiful things of life, pictures, music, and arts in general are not

excluded. The big feature of such an education is that the students are taught how the revelations of science and the great thoughts of the day may be applied to make the home a happier and healthier place.

It should be our anxious pleasure to give our girls a modern education which will direct them toward home life, while opening their minds to the wonderful revelations of present-day science, literature, music, and art, and which will at the same

time make them able whenever necessary to earn their own honest livelihood in some branch of endeavor befitting woman in consideration of her physical constitution and the God given destiny that awaits her.


The laboratories are crowded with enthusiastic workers.

Scene in Old Quarters of Agricultural College.


Conducted by Catherine Hurst.

Address all communications in this department to Question Box,
Room 535 Constitution Building.

A lady clerks in a store and re-
ceives $10.00 per week.
She pays
$5.00 for board and $1.00 for tithing,
leaving her $4.00 per week.

Another lady does house work and gets her board and $7.00 per week. She pays 70 cents tithing. Which is paying an honest tithing? Should


pay tithing on her board and the other not?-Mary.

Tithing should be paid on one's income. The girl who works for $7.00 per week and her board, has an income of $7.00 per week plus the board which should have an estimated value and tithing paid on that income. Let each pay her tithing as she feels to be right.

In reply to M. M. S. (1) We do not know. (2) Yes. (3) Gen. 4: 1617. Read carefully and you will understand. (4) That is not known as yet. (5) Will be determined later in the history of the Church.

When a young lady is engaged is it Proper to accept presents from a young man.-Blossom.


Generally no; at least they should. very few.

In reply to "Monta" would call your attention to the answer given "Violet" in the March Journal; also reply to R. D. in June Journal. You are rather young, my dear girl, to be quite sure" of such an important matter.

Is it immodest to dance the Barn dance?-A. G.

No. Like many other dances it is quite pretty when danced properly and modestly.

To "Cecelia T." My dear little girl you are entirely too young for any such flirtations. By all means return the ring. Try and interest yourself by reading good books, assist


ing your mother with the house work,
etc. Enjoy yourself with your girl
friends in a girlish, modest way for
several years yet. Make your moth-
er a confidant and companion.
will put her arms around you and
lovingly advise you. At your tender
age girls are very susceptible to in-
fluences, either good or bad.

Should a young lady allow a young man to accompany her home from a dance when she goes to the dance alone? If not how should she excuse herself? Margaret H.

If the young man is quite respectable and you are sure your parents would not object to him walking home with you, there would be no special reason why you could not accept. If, however, you do not wish his company you should be very tactful in refusing kindly, or say that you have company, and then ask some friends to see you home.

Please give me the name, author, and publisher of the best reference work for home and school consisting of two or three volumes.-A .C.

Young Folks Cyclopaedia (four vols.) published by Henry Holt and Co., Phil., Pa.

[blocks in formation]



Amy Carroll.

In ages past, a lustrous star
Arose to light Judea's plain;
It shone in mighty splendor forth,

For such would be our Savior's reign.
Its light betokened "peace on earth,"
It led the wise men from afar;
All hail the joy it brought to men!

All hail to Bethlehem's radiant star!

But now another star appears,

To light the hearts of men anew; It beams among its sister stars,

In freedom's flag-red, white, and blue.

Its glorious rays shed light afar,

It soothes the sighing western winds,

It beams unon the mountain tops

'Tis Utah-fairest star that shines.

In Freedom's constellation bright
'Twas set aloft by sturdy hands
That knew the law of sacrifice,

Which firm united noble bands
Who fought their way o'er prairies wild,
To gain a place of peace and rest,
Who traveled till they found a home
In Utah-Queen of all the West.

They plowed the sage-brush of the plain, And planted fruits and fields of corn And lo! in Poverty's rude hut

The western commonwealth was born.

It flourished in the mountain tops,

And grew in power with coming years, And now, amid applause of men,

Lo, Utah's statehood star appears.

Long may it shine through coming years To cheer the wanderer's weary tread, And lead the way to libertv

To God, to light and truth ahead. Long live brave men and women fair, Whose strength and courage never 1. ; All cheer the noble hearts who placed

Fair Utah's star in Freedom's flag.

« AnteriorContinua »