Imatges de pàgina

For (and mark this) we are not able to give you any eviden ces of faith, or any other grace by way of abstraction, but by way of exiftence, (that is) not what may discover faith in a notional and the moft fingularly conceivable profeffion of it; but fuch teftimonies you have to discover faith, as faith is now abiding in finful perfons, who though they may have true faith, yet as long as they live in earth, will have many things in them contrary to faith.

There is a double contrariety to faith.

One is natural, and this more or leffe will be in the foul of any beleeving perfon, tell you can utterly raise the heart, and eject finne by the alteration of glory: So long as we have fe and fpirit, there will be a conflicting 'twist faith and unbelief. As there was a mixture of joy and forrow at the erecting. of the Temple.

Another is approved when a man neither doth, nor will beleeve, he neither doth accept of Chrift, nor will he have Chrift to reigne over him, and he likes his unbeleeving condition, this is a fearful eftate: But though the contraries to faith do arise, yet if they be not approved, yet if they be refifted, we must not conclude that we have no faith, because of the oppofition, but rather fure our felves that we have it, because of the refiftance of that oppofition. We must not conclude against faith, becaufe of oppofition inward or outward.

This inequality of acts conclude not an abfence of the habit: of faith. Diftinguish of,

1.Radical habits.


2. Actual exercifings, which are, fometimes more, fome.. times leffe, fometimes clear, fometimes interrupted, fometimes the foul is free, fometimes oppreffed, and violently carried by temptation to misjudge the condition.

The cenfure of our faith must not be allowed, as is given in the time of our temptation and paffion, &c. I said in my haste, Pfalme 1 16.

Obj. Eut you will fay, we grant all this; But how may a man know that his faith in Jefus Chrift is a true and lively faith. Sol. I antwer.


A double con


4. Things.





Irft, A true love of Christ is an infallible and effential evidence of a true faith in Chrift.


There are foure things which will clear this as a lively teftimony of true faith: If we can prove,

First, that love is not feparated from faith.

Secondly, that there is no beleever in any degrees of faith, but he hath a love of Chrift.

Thirdly, That there is no time, or circumftance into which the beleeving foul is caft, but ftill he loves Christ.

Fourthly, that no unbeleeving heart can,and doth love Chrift; Ifay, if we can prove these foure conclufions, then it will be moft evident and certaine, that the love of Chrift is an infal lible Argument or Teftimony of a true faith in Chrift: Thus then,

1. Love is not feparated from faith, If you perufe the Scripture, you fhall finde them go hand in hand. Gal. 5.6. For in Jefus Chrift neither circumciffion availeth any thing, nor uncircumcifion,but faith which works by love, (that is) Chrift is not mine, because I am a Jew; nor is he mine,because I am a Gentile; but he is mine, because I ama Beleever, and if my Faith in him be true, it will expreffe it felf by love. 1 Thef: 1. 3. Your work of faith, and labour of love in our Lord fefus Chrift; Faith and love are like a warm hand; faith is the hand, and love is the warmth in it; faith cannot be the hand to take Christ, but love will be the warmth to heat our affections unto Chrift. 1 Tim. 1.14. The grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith andlove which is in Ghrift fefus. Faith and love are like the husband and the wife, and faith and love are like the mother and the daughter; See 2 Tim. 1.13. and Phil. 5. And indeed it ftands with unanswerable reason, that faith and love cannot be divided; for as much as faith in Chrift,

First, represents the abfolute and effectual cause of love to Chrift. It doth fee fuch a measure of goodneffe and mercy from God through Christ, and such a height, and depth, and breadth


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of love to us in Christ, and such an excellency of holy perfecti-
ons, and amiableneffe in Christ, which drawes the foul with
ftrong affections of love to Chrift againe.

Secondly, if faith might be without love, then a person in
Chrift might be Anathema-maranatha forafmuch as he who
loves not the Lord Jesus Christ,is, &c. but it is a monstrous
wickedneffe to conceive that a beleever in Chrift should be

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Secondly, there is no believer in any degree of faith, but he bath a love of Chrift. The weak Chriftian as well as the strong, the plant as well as the cedar. The Father of a child who cryed out, I believe,help my unbelief; as well as Abraham the father of the faithful. Though one Chriftian may produce fome teftimonies, which another cannot though every one cannot fay with Paul I am fully perfwaded, yet every one can fay with Peter when Chrift demanded of him, Simon fon of fonas, lovest thou mé? Joh. 21. 17. He said unto him, Lord thou knoweft all things, thou knowest that I Love thee.

Yea, thirdly, whatsoever ftraits the believing foul is caft into
when it is in death, in flames for Chrift, yet it can love Chrift
when it is under the crowd of temptations, when it is in the bit-
ter dayes of defertion. When the Skirmish of reasonings do
prevaile upon the foul fo highly and strongly, that the heart is
ready to conclude against it self, that God looks not on it,
Chrift will not be mine, yet even then however, I love the Lord
Jefus Chrift, I love him,though I can fee no fenfible teftimony of
love from him,my heart is ftill towards him, he is my Center and

No meerly unbelieving perfon can love the Lord Jefus Chrift.
For,what is love? Love (you know) it is the feeling and tranf-~
planting of the heart: It is fuch an affection as knits the foule to
Chrift, but it is impoffible that this fhould be whiles the heart
hath no faith. So then love of Chrift is an infallible teftimony
of faith in Chrift.

But you will fay this is ftrange,that love of Christ should be fo
lively and so distinguishing a cestimony of true faith, why doth
not many a man; yea, every man profeffe that he loves.

Beloved; What men profeffe is one thing, and what they











affect and love may be another thing; the femblance of love is a thing diftinct from the fincere affection of love. If your love be true and fincere, never question the matter any further, affuredly thy faith is right.

But this is the doubt,this is it we queftion as much as the former,whether we truly love Christ or no.

A word to it and fo an end of that triall. If the love be true which is to Chrift. Then

It will bestow our hearts on Christ only: Nothing is too good for him, whom we heartily love: in true love the heart is in him who is loved,and not in him who loves. Anima eft ubi amar, non ubi animat, and which way the heart goes, all fhall go that


It pitches on the person of Chrift. Love is base, if it be 'twixt perion and estate, but pure love is twixt person and perfon: I confeffe that a wicked man, an unbelieving perfon may have a tooth at the portion of Chrift, he may marvelously defire the merits of Chrift, pardon of fin, exemption from hell, but faith is it which drawes out fuch a love, as makes the foul to admire it, and to cleave unto the perfon of Chrift.

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It is fincere and conjugall: It is not an adulterous love, which is divided amongst several Paramours; O no; Prue love of Chrift, knowes no husband but Chrift, and no Lord but Chrift, be is the covering of our eyes.


Second trial of our true faith in Chrift Jefus is this inward

A change and fanifity of the heart, is an infalible teftimony of

a living fasth Divines diftinguish of a common faith and of a
Special faith, and according to their nature so are their effects
a common faith may elevate the minde to fingular apprehenfions,
notable expreffions,outward conformities,in matters either not
difficult or dangerous. But /pecial faith hath a diftinguishing
operation, it works that which no false or pretenfive faith can;
What's that?This is it,it doth change the heart, and is ever a
companion with inward holineffe.


There be three things which I will fhew you about 3. Things, this.

First, that true faith doth produce a change, there is a twofold change, 1. One of the condition, which is, when a man once in the face of death, is now paffed over to the state of life, once in the termes of condemnation, is now tranflated to the ftate of abfolution, and this change faich findes for us in Iefus Chrift, the imputation of whofe righteoufneffe in juftification changeth the ftate, fo that our guilty debts are taken off, and we are reconciled:

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Secondly, which is of the perfon,and this change is the alteration of a mans nature, for faith is not only a juftifying grace, but it is allo a fanctifying grace: Hence thefe phrafes, As.15. 9. parifying their hearts by faith, A&s 26. 18. that they may receive forgivene fe of finnes and inheritance among them which are fanctifi ed by faith that is in Christ. As the blood of Chrift is a pure blood as well as a precious blood, and as it is a clenfing blood, as well as an expiating blood; fo faith is a grace, not only to acquit, but also to purge and renew; It is not onely an entitleing grace, (that is) that grace which doth intereft us into Chrift and his benefits, but it is alfo a conforming grace, (that is ) fuch a grace as works into us the vertues and holy qualities of Chrift. And therefore you read that it doth engraffe us into the fimilitude of his death, Ro.8.and into the fellowship of his fufferings and refurrection, Phil,

3. IC.

Secondly, obferve, that every believer bath a changed and a holy heart, 2 Cor. 5. 17. If any man be in Chriff (and you know that it is faith which unites to Chrift, and plants us into him,) be is a new creature, (that is) that a man is altered in his inward frame, in his faculties, in his inclinations, all o


There is a change, either in the ceffation of fome particular altis ons which an unbeliever may attaine; and there is a change in the newnese of nature when the foul is turned, and biaffed, and enclined quite another way. I confeffe, the Apoftle doth not lay, if any man be in Chrift he is a strong creature, yet he faith he is a new creature, for though every believer hath not that mard rity, and ripeneffe, and ftrength, yet he hath a newne fe in his nature, an holy change wrought in him throughout. Look as




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