Imatges de pàgina

The First Twelve Centuries of British Story

Longmans, Green & Co., 1912. 12s. 6d. net.

"We can recommend this book to teachers and advanced students of our history. . . It takes an independent and thoroughly personal view of the twelve centuries between the Roman invasion and Henry II.'s reign.. His views arrest attention and enforce a reconsideration of received opinions which will be all to the good for any real student." -Athenæum.

The Manufacture of Historical Material

Williams & Norgate, 6s. net.

"Mr. Jeudwine writes with freshness, frankness, and obvious sincerity; he is possessed by many right ideas; he has some real insight as to the task and methods of the historians, and has accumulated a fine store of miscellaneous information.-English Historical Review. "Mr. J. W. Jeudwine gives us a book that shows something of the charm of 'source study. The book will, we think, inspire many students."-Contemporary Review.

Tort, Crime and Police in Medieval Britain

A Review of Some Early Law and Custom. Williams & Norgate. 6s. net. "Some shrewd comparisons are made between the customary law of early times and the law of our own day."-Times.

"Mr. Jeudwine's views are always fresh and suggestive. Readers will not fail to admire the ability, independence and multifarious learning with which his ideas are argued."


"Another unattractive title masks an informative, learned, highly interesting, and sometimes quite entertaining book."-Oxford Chronicle.

The Foundations of Society and the Land

Williams & Norgate. Revised Edition, 7/6 net.

"His writing is always fresh, his outlook independent and sincere, and his insistence on first principles is based on sound knowledge."-Nation.

"The book is a marvel of patient research, bearing the impress of accuracy, stamped on all the work of the author of the Manufacture of Historical Material' and 'Tort, Crime and Police.'"-Aberdeen Journal.

"Looking at this book from the point of view of the practical teacher, its value is that it provides a storehouse of material from which he can dig at will."-Educational Times. "Mr. Jeudwine is a gleaner, and to some purpose, in fields harvested by the regular historian. He never fails to bring back sheaves laden with grain from neglected corners.' -Times.

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"The main points are certainly brought out with sufficient clearness, the statement is usually clear and notes are reduced to minimum, and placed at the end of the chapters. The account of the working of the tribal system in Ireland is probably the most adequate for its purpose at present available."-English Historical Review.

"It is a bold and broad-minded review of the highly articulated developments which have given us so many social problems. This book is crammed with interesting material, is very controversial in parts, and very stimulating, and certainly should be studied by all land reformers to-day."-Contemporary Review.

"It is a perfect mine of information about authorities whose very names are all but unknown to the history schools of the English Universities. It is possible that it may be ranked eventually amongst those books that have marked a real advance in the knowledge of English history."-Times of India.

"If only because it provides a valuable reference to other books it is sure of its place on the bookshelves. But it is more than that. We know of no book that covers the ground Mr. Jeudwine has chosen that covers it so widely and covers it so completely." -Darrell Figgis in Studies.


An Examination of Some Popular Catchwords. P. S. King & Son. 2s.

"He very effectually disposes of a good many pious phrases' for the most part venerable, which are still currently accepted by politicians."-Oxford Chronicle.

"A rare common-sense, a firm grasp of first principles, and a refusal to accept counters for coins are among the first assets of our author."-Liverpool Courier.

Observations in English Criminal Law and

P. S. King & Son, 1920. 2s.

Studies in Empire and Trade

Longmans, Green & Co., 1923. Cheaper issue, 10s. 6d. net,

"Mr. Jeudwine has a fine sense of the romance of his subject. Some of his most spirited chapters relate the conflict between the Dutch, British and French for the control of the East trades, and he ends with an account of medieval and oriental finance."

-Morning Post.

"Mr. Jeudwine has written a book of history which shines out among the sombre works of the conventional historians as a lighthouse beams from a harsh and dangerous shore. One can very seriously recommend this brilliant and original book to anyone who desires to understand the fundamental principles that underlie the history of mankind."-Outlook.

"There is a handy atlas of maps executed by Mr. H. W. Cribb, F.R.G.S., and proper indexes to them, in which the position of the places is given, as it ought to be, by latitude and longitude. Then comes the text, in which we have a survey of medieval adventure, seamanship and trade. An appendix of documents of a more varied character completes the volume-a fascinating side of world history."-The Times Literary Supplement.

"We have come upon few books of late years which are more worthy of the careful attention of Englishmen, and particularly of Englishmen in India, than this portly volume of history... his standpoint is unhackneyed and his grasp of historical continuity both firm and sure."-Times of India.

"There is scarcely a page in the book which does not state the old historical facts in a new (and truer) way... and he has collected a vast number of facts which duller historians have overlooked. This is not a 'sloppy' declaration of new visions and original principles. It is a restatement of the facts of a very important department of history." -New Statesman.

"The story it tells is admirably complete, and the parts are set in true relation to the whole.”—British Trade Review.

"A narrative that is more enthralling than any novel. The book should be read by every student of commercial history."-British Dominions Trade.

"It is impossible within the limits of a review to deal with the packed contents of this fascinating book.”—The Journal of Commerce, Liverpool.

"These studies, giving broad glimpses of early trade development throughout the world, and showing its influence toward the extension of Empire, provide a background against which present-day tendencies may be examined with heightened interest and understanding."-New York Commercial.

"A careful and interesting study of the great European Empires from the earliest times to the present.... The book is a comprehensive and scholarly one, and will prove of value to students of commercial relations, as well as to all who are interested in the birth and development of the great Western Empires."-New York Herald.

"Let our final word be one of praise for the wonderful collection of interesting and instructive facts here brought together and marshalled with no little skill. Invaluable should be its assistance to the young."-Guardian.

"This book is a series of brilliant essays. The author's illuminating passages on the British Empire should be read by every teacher, and every librarian can safely recommend the book to his readers as one extremely interesting and thoroughly informative and reliable."-The Librarian.

"Mr. Jeudwine's is the sort of book the study of which would give that much-needed intellectual background to those who are now called to law-make for the Empire."

J. R. Marriott, M.P., in Sunday Times.



A Record of a Time of Storm

and Change 1683-1793



LL.B., Camb., F.R.Hist.S., of Lincoln's Inn,

"D'autres nations font céder des intérêts de commerce
à des intérêts politiques; celle-ci (l'Angleterre) a toujours
fait céder ses intérêts politiques aux intérêts de son commerce.
C'est le peuple du monde qui a le mieux su se prévaloir à la
fois de ces trois grandes choses, la religion, le commerce, et la
liberté." Montesquieu: “De l'Esprit des Lois." Bk.XX, ch.7.

With Four Maps and Three Indexes






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