Imatges de pàgina

Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits. For He hath not dealt with me according to my sins, nor rewarded me according to my deservings. But the Lord hath been gracious unto me, although I have too often forgotten Him-He hath not turned away His face from me. The Lord hath heard the voice of my prayer; He hath prospered me in all my ways; He hath preserved my life from destruction; He hath crowned me with mercy and loving kindness; He hath brought me out of the land of strange children, and hath made me to hear the voice of joy and gladness among mine own kindred. What reward shall I give unto the Lord for all the benefits that He hath done unto me? I will receive the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord. I will enter the courts of His house with joy; and in the congregation, shall my mouth speak forth the praises of my God. The remembrance of His mercies shall be ever before me, and I will be talking of His loving kindness from day to day. For the Lord is the God of my salvation, the rock in whom I trust; my castle, my deliverer, and my merciful God. Praise thou the Lord, therefore, O my soul; and again I say, praise the Lord. Glory be, &c. &c.

O Lord God, and merciful Father, of whom cometh our salvation, and in whom alone we put our trust; we yield Thee our most humble and unfeigned thanks, for all thy mercies vouchsafed to us from time to time; particularly for the late instance of thy 'goodness in watching over and protecting us, during the course of our journeyings, from all those innumerable accidents and dangers to which we were exposed, and at length bringing us back in health and safety to our native land. Grant, O Lord, that the remembrance of this Thy goodness, may ever remain fresh upon our minds; to the end that we may show forth our gratitude for the same, by serving Thee truly all the days of our life. And as it has been thy good will, O Lord, to bring us again to a land where the light of Thy Gospel shines in its brightest lustre, grant that we may show ourselves not altogether unworthy of so inestimable a benefit, by making such use of the means of grace as may most tend to advance Thy honour and our own salvation. Hear, O Lord, this the imperfect prayer of thine unworthy but grateful servants, for Jesus' sake, to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost, be glory for ever. Amen.

Our Father, &c.
The grace, &c.

No. VI.

Prayer on laying the first Stone of Christ Church, Bath-1795.

O! Thou Almighty! all gracious Sovereign of the Universe! who, of Thy goodness hast disposed the hearts of Thy faithful servants to erect a building-more immediately dedicated to Thy service. Deign, we most humbly beseech Thee, to accompany with Thy blessing the undertaking we have in hand. And that the great object of it may be fully accomplished, grant, O blessed Lord God! that the Gospel of Thy dear Son may never cease to be sounded in this place: and that it may at no time be sounded in vain, vouchsafe, we humbly pray Thee, to the congregation which shall be here assembled, the hearing ear, and the understanding heart; that they may embrace with humble gratitude the saving truths of Thy sacred word; and may also, through the assistance of thy Holy Spirit, be enabled to lead a life in conformity to Thy blessed will; that through the means of grace, faithfully administered in this holy place, they may advance from one degree of spiritual attainment to another; till, in Thy good time, they shall become meet to be partakers with the saints in glory. This imperfect prayer of an unworthy servant, I humbly beseech Thee, O Lord, graciously to accept in the name, and for the sake, &c.

No. XV.

Prayer for the use of the Asylum Pensioners-1810.

O Almighty Lord God, who didst put into the heart of thy servant to erect this building, to Thy honour and for our comfort; grant, we beseech Thee, that we, who by Thy good providence now inhabit it, may at all times have before us, the pious end which he had in view. That being freed from the cares and anxieties of this world, we may so attend to the "one thing needful," that this asylum becoming to us a place of retirement, repentance, and devotion, the time spent in it may, through Thy grace, bring us to a saving acquaintance both with Thee and with ourselves. That when Thou shalt be pleased to call us hence, we may be found in a condition to be admitted, through the merits of a crucified Saviour, into Thy presence in glory. Grant this, O merciful God, for Thy dear Son Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

No. XIX.

Prayer on the Dedicationof the Poor House-1817.

O FATHER of mercies, and God of all comfort, who ordereth all things both in heaven and earth: and hast in Thy wisdom so disposed the different ranks and conditions in life, that all, both high and low, rich and poor, one with another, may best contribute to the promotion of Thy honour, and the well being of society; look down, we beseech Thee, with an eye of favour on this lowly dwelling, dedicated to the more comfortable accommodation of those, whom Thy providence hast ordained to be fed with the bread of poverty, and to have no where to lay their heads. Grant, we pray Thee, to all who may be dwellers in this place, contented minds and religious hearts; that the cross which Thou hast been pleased to lay upon them, may be borne by them with patience and resignation to Thy Divine will; looking forward in humble hope to that better country, where sickness and sorrow, poverty and distress shall be no more; but where all, poor not less than rich, who in this their state of trial, have through grace served Thee as Thou oughtest to be served, shall find in Thee a Father, whose mercy is over all his works; and in thy dear Son a Redeemer, who will save to the uttermost all who shall through faith be found in Him. This imperfect prayer offered up at the throne of grace, we most humbly beseech Thee to accept, O merciful Father, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our most blessed Lord and Saviour; to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost be honour and glory, thanksgiving and praise now and for ever. Amen.

No. XXI.

Prayer on laying the First Stone of Christ Church North-Bradley, Wilts, in 1822.

The following Prayer was composed by the Archdeacon for this interesting occasion.

Ο THOU Almighty and ever gracious Sovereign of the Universe; who, of thy good pleasure hast disposed the hearts of thine unworthy servants, to devote a portion of the talent with which they have been entrusted, to the promotion of the best

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