Imatges de pàgina

collection from the writings of some of the old Fathers, with whom (he was wont to say) he never was tired of walking.



"Whoever would be prepared to render an account unto God, should live in the habit of rendering account from time to time, to himself. this end, a Diary, if faithfully kept, may be eminently useful. God grant that it may prove so in my case That after the example of the many pious persons who have gone before me, I may, by numbering my days, apply my heart unto wisdom -to the promotion of God's glory, and my own salvation. Amen, for Jesus' sake, Amen."

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No. I.

I had just delivered a letter for the post to my friend and brother fellow, Mr. Lucas, when, upon taking up a newspaper, the first paragraph which met my eyes, was Mr. Lucas's death, as if to remind me of the uncertainty of life-he died suddenly in the night, being in perfect health when he went to bed.

"In the midst of life, we are in death.-O Lord, suffer me not so to fix my thoughts upon this world, that I may at any time forget the uncertain tenure by which I hold it. When death

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knocks at our neighbour's door, it is high time that we look about, and examine how much of our Master's work remains unfinished, lest the night come upon us, before we are prepared to give up our account."

No. II.

On the dangerous illness of his children.. "A week of great anxiety, such as parents only know.

“O Lord! look down upon my family, I beseech Thee-Thou knowest our distress-O merciful God, in thy wrath think upon mercy—visit not the sins of the parents upon their children—but grant that they may live to be chosen servants unto Thee, and that we may become the glorious instruments in Thy hands, of bringing them up in the true knowledge and fear of Thee, their God—that both parents and children may together be made partakers of a blessed resurrection-even so grant, most merciful God, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen."

Again on the Physician visiting his children.


May God of his mercy bless his endeavours. If it be Thy will, O Lord, visit my dear family with the choice blessing of health-unto Thy servant also grant health of body and strength of mind, to enable him to discharge the great duties of his

calling, with that zeal and earnestness which ought to mark the character of a Christian Minister. Unto my dear wife and children grant, O Lord, I most earnestly beseech Thee, healthy bodies, sound minds, and religious hearts, that they may live to be a credit to the religion they profess, and a comfort to each other-that, this life ended, we may all meet together in a better world. Amen blessed Lord God-for Jesus' sake, Amen."

Thanksgiving for his children's recovery.

"O Lord God! Thou Sovereign disposer of all events, make me truly thankful for this and all Thy other mercies vouchsafed unto me, and my dear family, from time to time—and grant that we may all express our thankfulness, by a hearty love for thy service, and an earnest desire and constant endeavour to promote it upon all occasions;—that all men may know that Thou art the God whom we serve, and that Thy service is our truest delight. Grant this, I most humbly pray Thee, for the sake of Jesus Christ, Thy blessed Son, our compassionate Redeemer. Amen."

No. III.

On distributing monies for charitable uses in his parish-1788.

"Thank God for giving me a heart to lay out

my money to the honour of God. O may my hand be always open when his honour and the wants of my brethren require that it should be so. Preserve thy servant, O Lord, from that sore evilnamely, Riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt. Eccles. v. 13."

No. IV.

When labouring under frequent indisposition, his earnest petitions for strength to fulfil the duties of his parish, are frequent.

"O Lord! Thou knowest that my heart is in thy service; suffer not, therefore, I beseech Thee, the infirmities of my body to press down my better part-but grant unto me that degree of health and strength, which may enable me, by thy grace, to perform the great duties of my calling, with that zeal and earnestness which ought to mark the character of a Christian minister-even so, grant O Lord, for thy dear Son's sake. Amen.

"The cross which is laid upon us must be borne -if we are impatient, we lose the benefit but if we accept it willingly, and bear it with patience, meekness, and resignation, it is regarded as equivalent to a punishment of our own inflicting.'-Good Bishop Wilson.

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Thy grace, O Lord, is sufficient for me.~O! let thy grace be made perfect in my weakness: suffer me not, O Lord, to fall from Thee; for Thee alone do I desire to serve, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer. Amen."

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No. V.

Mysteries in religion, were never intended to exercise our reason, so much as to prove our faith. But the plain promises of the Gospel are sufficient for the plain Christian and he has to thank God that they are so plain, as not to require labour or pains to understand them--and that in understanding them to good effect, his great comfort consists."

No. VI.

Prayers and Thanksgivings for private use—1778.

"O Almighty God, who hast of Thy great mercy promised to hear the petitions of them that ask in thy Son's name; incline thine ear to us, who now make our supplications unto Thee for all those blessings, spiritual and temporal, which Thou, in thy wisdom, shall judge to be most fitting for us. Pour into our hearts, O Lord, such a due sense of Thy goodness and our own unworthiness, that our gratitude and our humility may be found acceptable in Thy sight. Take from us, blessed Lord, that ignorance, hardness of heart, and spiritual blindness, which characterise the natural man; and grant unto us, unworthy as we are, such a portion of thy Holy Spirit, that we may be enabled to embrace and hold fast that salvation, which Thou, of thine infinite mercy, hast prepared for us, through the

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