Imatges de pàgina

interests of their fellow creatures; deign, we most humbly beseech Thee, to accompany with thy blessing the undertaking now before us; that the stone here laid, may prove the corner stone of a goodly building, to be dedicated in due time to thy honour and service. To this end, O Lord, "prosper Thou the work of our hands upon us; O prosper Thou our handy work;" and that a design conceived in faith, and commenced in hope, may not, through the corruption of man's fallen nature, be rendered ineffectual; we earnestly intreat Thee, blessed Lord, so to dispose the minds of those for whom this labour of love has been undertaken, that they may at all times enter the doors of this intended building, with a grateful sense of that Providence, which in compassion to their wants, hath opened a fountain in this place at which all who thirst may drink freely of the waters of life. With this object in view, grant, O blessed Lord God, that the gospel of thy dear Son may never cease to be sounded in this place; and that it may at no time be sounded in vain, vouchsafe, we pray Thee, to the Congregation which shall be here assembled, the hear ing ear and the understanding heart, that they may embrace with humility the saving truths of thy word, and be enabled, through grace, to lead a life in conformity to thy will. But, as every design, however piously undertaken, however zealously promoted, must, in some measure, depend for its success upon the instruments employed to carry it into effect, grant, O Lord, we most earnestly beseech Thee, that the dispensers of thy word and sacraments, who shall be called to minister in this place, may at all times faithfully discharge their important office; that those who now wander, like sheep without a shepherd, may through their labours be brought within the fold of thy church; and through the means of grace duly administered in this holy place, so advance from one degree of spiritual attainment to another, as in thy good time to become meet to be partakers with the saints in light. To the full accomplishment of this most desired end, let thine eyes, O gracious Lord, be open towards this holy place; let thy blessing be upon this house of thy servants for ever; and let thy good spirit so direct and rule the hearts of all the worshippers in it, that their prayers may ascend up in thy sight as the incense, and the lifting up of their hands be a sacrifice at all times acceptable in thy sight. This imperfect prayer, which goeth not forth from feigned lips, we most humbly beseech Thee to accept, O blessed Lord God, in the name and for the sake of thy Son Jesus Christ, to whom with Thee and the Holy Ghost be all honour and glory, now and for ever. Amen.



Ar the commencement of the Memoir,* the Editor was apprehensive that he should have had little space for the insertion of the following devotional Exercises and Reflections; which, he trusts, cannot fail to interest many of his readers. By placing them, as a separate Appendix, at the end of the second volume, he has however been enabled to command the necessary room. The difficulty has been, amidst a collection so voluminous (many of the subjects extending several pages) to select such interesting Articles as could best be introduced within the limits of so confined a space. All those prayers, &c. which are connected with Archdeacon D.'s ministerial office, and designed for the sick, the penitent, or the sorrowful in heart, are omitted, being numerous, and often adapted to particular cases as well as those more immediately connected with family circumstances, as the marriage or absence of his children, &c. &c. The dates of many of the Articles here introduced, * Memoir, page 15.

are unavoidably omitted, being uncertain. Indeed the Diary itself is far from complete, and appears to have been discontinued at intervals. It seems scarcely necessary to observe that these manuscripts are quite in a rough state, the Author being in the habit of committing his thoughts and devotional feelings to his diary, without previous deliberation, or subsequent revision. In 1784, we find Bishop Andrews's fine Morning Prayer transcribed in the Archdeacon's hand writing, for his daily use. Some years afterwards he possessed a choice edition of this pious Bishop's manual of daily devotions, "translated out of a fair Greek MS. of his amanuensis," bearing date 1692. This little book was never absent from his table to the day of his death. Bishop Taylor's "Holy Living and Dying:" Dean Stanhope's "Thomas a Kempis:" Bishop Wilson's "Sacra Privata:" Mr. Norris's “ Tract on humility:" Bishop Kenn's little manual "for Winchester Scholars:" and a manual of devotions arranged according to the services of the ancient Church, into "Matins, Lauds, Vespers, and Compline," reformed by a person of quality, and edited by the Rev. Dr. Geo. Hickes"-were the other helps to his daily devotions.

His favourite studies in divinity were from the works of Bishops Andrews, Bull, Hall, Horne, and Dr. Johnson; these he used to call his CHIEF FRIENDS-while, from the more abstruse and lively writings of Leslie, Hooker, Jones, and some others, he derived both entertainment and instruction.

The Archdeacon likewise possessed a valuable

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