Imatges de pàgina



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Making use of the dramatic instinct as a teaching asset has come to be an important thing in modern education. We are all recognizing its value and we are all dramatizing.

It is no uncommon thing nowadays, for a teacher to look at all the subjects of the Course of Study with a view to making use of the dramatic possibilities in them.

I have seen a lesson in technical grammar turned into a lively dialogue where the words of the sentence became personified and explained their use in the sentence. It was cleverly done and it certainly was attractive to the class beginning its lessons in that dry-as-dust subject, to see plain little girls impersonating the conjunctions "and" and "but" and taking hold of the hands of larger and handsomer girls who played the more important parts of verbs

or nouns.

I have seen "borrowing in subtraction" taught in the same way, always the acting of a part, always the doing of something which appeals so strongly to the child that the lesson is easily learned...

Civic lessons such as cican, boys and girls, clean school buildings, clean premises acout the building, and "Safety First" in the streets of the neighborhood, leading up to a love of the city and consequently to good citizenship, are all best taught by putting these things into a play and having the boys and girls do them.

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