The Golem, Methuselah, and Shylock: PlaysTheater 61 Press, 2005 - 196 pàgines Edward Einhorn blends absurdist humor with philosophy in these critically acclaimed plays about legendary Jewish figures. Golem Stories retells an old Kabalistic legend. It's a ghost story and a love story, about a childlike clay man who may be a demon inside. In The Living Methuselah, the oldest living man survives every disaster is human history, with the help of his wife Serach, the oldest living woman. But when a doctor tells him he will only live until the end of the play, will this be his final curtain? To find the title character of A Shylock, Jacob Levy interrogates every character in The Merchant of Venice, but oddly Hamlet may know the most-although this Hamlet is a woman. And in One-Eyed Moses and the Churning Red Sea, Rabbi Tzipporah Finestein dreams Moses is a pirate captain, but what do the dreams mean? Two congregants hold the key. |
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The Golem, Methuselah, and Shylock: Plays by Edward Einhorn Edward Einhorn Visualització de fragments - 2005 |
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Aaron Mason afraid alive ANTONIO Argghhh baby Bassanio believe BELLARIO Bezalel blood libel Christian clay coughing course cure daughter dead DEVORAH DOCTOR DOCTOR enters dream ducats Edward Einhorn Eric Shanower exits father feel Flood give going Golem Stories HAMLET HAMLET and JACOB HANDMAIDEN happened heard human Jacob Levy JESSICA Jewish Joseph JOSH Judah Kabala kill King Kiss laugh LAUNCELOT legend Listen look Lorenzo MAHARAL married matzos mean METHUSELAH MIRIAM MOSHE never nine hundred nose One-Eyed Moses Pappa Paradox in Oz Pause Pearla plague PLAINTIFF play PORTIA Prague PROLETARIAT Rabbi Loew RACHEL REBBETSIN enters remember RIVKA RUDOLF Scene SERACH Shylock sits someone Sonya sorry sound speak stop sure synagogue talk tell THADDEUS Thank There's thing thought Thusy told Torah true TUBAL TZIPPORAH Venice wait What's witch worried wrong