Imatges de pàgina

think the fault was wholly in others, and the right entirely on our side.

3. But ought we not to remember that, in all disputes, there is generally some fault on both sides? Perhaps they begun; but did not we carry it ón? They gave the provocation; but did we not take it? Are we not too apt to imagine that it would be mean to let a quarrel entirely drop, when we have a fair opportunity to reason and argue and reproach, to vindicate our injured mérit, and assert our rights?

4. But is such a course agreeable to the precepts and example of Christ, "who, when he was reviled, reviled not again"? Is it agreeable to that Christian doctrine which exhorts us not to think of ourselves more highly than we ought to think, and that, in all lowliness of mind, we should esteem others better than ourselves?

5. Again, what good have we done? As all have a mutual dependence on one another, so all can do some good; and every one is bound to be diligent in doing all the good he can. We must be useful; for we all reap numberless benefits from society, and should therefore contribute to the general good.

6. It is a false and indolent humility which makes people sit still and do nothing, because they will not believe that they are capable of doing much; for every one can do something. Can not every one set a good example, be it to many or to few? Can not every one in some degree encourage virtue and discountenance vice and folly?

7. Most certainly; for we all have some associates whom we can advise or instruct or in some way help on through the changes of life. If we are too poor to give alms, we can give our time and aid in preparing or forwarding the gifts of others; in presenting cases of distress to those who can relieve them; and in visiting and comforting the sick and afflicted.

8. Once more, Have we made any progress in the paths of knowledge, virtue, and happiness, during the past day? Have we been kind, helpful, and obliging to others? Have we been charitable, friendly, and discreet? Have we, with

out vanity or ostentation, been careful to set a good example? Have we been equally ready to give and receive instruction, and proper advice? Have we been honest, upright, and disinterested?

9. If we can humbly, yet confidently, answer all these questions in the affirmative; if we have truly repented of the faulty past, and made humble, firm, and deliberate resolutions of usefulness for the future, the honest endeavor, poor as it may be, will be graciously accepted.

QUESTIONS. -Which is the first sentence in this exercise marked with the rising inflection? Why should this sentence be read with the rising inflection? What other sentences in the piece are marked to be read with the rising inflection? Why? What questions in this exercise, not marked, should be read with the rising inflection? Why should they be thus read? What duties are inculcated in this piece?


RULE 2. Words, clauses, and direct questions, connected by the disjunctive or, generally require the rising slide before, and the falling after it.

NOTE. -The same rule also will generally apply to the disjunctive nor.


1. He may be rích or poòr, síck or well, wise or unwise, and still he must suffer the penalty of the law.

2. Men may be good or bàd, fálse or trùe, háppy or unhappy, políte or rùde, ídle or industrious, yoúng or òld, kind or crùel, and still in no case are they discharged from moral obligation.

3. There is neither Jéw* nor Grèek †; there is neither bónd nor free; there is neither mále nor female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.


What is the rule for words, clauses, and direct questions connected by the disjunctive or ? Will the same rule generally apply to the disjunctive nor? Give examples of words exemplifying this rule.

* Jew, a native-born citizen of the Hebrew or Jewish nation.

The Jews were the

ancient Hebrews; and they received the name of Jews after their captivity in Bab. ylon, about 518 B. C.

† Greek, a native-born citizen of Greece.


1. He could manage his workshop and fárm, or preside in the sènate; conduct his own affairs with prúdence, or economize for the state.

2. The steam-engine can engrave a séal, or crush masses of obdurate mètal before it; draw out a thread as fine as góssamer, or lift a ship of war like a bàwble in the air. It can embroider múslin, or forge anchors; cut steel into ribbons, or impel loaded vèssels against the fury of the winds and wàves.

1. Will you ríde, or wàlk ?


2. Should you desire to be éminent, or useful?

3. Ought the mind to be improved, or neglected?

4. Should the passions be governed, or should they govern ùs? EXCEPTION. When or is used conjunctively, or unconnected with contrast, it takes the rising slide after it as well as before it.


1. Can we properly appreciate the services of Washington,* or Néwton, or Columbus †?

2. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year?

3. Shall we select extortioners to enforce the laws of équity, or to protect the public chárities?



[The class may point out the examples in this exercise, which illustrate the rule, and also those which illustrate the exception, and tell how each one should be read.]

1. FOR a young woman in any situation in life to be igno rant of the various duties that belong to good housekeeping, is as great a deficiency as it would be in a merchant not to un

QUESTIONS.-Give examples of clauses exemplifying this rule. Of direct questions. What exception has the rule for the disjunctive or? Give examples.

Wash'ing-ton, (George,) the first President of the United States, was born in Vir ginia, in 1732. He died in 1799.

Co-lum'bus. See note on page 67.

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derstand accounts, or the master of a vessel not to be acquainted with navigation.

2. If a woman does not know how the various kinds of domestic work should be done, she might as well know nothing; for housewifery is her express vocation. It matters not how much learning, or how many accòmplishments, she may have, if she is wanting in that which is to fit her for her peculiar calling.

3. Whether rích or pòor, yoúng or òld, márried or single, a woman is always liable to be called to the performance of every kind of domestic duty, as well as to be placed at the head of a family; and nothing short of a practical knowledge of the details of housekeeping can ever make those duties éasy, or render her competent to direct others in the perfòrmance of them.

4. All moral writers on female character treat of domestic economy as an indispensable part of female education, and this, too, in the old countries of Europe, where an abundant population, and the institutions of society, render it easy to secure the services of faithful domestics.

5. Madame Roland* one of the most remarkable women of the last century, says of herself: "The same child who read systematic works, who could explain the circles of the celestial sphere, who could handle the crayon and the graver, and who at eight years of age was the best dancer in the youthful parties, was frequently called into the kitchen to make an omelet, pick herbs, and skim the pot."

6. All female characters that are held up to admiration, whether in fiction or biography, will be found to possess these domestic accomplishments; and if they are considered indispensable in the Old World, how much more are they needed in this land of independence, where riches can not exempt the

* Mad'ame Rō'land, a woman of excellent education, and well known as a writer. She was born in Paris, in 1754. In the time of the Frenh Revolution, she was a convert to its principles, joined the Girondist party, and was arrested and executed in 1793.

mistress of a family from the difficulty of procuring efficient aid, and where perpetual change of domestics renders perpetual instruction and superintendence necessary?

7. Since, then, the details of good housekeeping must be included in a good female education, it is very desirable that they should be acquired by the young, and so practiced as to become easy, and to be performed dexterously and expeditiously; for, important as they are, they must not be allowed to consume too much time; and the ready wit and ingenuity of a woman can not be turned to better account than in devising methods of expediting household affairs, and producing the best effect with the least expense of time and labor.

8. By good management, the use of method, and the habit of moving quickly, all may be done in order and in season, and much of the day left for other things. Let those who find themselves so overloaded with these cares and duties, that they do not find time for cultivating their minds and attending to the claims of benevolence, carefully examine their way of life, and see if they can not retrench some hours from their every-day occupations.

9. It is well to bear in mind, that there is commonly time enough for every thing that we ought to do, and that, if any duty is neglected from a supposed want of time, the fault is in our arrangement; we have given too much to some occupátion or amusement, and should immediately make a wiser distribution of our hours.

10. Now, if it is granted by my young friends that they ought to take a part in domestic affairs, then let them do it with a good grace, and not be ashamed of it. Some persons are very notable, but take the greatest pains to conceal it, as if it were a disgrace rather than a merit.

11. Their moral sense seems to be clouded by some false notions of gentility; or their false pride makes them fancy certain occupations to be degrading, as if it were possible that persons could be degraded by doing that which they · ought to do!


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