Imatges de pàgina

I could-but thy fall will be avenged grandfather gazed upon him—the -and after the dishonour which he tears gushing from his eyes, and his whom I loved so dearly has brought whole frame quivering with emotion. on my name, it is unwise to wish He uttered a cry of joy at beholding longer existence among men. The his descendant alive, and muttering villain's head will be nodded, and the " Has hell its visions as well as harlot's finger held out, and the base heaven?” ran tottering down the and the vile will think they are noble stair calling out “ Oh my son, my compared to Roland Cheyne. The son!” and holding open his aged vision is about to be fulfilled, and I arms. But he was not doomed to wish it not to be otherwise."

meet him in life and from whatever A general shout from the crowded place, whether of bliss or of punishvillage interrupted the old man's ment, the vision had been permitted words; and I could hear the thick to come—or whether it was the work tread of many feet, the sound of of a melancholy and touched fancy horses and of chariot-wheels, coming -its fulfilment was at hand. As echoing towards the gate. The shouts the chariot stopped, and young Roof “ Lord Roland ! Lord Roland !” land, with a form, wasted by riot and rung far and wide. The iron gates debauchery, sought to tread once were burst open by the tumultuary more the threshold of his ancestors, I force of the populace an increase of saw the lady, whose face he too well liquor rendering them insensible to knew, and for whose sins he had so superstitious fears; and a chariot, soon to answer, come running to meet drawn by six fine horses, and accom-him-she threw back her locks from panied by a stream of torches, and her brow, and stood confronting him the waving of a thousand hands, en- -as an unexpected angel might rise tered the avenue. So strong was the to accuse him at the judgment seat. light that I could see distinctly a Not one word was uttered. He looklanguid young man bowing right and ed on her for a moment—his lips left, and returning with smiles, and moved-he sank back in his chariot the waving of his hands, the clamor, turned on one side, and gave one ous greeting of the multitude. The convulsive throb—and the light of chariot reached the lawn, and Lord heaven was closed for ever on Roland Roland turned his face with a smile Cheyne.

Nalla. on the towers of his ancestors. His


A SONNET OF THE MOON. [Among our older poets are some whose genius was perfect in one or two smaller instances, but whose powers were never exerted on any larger work,-at least no proof of it has been put on record : of this number was Charles Best, the author of the following Sonnet. It was first printed in Davison's Rhapsody, in 1602.]

Look how the pale Queen of the silent night

Doth cause the Ocean to attend upon her ;
And he, as long as she is in his sight,

With his full tide is ready her to honour :
But when the silver wagon of the Moon

Is mounted up so high he cannot follow,
The Sea calls home his crystal waves to moan,

And with low ebb doth manifest his sorrow.
So you, that are the sovereign of my heart,

Have all my joys attending on your will ;
My joys low-ebbing when you do depart-

When you return, their tide my heart doth fill:
So, as you come, and as you do depart,
Joys ebb and flow within my tender heart.



Following the wood-nymph Dryope,
Was tangled in the clustering hazels tall,
And (lost amongst those leaves).
Heard grieving, as a childless mother grieves,
The star-complaining nightingale,
Who sang the sweeter for her widow's woe,
And made the green-woods know
Sorrow, as though her offspring all had died:
Whereat the stubborn oak forsook his pride,
And when the blast did call
Hylas !-before the talking wind was seen
Bending, like grass or alders

green ;
And boughs, all dumb before,
Grew voiceful on the reedy shore,
And scared the amorous Naiads where they lay,
Waiting for their blooming prey
Now hid, and shelter'd by the poplar pale,
'Gainst whom nought might prevail
Then, for 'twas holy held, and kuown to be
Alcides' favoured tree,
Who loved the blue eyes of the wandered boy:

Alas that youth should joy
In 'scaping from those wise and grey restraints,
With which eld binds our inexperienced will,
And, quite untaught by woe, or pain, should still
Rush to the dazzling dreams which folly paints !
Alas, fair Hylas! why didst thou give ear
To syren singing, and lend all thy gaze
(Leaving the guardian branches trembling near)
To the white beauties of the Naiad's face?
Ah! wherefore dost thou stoop, O Hylas ! down
To kiss the rush-grown crown
That lies upon her ringlet-woven brows? -
Better it were thou didst at once carouse
With Bacchants in their drunken woods,
Or, with a craving heart, drink up the floods
Of sparkling Pindus, and grow mad with dreams:

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And decaying ;-like the river
Which rushes and will rush for ever
Glittering through the gloomy morn,
And cold though sunny June be born ;-
Like the steel and stone that thrive
In earth-darkness half alive;
So, in his pale sleep, shall he
Dream while woods and rivers be. C.


The Grand Musical Festival at were established for the commemoGloucester has just concluded very ration of Handel, that in less than half successfully. It is known that a a century the opulence and the taste meeting of the Choirs of Hereford, of England should arrive at such a Worcester, and Gloucester Cathe- pitch, that in three provincial towns, drals takes place at the several cities within the period of one little month, in rotation, and the assistance of the three celebrations would take place, London profession is called in to fill equal, if not superior, in grandeur up the principal parts. Mr. Grea- and precision, to the concentration torex has for many years conducted, of talent, which at that time excited with the assistance of the organist the wonder of the world! of the place. This year Messrs. The Birmingham Committee, to Vaughan, Sapio, Knyvett, and Bel- whom the country owes the great lamy, with Madame Caradori, Mrs. example of applying Science to the Salmon, and Miss Stephens were the aid of Charity, which is thus grasingers. Mr. Sapio and Madame dually travelling through all its proCaradori were, however, only en- vinces, must be made of more than gaged for the evenings—the sound human materials, if they can see unEnglish music being entrusted to moved the march which

York, purely English singers.

astute York, has gained upon them. The performances commenced with They write to Madame Catalani, the Cathedral service, into which who returns an answer couched in was introduced the Dettingen Te the most magnanimous terms: “ His Deum ; Dr. Boyce's Anthem, Blessed Majesty having graciously vouchis he ; and the Duet, Here shall soft safed to patronize the Birmingham Charity repair. Mr. C. Knyvett's Concert, and the said Concert being Coronation Anthem concluded the the finest in the world," Madame Cafirst morning. The second was the talani instantly hastens from FloRedemption, and the third the Mes- rence at their summons to assist, siah. The evening Concerts were leaving her remuneration to the libe Selections; and at the close of each rality of the Directors ! But lo! she a Ball. The audiences' were very is no sooner arrived, than she ennumerous, 1600 persons being pre- gages to forestall Birmingham, by sent on the Thursday (the second singing at York, on the very momorning), and about 1000 at each derate condition, as it is stated, of reevening Concert. The scale of this, ceiving six hundred guineas for six though not equal in magnitude to Concerts! Previously, however, she those we are about to speak of, could takes a trip to Dublin, where she not be exceeded in point of finished sings at the Theatre, and divides the performance.

profits with the manager, he paying At the moment we take up the all expences! But what though? pen, indeed, a series of the finest There is but one Catalani, and she Concerts are now commencing, and (we may dig a pit and whisper it) will rapidly succeed each other at knows the full value of her notes York, Liverpool, and Birmingham, weighed against English gold. She that any country ever listened to refused 3001. for three Concerts at LiHow little was it foreseen, when the verpool, arrogating either all or none. performances at Westminster Abbey When, however, we turn our atten.

tion to the talent that is (not) to be Yet is music cultivated with asto found in the capitals of the musical nishing ardour all over Europe, and world, her price may be estimated in Germany especially. There is by the scant supply and the aug- not a city of any note that has not its mented demand.

band, its music societies, its conMadame Fodor appears to be the certs, its national and Italian operas. only attractive singer upon the Con- The number of instrumentalists, to tinent, and her manner and powers whose performance the Germans esare exactly as far removed from Ca- pecially are much the most attached, talani's as the beautiful is from the is perfectly astonishing. Their comsublime. At Paris Signora Pasta is posers are almost as numerous, for the favourite, a singer whom our nearly every concerto-player writes English audiences endured, but who as well as performs his own music. scarcely can be said to have raised One opera of Weber's ran fifty nights any sensation above mere toleration. in one town, and produced to the At Vienna there is Madame Unger, treasury of the theatre 30,000 dollars. and Mademoiselle Schutz. We know Similar success attended its reprenot if the King of Prussia's saying, sentation all over the empire. In when he was asked to hear Mara, Holland it has had equal attraction. “ that he should as soon expect plea- In April last, it was acted twentysure from the neighing of his horse five nights at Amsterdam. Next to as from a German singer," be as Weber, Schnyden, Kreutzer and Bluapplicable now as he thought it then; mare are the dramatic composers but certain it is, that the vocalists most esteemed. Rossini is not much of that nation seldom pass the bor- in vogue in Germany, though he apders of their own country, and we pears to be as much esteemed as any may see in what estimate Madame living foreign writer. It is the cusUnger is held, by her sinking to the tom to introduce short concerts bepart of Emilia Otello, when Fodor fore or between the pieces in many appeared (who came to Vienna from of the theatres; and morning perNaples at the beginning of the year), formances are little less frequent and by the rapture with which her than evening. In Holland the princountrymen received the latter. At cipal singers in concerts are amaBerlin there are Mesdames Milder teurs, and the theatres are supported and Siedler, but they too are Ger- by emigrant actors, chiefly from Ger

At Dresden they have Sig- many. Thus there is only one Canora Tibaldi, who has been out only talani, and the English alone seem one year; and there are some others to be able to come up to the enormous of about the same elevation as those price she sets upon her talents. mentioned. There is also, roving It is understood that the Bath from city to city, Madame Wranis- theatre will open with six Italian sky, who is highly spoken of in one operas, in which it is said the great capital, and disregarded in another. Syren will share. Sir George Smart's Throughout Portugal and Spain and Mr. Loder's Concerts will again there is not one singer of the smallest be renewed in that city, having given repute. At Milan they have Gui- last season the utmost satisfaction to dotta Salio and Erminia Fenzia, the auditors, and remunerated the singers with beautiful voices and a conductors. good style. Bellochi, too, bas been Rumours are also afloat, that Mathere. But none of these are phæno- dame Catalani will be engaged with

Madame Colbran (who is Signora Pasta at the King's theatre. married to Rossini) has experienced the fate of his Maometto,* and has been hissed with the piece at Venice, principal features are brilliancy and spirit


Mr. Moscheles has a new Sonata, its and is indeed considered as gone by. It is also full of melody, and though it can Italy, like the other kingdoms of the hardly be called easy, it does not contain European world, contains no singer those difficulties that Mr. Moscheles's reknown above the rest as such, putation as a performer has almost invariapar excellence; in short, no Catalani. bly connected with his name. We hardly




In Italy Mercndante now ranks next to Rossini in fashion,

know a more inspiring movement than the rondo, we might almost say than the whole piece.

· The Pianoforte Journal is a publication consisting of a collection of overtures, airs, rondos, and other movements, selected from the works of popular composers on the Continent; such as Cherubini, Dussek, Eberl, Field, Himmel, Hummel, Steibelt, Paer, &c. Messrs. Cramer, Ries, and Dr. Crotch, have also contributed. It has reached the 24th Number, which contains a rondo, by Hummel, and is a delightful specimen of this composer's style; it is full of fire and fancy, natural genius, and the greatest acquirements of Science. But for a more extended and more perfect example of Hummel's genius, we refer our readers to a grand brilliant fantasia, dedicated to the Countess de Chodkiewick, which combines all the noblest resources of genius and


Amusement des Dames, a selection for the harp from the works of foreign masters. This publication is to be completed in six numbers, the first contains an Austrian waltz, by Gallenberg, an Alsacian melody and waltz, by P. Scherner, and a French air with variations, by L. Spohr. These are very beautiful things in their kind, and augur exceedingly well for the publication which promises to keep place with its title and to afford very tasteful amusement pour les dames.

Mr. Bochsa has three new works for the harp; Home! sweet home, with variations, Aurora che sorgerai, from La Donna del Lago, with variations, and La chasse au Renard. The first is agreeable and not difficult; the second is a piece of greater pretension and greater merit; the third is an imitation of a Fox-chase and its attendant noises. Some very animated and ele gant strains descriptive of the hunt are introduced; there is perhaps rather too much sameness in the arpeggio passages, but these are consonant with the nature of the instrument, and the different species of tone which the harp produces are here employed with much judgment and success.

Aurora che sorgerai with variations, by C. Hargitt, jun. This piece is in itself a

very meritorious production, but it derives additional interest from the circumstance of its being the first work of a very clever and industrious young man. Mr. Hargitt is in his 19th year, his performance of Field's Storm, at Mr. Knyvett's benefit in 1820, introduced him to the notice of the musical world, and he goes on to deserve the meed that is due to perseverance and ability.

Mr. Rawlings's variations upon Home! sweet home! are in a popular and elegant style.

Mr. Calkin's C'est l'Amour, as a rondo for the Pianoforte, is written in a light and unassuming style. The air is just now very popular, and Mr. Calkin has, to say the least, added to its interest.

Mr. Kiallmark's Second Divertimento Scozzese for the Pianoforte, introducing the air of Donald, is but an inferior production.

The Vocal Anthology has proceeded with undiminished excellence to its fifth number, combining biographical notices, a catalogue raisonnée of the music inserted, specimens of classical English, French, Italian, German, and Scotch composition, together with some original pieces.

Mr. Kiallmark has published three songs of unequal merit, though all possessing greater claim to regard than the generality of ballads. The best is to words by Mrs. Opie, Yes, thou art gone, which is elegant and diversified. The sea boy's call is not so good.

Violets, a song to words from Herrick, is rather a singular composition, by Mr. Danneley, of Ipswich. There is fancy and feeling in its structure, which takes its character from a close imitation of the poetry.

Juvenile Songs, No. I. will be found useful to those who have juvenile (by which we suppose is meant very young) pupils to instruct, and it is the work of female taste and industry.

Mr. Webbe has published (and Mr. Mazzinghi announced) a Mass. Mr. Webbe's is a learned, grave, and excellent ecclesiastical composition,


In the temporary rustication of our brother Contributor who generally "does the drama," we were invested, much against our will, with this ungrateful office. We say, "ungrateful," not with respect to the function of theatrical critic in general, but in reference to the peculiarity of our vicarious situation in the present

case. We, who are of the humdrum school, one of those plain, honest, stupid kind of people who can see little further than the end of their nose, find the neighbourhood-even on paper-of your witty men, extremely intolerable. Hence, it is not without the utmost repugnance that we have brought ourself to endure a

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