Imatges de pàgina





Containing an ACCOUNT of


Printed both at Home and Abroad,


DISSERTATIONS upon feveral Subjects,

Miscellaneous OBSERVATIONS, &C.

JULY 1725.



Printed for WILLIAM and JOHN INNYS,
at the Weft End of St. Paul's. MDCCXXV.

Price One Shilling


BOOKS printed for W. and J. INNY S.

Stronomical Principles of Religion, Natural and

A By

"A Reveald. By William Whifton, M. A. fome time

Profeffor of the Mathematicks in the University of
Cambridge. The 2d Edit. 8vo. 1725.

2. The Works of that Learned and Judicious Divine,

Dr. Richard Hooker, in Eight Books, of the Laws of Ec-

clefiaftical Polity, &c. To this Edition is added a

large Alphabetical Index. Fol. 1723.

3. A fhort and plain Syntax for the Inftruction of

Children in the Latin Tongue, by few and eafy Rules

in their own Language. (It being impoffible for them

to learn it by any other.) With Notes proper for the

higher Claffes, and an Alphabetical Lift of near fix

hundred Adjectives of various Structure; and an Ap-

pendix, containing fome Obfervations, which are not

to be found in any former Syntax or Grammar. For

the Ufe of Tamworth School. By Samuel Shaw, M. D.

and School-mafter of Tamworth, in the Counties of

Stafford and Warwick. Svo. 1724.

4. Opticks: Or, a Treatife of the Reflections, Re-

fractions, Inflections and Colours of Light. The third

Edition. By Sir Ifaac Newton, Knight. 8vo. 1721.

5. Pharmacopoeia Domeftica, in ufum eorum, qui

ruri medicinam facientes neceffe habent, ut pharmaco-

thecas privatas fibimet conftruant; fcholiis, viriumque

enarrationibus illuftrata, & in libros duos diftributa.

Per Thomam Fuller, M. D. Cantab. 120. 1723.

6. The Principles of Deifm truly reprefented and fet

in a clear Light, in two Dialogues between a Sceptick

and a Deift. The firft concerning the Chriftian Revela-

tion. The fecond concerning Natural Religion. The

third Edition. 8vo. 1724.

7. The Hiftory of cold Bathing, both antient and

modern, in two Parts. The firft written by Sir John
Floyer of Litchfield, Knight. The fecond treating of
the genuine Ufe of hot and cold Baths. Together with
the wonderful Effects of Bath Water, drank hot from
the Pump, in decay'd Stomachs, and in most Diseases of
the Bowels, Liver and Spleen, &c. Alfo proving that
the best Cures done by the cold Baths, are lately ob-
ferv'd to arife from the temperate Ufe of the hot Baths
first. To which is added an Appendix by Dr. Edward
Baynard, Fellow of the College of Physicians, London,
The fifth Edit. Sep. 1722.





For JULY 1725.

HE Roman Hiftory, by Father Catrox.
The four firft Volumes,
Pag. 5

II. The Ufe and Intent of Prophecy, in fix Difcourfes to which are added three Differtations. By Dr. Sherlock, Dean of Chichefter,


III. Thoughts on Friendship. By way of Effay, for the ufe and improvement of the Ladies. By a Well-wisher to her Sex,


IV, An historical and critical Account of the Life and Writings of William Chillingworth, Chancellor of the Church of Sarum. By Mr. Des Maizeaux,


V. Mathematical Lectures neceffary for understanding the principles of Natural Philofophy. By Mr. Privat de Molieres,


VI. A Treatife of the duties of Man, by the Voivode of Walachia,


VII. The

VII. The History of the Life and Reign of Mary Queen of Scots,


VIII. Phyfical and Chirurgical Differtations, by Dr. Harris,


IX. A new Voyage round the World, by Mr. Le Gentil, 52

X. Philological Obfervations upon the Books of the New Testament. By Mr. Alberti, 60

XI. Virgil's Husbandry, or an Effay on the Georgics: being the firft Book. Tranflated into English Verse,


XII. The Antiquities of the Priory of Great Malverne in the Diocese of Worcester,


XIII. 1. A Book of a Paris Physician,


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2. A Book of Father Le Quien against Father

Le Courayer,


3. Two Mathematical Books of the late Mr. Varignon,


4. A Book intitled, The Grand Theatre of Honour, Nobility, and Chivalry, in the Prefs, 79

Page 15. line 6 from the bottom, read, were not profeffed Hiftorians.


New Memoirs



For JULY 1725.


HISTOIRE ROMAINE, depuis la Fondation de Rome. Avec des Notes hiftoriques, geographiques & critiques; des Gravûrés en Taille-douce; des Cartes geographiques, & plufieurs Medailles authentiques. Par les RR. PP. CATROU & ROUILLE' de la Compage nie de Jefus. A Paris, chez Jacques Rollin, &c. 1725.

That is,

The ROMAN HISTORY, from the Foun dation of Rome. With hiftorical, geographical and critical Notes; Copper-cuts A

JULY 1725.


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