Imatges de pàgina

Aromatic Bitters-Hop, germander, &c.

Dyes-Dyers' green weed, dyers'-woad; dyers' yellow-

weed; privet berries.


The meadow crowfoot and spearwort; the red poppy and
the opium poppy; scurvy-grass, mustard and cuckoo-
flower; sweet violet; mallows and linseed; wood-
sorrel; rose-tribe astringents; umbel-bearers, aroma-
tics and hemlock; the elder; the valerian; bitter
composites, opium lettuce and coltsfoot; foxglove;
the nightshade family; water-dock and sorrel; bistort
and asarabacca; hop catkins and willow-bark; fir tur-
pentine and juniper; male fern and colchicum.


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Bitter herbs and "bitter teas;" agrimony, chamomile;
tansy and wormwood; buckbean and centaury; butter-
bur; yarrows and fever-few; wall-pennywort; adder's-
tongue and nettle; arrowhead, dock, and herb Paris.
Popular superstition and fancies respecting plant virtues.


1. Magnified view of the cells and breathing pores of the skin of a plant.

2. Specimens of hairs of plants.

3. Root of ipecacuanha.

4. Root appendages of bird's-nest orchis.

5. Tubers of root of spotted orchis.

6. Underground stem (bulb) of crocus.

7. Underground stem of iris.

8. Ascending stem of Dutch clover. 9. Winged stem of vetch. 10. Bud of horse-chestnut. 11. Hart's-tongue fern. 12. Leaf of nettle.

13. Lance-shaped leaf of senna.

14. Oval leaf of senna.

15. Sessile leaves.

16. Palm-shaped leaf.

17. Arrow-shaped leaf.
18. Linear leaf.

19. Part of a compound leaf.
20. Connate leaves of teazel.
21. Decurrent leaf of thistle.
22. Compound leaf of ash.
23. Compound leaf of clover.
24. Partite leaf of bur marigold.

25. Compound leaf of cow-parsnip.

26. Seed-leaves of dead nettle. 27. Leaf of pitcher plant.

28. Blossom of wallflower,

29. Section of primrose blossom.

30. Back view of blossom of common loosestrife.

31. Blossom of gorse.

32. Bud of dead nettle.

33. Bud of poppy.
34. Section of rosebud.
35. Petal of buttercup.

36. Petal of wallflower.

37. Blossom of sweet violet.

38. Blossom of umbel-bearing plant.

39. Blossom of wallflower.

40. Pea or papilionaceous blossom.


41. Blossom of primrose.

42. Bell-shaped blossom of campanula.

43. Wheel-shaped blossom of forget-me-not. 44. Florets of daisy.

45. Blossom of dead nettle.

46. Blossom of hairy wood-rush.

47. Spikelet of grass.

48. Stamens and pistils of wallflower. 49. Section of buttercup.

50. Blossom of speedwell.

51. Blossom of common starwort.
52. Stamen of wood anemone.
53. Floret of ribwort plantain.
54. Section of rosaceous calyx.

55. Stamens and pistils of common gorse.
56. Blossom of orchis.

57. Pistil of bell-flower.

58. Section of blossom of common crocus.

59. Section of primrose blossom-corolla removed.

60. Pistils and seed-vessel of poppy.

61. Carpels of columbine.

62. Capsule of speedwell.

63. Diagram of a symmetrical flower.

64-68. Stages of flower metamorphosis.

69. Plant of cowslip.

70. Sprig of lesser loosestrife.

71. Raceme-bearing branch of red currant.

72. Raceme of germander speedwell.

73. Corymb of beam-tree.

74. Umbel.

75. Corymb, becoming a raceme, of shepherd's-purse.

76. Panicle of hair-grass.

77. Pendent spike of hazel.

78. Composite head of leopard's-bane.

79. Whorled flowers of dead nettle.

80. Bract of lime-tree.

81. Composite head of daisy.

82. Spathe of wake-robin.

83. Leafy bracts of sedge.

84. Spikelet of grass.

84. Wood crowfoot-Nat. order Ranunculaceæ.

85. Petal of ranunculus.

86. Section of ranunculus blossom.

87. Stamen of a ranunculaceous plant.

88. Water-cress-Nat. order Cruciferæ.

89. Cruciform wallflower blossom.

90. Stamens and pistil of wallflower.

91. Wood-vetch-Nat. order Leguminosa. 92. Stem of vetch, winged.

93. Stamens and pistils of gorse.

94. Wild strawberry-Nat. order Rosacex.

95. Section of rose-bud.

96. Rosaceous calyx.

97. Section of strawberry blossom.

98. Rough chervil-Nat. order Umbelliferæ 99. Blossom of umbelliferous plant.

100. Fruit of umbelliferous plant.

101. Michaelmas daisy-Nat. order Compositæ. 102. Florets of daisy.

103. Composite head of leopard's-bane.

104. Seed of dandelion.

105. Water-figwort-Nat. order Scrophulariaceæ. 106. Large-flowered hemp-nettle-Nat. order Labiatæ. 107. Blossom of labiate plant.

108. Small white butterfly orchis-Nat. order Orchidea. 109. Tubers of spotted orchis.

110. Blossom of orchis.

111. Cyperus-like sedge-Nat. order Cyperaceæ. 112. Sedge.

113. Rushy sea-wheat grass-Nat. order Gramineæ. 114. Spikelet of grass.

115. Composite head of common daisy.

116. Botanical box.

117. Botanical digger or hand-spade.

118. Blossoms of hazel.

119. Flower of dead nettle.

120. Seedling of common goose-grass. 121. Receptacle and seeds of dandelion. 122. Reproductive organs of wallflower. 123. Primrose section.

124. Flower of sweet violet.

125. Section of buttercup.

126. Floral spadix of cuckoo-pint. 127. Buttercup petal.

128. An umbel.

129. Blossom of germander speedwell.

130. Calyx and stamens of a rosaceous plant. 131. Plant of herb Paris.

132. Umbelliferous blossom and fruit.

133. Pea-blossom.

134. Orchis blossom.

135. Plantain florets.

136. Spikelet of grass.

137. Spikelet of grass. 138. Sedge-plant.

139. Floret of hairy wood-rush.

140. The Linnæa borealis.

141. Perfoliate leaf.

142. Amplexicaul leaves and whorled flowers.

143. Connate leaves.

144. Section of umbelliferous fruit.

145. Leaf of cow-parsnip.

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