Imatges de pàgina

Address them to your Ladyship: and fince it is ufual, among Authors, to prefix fome Great Name to their Labours, I could not decently avoid Complying with the Cuftom; efpecially having one in my View that fully Answers the Character.

There are diverfe Reasons that moved me to this Dedication, and which, indeed, left me no Liberty of Choice; and they are as many as my Obligations, and the Favours you have done me: yet, were I able to produce no other, this might be fufficient, That the following Sheets, were Compofed in your Ladyfhip's own Family, and had the Honour of your Audience: Durft I add also your Efteem, I should


not much doubt of a general Approbation. However, I have now an Opportunity, to make my Publick Acknowledgements, by this Teftimony of my Gratitude.

Madam, I am fenfible, that in Addresses of this Nature, 'tis not Eafy, to Speak great Things, even of Great Perfons, without incurring the Impuration of Flattery: But I hope your Ladyship knows me better, than to believe I can be Guilty of fuch a mean Defign: And as I must publickly declare my felf an Enemy to that common Crime, fo I cannot forbear Thinking, That to say lefs here, would be an Injury to Juftice; and a with-holding Honour from you, to whom Honour



is due. Thofe, indeed, who are Strangers to your Ladyship, may be Ignorant of Tour Vertues and Accomplishments, which an Eminent State of Life, has Improved to a Degree, above common Obfervation. But all that have the Happinefs to know You, are Senfible of the Effects of Your Goodness; and will readily Confefs, That Your Works do abundantly Praise You in the Gates. But I must beg Pardon of Your Ladyfhip, for faying thus much, though with great Truth and Sincerity.

As to my Performance, in the following Sheets; when I confider the Variety of Tempers, and Capacities, that are to be met with


al in the World, I am inclined to Think The reading of a few foort and plain Sermons, fuch as mine are, may prevail on fome, who, either do not fee, or take little Notice of more Choice and Excellent Compofures: For which Reafon, I would Hope to be Forgiven fuch a publick Attempt, by All that know, The next Pleafure to that of doing Good, is to Endeavour it.


All that I fhall now add, is, my Humble Requeft, That You will be pleas'd to accept this fmall Oblation; hoping, That what is contain'd in't,may afford Your Ladyship, and others, fome Satisfaction, and be an Entertainment, fometimes, in Tour Retirement; where Tou im


ploy Your Time in the best Exercifes. Which will, one Day, be infinitely Rewarded; When for doing much Good here in this World, You shall be taken into the unSpeakable Felicity of a Better. Which is the Prayer of,


Your Honour's most Oblig'd,

most Humble, and Obedient

Servant and Chaplain,

Fohn Havett.


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