Imatges de pàgina

Her eeres shoken fast withalle,

As from her heed they wolde falle.
Her face frounced 1 and forpyned,2
And both her hondes lorne, for-dwined.
So olde she was that she ne wente

A fote, but it were by potente.1

The tyme, that passeth nyght and daye, And restelesse travayleth aye,

And steleth from us so prively,

That to us semeth sykerly

That it in one poynt dwelleth ever.
And certes it ne resteth never,
But goth so fast, and passeth aye,
That there nys man that thynke may
What tyme that nowe present is,
Asketh at these clerkes this,
For men thynke it redily
Thre tymes ben ypassed by, —

The tyme, that may not sojourne,
But goth, and may never retourne,
As watir that doun renneth ay,
But never drope retourne may;
l'her may no thing as tyme endure,
Metalle, nor erthely creature,
For alle thing it frette and shalle:
The tyme eke, that chaungith alle,


And alle doth waxe, and fostred be,

And alle thing distroieth he:

1 Wrinkled.




Wasted. 8 Much wasted. Staff. Ct. Canter

bury Tales, 1. 11,818. Doth cause to grow


The tyme, that eldith our auncessours
And eldith kynges and emperours,
And that us alle shal overcomen
Er that deth us shal have nomen:
The tyme, that hath al in welde
To elden folk,1 had maad hir Elde
So ynly, that to my witing

She myghte helpe hir-silf no thing,
But turned ageyn unto childhede;
She hadde no thing hir-silf to lede,
Ne witte ne pithe in hir holde
More than a child of two yeer olde.
But natheles I trowe that she
Was faire sumtyme, and fresh to se,
Whan she was in hir rightful age:
But she was past al that passage
And was a doted thing bicomen.
And furred cope on hadde she nomen;
Wel hadde she clad hir-silf and warme,
For colde myght elles don hir harme.
These olde folk have alwey colde,
Her kynde is sich, whan they ben olde.
Another thing was don there write,*
That semede lyk an ipocrite,
And it was clepid POPE-HOLY."

That ilk is she that pryvely

Ne spareth never a wikked dede,
Whan men of hir taken noon hede,

Hath in its power to age folk. Taken. Caused there to be written. 5 Hypocrisy.




• Their natura.

And maketh hir outward precious,1
With pale visage and pitous,
And semeth a semely creature ;
But ther nys no mysaventure,
That she ne thenkith in hir corage.
Ful lyk to hir was that ymage,
That makid was lyk hir semblaunce.
She was ful symple of countenaunce,
And she was clothed and eke shod,
As she were for the love of God
Yolden 2 to relygioun,

Sich semede hir devocioun.

A sauter helde she fast in honde,
And bisily she gan to fonde3
To make many a feynt praiere,
To God, and to his seyntis dere.
Ne she was gay, ne fresh, ne jolyf,
But semede to be ful ententyf
To gode werkis, and to faire ;
And therto she had on an haire.*

Ne certis she was fatt no thing
But semede wery for fasting,
Of colour pale and deed was she.
From hir the gate ay werned be
Of Paradys, that blisful place;
For sich folk maketh lene her grace,
As Crist seith in his Evangile,

To gete prys in toun a while;




1 Over nice. Yielded. To try. A hair shirt. Forbid




And for a litel glorie veigne,

They lesen God and al his reigne.'


And alderlast of everychon

Was peynted POVERT al aloon,
That not a peny hadde in holde,
Alle-though she hir clothis solde,
And though she shulde an-honged be,
For nakid as a worme was she.
And if the wedir stormy were,
For colde she shulde have deyd there.
She nadde on but a streit2 olde sak,
And many a cloute on it ther stak;
This was hir cote, and hir mantelle,
No more was there never a delle
To clothe hir with; I undirtake,
Grete leyser hadde she to quake.
And she was putt, that I of talke,
Fer fro these other, up in an halke ;*
There lurked and there courede she,
For pover thing, where so it be,
Is shamefast, and dispised ay.
Acursed may wel be that day,
That povere man conceyved is ;
For, God wote, al to selde, iwys,
Is ony povere man wel fedde,
Or wel araied or y-cledde,
Or wel-biloved, in sich wise,
In honour that he may arise.
Alle these thingis welle avised,


1 Kingdom. Scanty. Corner. 4 Crouched



As I have you er this devysed,

With gold and asure over alle,
Depeynted newe upon the walle.'

Square was the walle, and high sumdelle;
Enclosed and y-barred welle,

In stede of hegge, was that gardyne ;
Come nevere shepherde therynne.

Into that gardyn, wel y-wrought,
Who-so that me coude have brought,
By laddris or elles by degre,2


It wolde wel have liked &
For sich solace, sich joie, and play,
I trowe that nevere man ne say,*
As was in that place delytous.

The gardeyn was not daungerous
To herberwe briddes many oon.


So riche a yeer was never noon

Of briddes songe, and braunches grene.
Therynne were briddes mo, I wene,
Than ben in alle the rewme' of Fraunce.

Ful blisful was the accordaunce

Of swete and pitous songe thei made,
For alle this world it owghte glade.

And I my-silf so mery ferde,


Whan I her blisful songes herde,

That for an hundreth pounde wolde I,

If that the passage opunly

Hadde be unto me fre,




1 That is, on the outside of the wall, as representing things antag onistic to Love. 2 Stairs. & Pleased. Saw. Sparing. Har bor. 7 Realm. Fared.

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