Imatges de pàgina

ged to leave, ás M'r. Thornhill and Míls Wilmot were vifiting round the country. They were to be married, he faid, in a few days, áving appeared together át church the Sunday efore he was there, in great splendour, thé ride attended by fix young ladies, and he ás mány géntlerren y). Their approaching uptials filled the whole country with rejoicing nd they fully ròde out together in the grandt équipage that had been feen in the country r many years. "All the fiends of both fámiles, he faid, were there, partícularly the Squire's uncle, Sir William Thornhill, who ore fò good à character. Hè ádded, thát othing but mirth and feasting were going forvard; that all the country praised the young ride's beauty, and the bridegroom's fine perfon, and that they were immenfely fond of each ther; concluding, that he could not help hinking Mr. Thornhill óne of the most happy én in the world.

„Why let him if he can," returned 'I; „bút, ay fón, obférve this bed of ftraw, and unheltering roof; thofe mouldering walls. and numid floor: my wretched body thús difabled y fire, and my children weeping round mè or bread; you háve come home, my child, o all this, yet hère, èven hère, you seè à

y) Hier und da ist es auf dem platten Lande von England unter Leuten mittlern Standes wohl noch gebräuchlich, dafs die jüngst Verheiratheten, in Begleitung von Perfonen männlichen (bride men) und weiblichen Gefchlechts (bride- maids) in der Kirche erfcheinen. Goldsmith, der ein Irländer war, verwechfelt in unserer Stelle vielleicht eine Irländische Sitte mit einer Englischen, oder kannte die letztere felbjt nicht genau.

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mán thát would nút fór à thóufand worlds ex change fituation. O, my children, if you could bút leárn to commùne with your own hearts, and know what noble cómpany you cán make them, you would little regárd the élegance and fplendours of the worthlefs. Al mòlt áll mén háve been taught to call life à páffage, and themfélves the travellers. The fimilitude ftill may be improved when we ob ferve that the good áre joyful and ferène, like trávellers that are going to.vards home; the wicked bút by intervals happy, like tráveller that are going into exile-"


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My compaffion for my poor daughter, overpowerd by this new difáfter, interupted what I hád farther to obférve. I både hér móther Support hér, ánd áfter à fhórt tìme fhè recó. vered. She appeared from thát tìme more ย cáim, and I imagined hád gained a new degree of refolution: but appearances deceived me, fór hér tranquillity was the languor óf overwrought reféntment. A fupply of provílions, cháritably fént ús by my kind parífhioners, feemed to diffùfe new chéarfulness amongst the réft of the family, nor was 'I difpleafed át feeing them once more fprìghtly and át eafe. It would have been unjúft to damp their satisfactions, merely to condòle with refolute mélancholy, ór to burthen them with à fádness they did nót feel. Thus, ónce mòre, the tale went round 2) and the fong was demanded, and chèarfulness condefcénded to hóver round our little habità.


z) the tale went round, einer erzählte nach dem andern.


Fresh calamities.,

The next morning the fún aròfe with peculiar warmth for the fèafon; fò that we agreed to breakfast together on the honey-fuckle bánk: where, while we fate, my youngest daughter, át my request, joined her voice to the concert on the trees about ús. 'It was in this place mỳ poor Olivia firft mét hér feducer, and every object férved to recȧl hér fádnefs. Bút thát melancholy, which is excited by objects of pléafure, or infpired by founds of harmony, Tooths the heart inftéad of corròding it.


mother too upón this occafion, félt à pleafing
diftréfs, and wept, and loved her daughter ás
before. „Do, my pretty Olivia," cried she,
ét ús háve that little mélancholy air your Papá
wás fò fond óf; your filter Sóphy hás already
obliged ús. Do, child, it will pléafe your
old father." She complied in à mánner fò éx-
quifitely pathétic, ás moved mè:

When lovely woman stoops to folly,.
'And finds too late thát mén betray.
What charm cán footh her melancholy,
What árt cán wash her guilt away?

The only árt hér guilt to cover,

To hide her fhaine from every eye,
To give repentance to her lovers
'And wring his bófom is to die.

'As fhe was concluding the láft stánza, to which án interruption in her voice from lórow gave peculiar fóitnels, the appearance of Mr.

Thornhill's équipage át à díftance alarmed all, bút particularly encreafed the unèafinel of my eldest daughter; who, defirous of fhún ning hér betrayer, retúrned to the houfe wit hér filter. 'In a few minutes, he was alighted fróm hís cháriot, and making up to the place where I was ftíll fitting, enquired áfter in health with his ùfual air óf familiárity. „Sír replied I, your préfent affurance only ferve to aggravate the baseness of your character ánd there was à tìme when I would have cha tifed your infolence, fór prefùming thús appear before mè. Bút nów you are fafe; fúr age hás cooled my páffions, and my calling ánd restrains them."

,,I vów, my dear Sir," returned hè, ám amazed át áll this: nór cán 'I understand what it means! I hope you don,t think your daughter's late excurfion with me hád ány thing criminal in it."

,,Go," cried I,,,thóu árt a wretch, poor pitiful wretch, and every wày à lìar bút your mèannels fecures you from mỳ ángen Yét Sír, I am defcénded fróm à fámily tha would not have borne this. 'And fò, th vile thing, to grátify à mòmentary páffion, thou háft made one poor creature wretched for life ánd polluted à fámily thát hád nothing b hónour for their pòrtíon."

„If fhè or you," returned hè, „áre refő ved, to be míferable, 'I cánnot help ít. Bu you may stíll be happy; and whatever opini

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a) a liar, ein Lügner, 'ein Schimpfwort, welches in Eng land eins der gehäfigften ist, womit man jemande belegen kann.

you may have fórmed óf me, you fháll éver find me ready to contribute to it. Wè cán márry hér to another ín à fhórt time, and what ís more, fhẻ mày keep hér lóver befìde; fór I protéft I fháll éver contínue to have a true regárd fór hér.

'I found áll my páffions alármed átthis new degrading propofal; for though the mind may 5ften bè calm under great injuries, little villainy cán át ány tìme get within the foul, and fting t into rage.,,Avoid my fight, thou réptile," eried I,,,nór contínue to infúlt me with thy présence. Wére my brave fón át home, hè would not fuffer this; bút I ám òld, ánd difbled, ánd évery way undóne."

,,I find," cried he,,,you áre bént upón bliging me to talk ín án há fher manner thán I intended. Bút ás I have fhown you what này bè hoped frúm mỳ friendfhip, ít mày nót ›è impróper tó represent what may be the conequences of my reféntment. My attorney b),

b) Ein Attorney heifst in der Englifchen Sprache eigentlich einer, der eines andern Gefchäfft übernimmt, und dazu bevollmächtigt ist; alfe ein Bevollmächtigter, ein Anwald. Diefe Männer find gleichfam die Handlanger der Rechtsgelehrfamkeit, welche dem eigentlichen Rechtsgelehrten vorarbeiten, Thatfachen fammlen, und in Ordnung bringen, Aussagen und Zeugen vorbereiten, die Instrumente unterfuchen, und kurz die maunigfaltigen Materialien zusammentragen, die ein Specialpleader (d. i. ein Advokat, der einen Process ausarbeitet und einleitet) braucht, um einen weitläuftigen Process auszuarbeiten. Ift ein folcher Attorney fehu gefchickt, und ist die Sache nicht zu verwickelt, fo kann er auch wohl felbft einen Process abfertigen, fo dass man des Special - pleader's gar nicht bedarf. Wer einen Process anfangen` will, befonders auf dem Lande, wendet fich an einen Attorney in der erften Inftanz, and diefer fagt ihm, vor welchem Gerichtshofe die


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