DIARY OF A SOMERSET INCUM BENT 100 YEARS AGO, PP. 201 sqq. DIVORCE, THE LAW OF [by Lord Phillimore], pp. 1 sqq. the law of the Western Church on divorce down to modern times, I; the ' divorces' of Henry VIII, 2; divorce a mensa et thoro, ib.; large extension of causes of nullity, 3; results of the Reformation, ib.; the Canons of 1603, 4; private Acts of Parliament, ib.; the Act of 1857 and its consequences, 5 sqq.; judicial separations, ib.; the King's Proctor, 6, 11; changes made by the Judicature Act (1875), 7; divorce in Ireland, 8-9; and in Scotland, 9; vast increase of divorce in recent years, 9 sqq.; (the first) Lord Gorell and the Royal Commission of 1909, 13; the Majority Report, 13-15; Lord Buckmaster's measure of 1920, 16-17; (the present) Lord Gorell's Bill of 1921, 17; probable social consequences of the changes urged in the Majority Report, 18-20 FREER, A. S. B., Early Fran ciscans and Jesuits, 180 FRENCH HERMIT OF THE SAHARA, A [by the Rev. J. C. Du his GALLOWAY, G., Religion and Modern Thought, 366 GARVIE, DR., AND THE AUTHORSHIP OF THE FOURTH GOSPEL [by the Rev. Dr. Rigg], pp. 233 sqq. previous supporters of the Jerusalem-disciple theory, 233; Dr. Garvie's views, 234; the authorship of chap. xxi, 235-7; Dr. Garvie's disagreement with previous commentators, 238; various points of difference between the Fourth Gospel and the Synoptic records, 238-41; presumed acquaintance of the Jerusalem-disciple with the High Priest, 242-4; the evidence of Irenaeus, 244-5 GOUDGE, Rev. Dr. H. L., The Lord of Thought,' 147 GOWER, H. H., Christ and Colossae, 169 GRANT, E., The People of Palestine, 364 HISTORY AND THE HISTORIC JESUS [by the Rev. R. Hanson], pp. 84 sqq. the concept of the historic' Jesus asserted to be the most important contribution of modern thought, 84; need for clear distinction between the historic' and the incarnate Christ, 85; a scientifically constructed Christ cannot mediate a special revelation, 86; successful propaganda against the incarnate Christ implies weakened interest in the historic' Jesus, 87; the master concepts of our day Immanence and Becoming rather than Transcendence and Being, 88; differing views of history and the historic held by Mr. Bertrand Russell, 89; by Croce and Gentile, 90; by Mr. Bernard Shaw, 91 sqq.; his view of the meaning of life, 92-3; the modern transmutation of values, 94; and dis PASCAL [by the Rev. Richard Hanson], pp. 332 sqq.: to Pascal, life seemed the greatest of all games, 333; God and man alike absorbed in the play, 334; the historic process occasionally disconcerts us by throwing up a great man, who conveys the impression that he is managing to play the game, 333-4; Blaise Pascal a palmary instance, 335; need for both l'art de démontrer and l'art d'agréer, 336; Pascal's condemnation of Montaigne's attitude to life, 337; his criticism of Méré and Miton, 338; valued reason more highly than Descartes himself, but with a difference, 340; on Geometry and Physics, 340-1; le bonheur, the aim of all men, 342; reason reveals at once the grandeur and the misery of man, ib.; inadequacy of la pensée, 343; man errs not through vicious thought but through his vicious self, ib.; Pascal tries to explain that Christian experience is necessarily inexplicable, 344: and upholds the challenge of Christianity to the intellect and the will, ib. ; his eminence as a man of science, 345; his interpretation of the problems of life, 346; man's restless search for some modus vivendi is in truth the search for Christ, 347; Pascal's thought fundamentally Christo-centric, 348; insists on the need of a complete renversement' of our moi,' 349; his conviction that Providence was on his side,' ib. PERIODICALS, 190, 379 QUICK, O. C., Liberalism, Modernism, and Tradition, 171 RELIGIOUS BELIEF AS DERIVED FROM EXPERIENCE [by Miss M. E. Sandbach Marshall], pp. 219 sqq. experience versus authority as a ground of belief, 219; Hume's definition of Belief, ib.; differing definitions of experience given by Dr. Rashdall and Mr. C. C. Hall, 220-1; two main characteristics of experience, 221; exposition of the relation between belief and experience in Mr. Spens' Belief and Practice, 222-6; the problem attacked by Dr. Rashdall from a different standpoint, 226-7; three questions considered: the relation between belief and experience, and which produces the other, 227-8; does the pragmatic test prove the validity of belief due to experience, or only shew that it has some value? 228-9; what is the value of religious experience? 230; Buddhist and Christian mysticism compared, 231-2; two points considered in relation to mystic experience, 232 REYNOLDS, A., English Sects, 183 ROEDER, G., Egyptian Grammar, 365 ROYDEN, A. M., Political Christianity, 369; Prayer as a Force, ib. SCOTT, E. F., Hebrews, 166 SEYMOUR, ST. J. D., Puritans in Ireland, 181 SIMKHOVITCH, V. G., Toward the Understanding of Jesus, 170 SMITH, J. M., Religion of the Psalms, 164 TAINSH, E. C., Christian Hypothesis, 368 TENISON, E. M., L. I. Guiney, 189 WALPOLE, A. S., Early Latin YANICH, V., and C. P. HANKEY, Lives of Serbian Saints, 179 Printed in England at THE BALLANTYNE PRESS SPOTTISWOODE, BallantyNE & Co. LTD. Colchester, London & Eton |