Imatges de pàgina

allowing the same, 196.-Displeasure
of the Assembly on account thereof,
200.-Light Money, 264.-Referred to,
300.-Letter from Governor Frank-
lin, relative to the emission of Paper


Daily: James, 717.
Daniels: Benajah, 717.
Daniel: Thomas, 531.
Dartmouth: Earl of, Letter from, to Gov-
ernor Franklin, relative to the burn-
ing of the Schooner Gaspée, 375.
Note on, 376.--Memorial to, from At-
torney-General Skinner, praying for
an adequate salary, 383.-Letter to,
from Governor Franklin, relative to
the Boundary Act, the inheritance of
real estate, and the Lottery Act, 385.
-Letter from, to Governor Franklin,
complimenting the Assembly, 388.-
Letter from, to Gov. Franklin, rela-
tive to papers transmitted to Chief-
Justice Smyth, 388.-Letter to, from
Gov. Franklin, transmitting a memo-
rial from Attorney-General Skinner,
389.-Letter to, from Governor Tryon,
393.-Letter to, from Chief-Justice
Smyth, relative to the destruction of
the Gaspie Schooner, 395.-Letter to,
from Governor Franklin, relative to
the petition of the Presbyterian Cler-
gy, 400.-Letter from, to Governor
Franklin, relative to the salaries of
the officers of the Crown, 401.-Let-
ters from, to the same, relative to the
petition of the Presbyterian Clergy,
404, 407.-Letter from, to Chief-Jus-
tice Smyth. 404. Letters to, from
Governor Franklin, relative to the
more adequate establishment of the
officers of the Crown, 405.-Letter to,
from the same, relative to Boundary
Line between New York and New Jer-
sey, 407.-Letter from, to Governor
Franklin, relative to the support of
the King's government, 408.-


to, from Governor Franklin, express-
ing the satisfaction of the Presbyte-
rian Clergy, 409.-Letter from, to
Governor Franklin, informing him
that the Boundary Line between New
York and New Jersey had been ap-
proved by the King, and the Lottery
Act under consideration, 416.--Letter
to, from Governor Franklin, relative
to Treasurer Skinner; the removal
of Charles Read; and the appoint-
ment of Francis Hopkinson, 425.
Referred to, 429.---Letter to, from
Governor Franklin, relative to the
state and condition of New Jersey,
433.-Letter from, to Governor Frank-
lin, relative to the removal of the
Treasurer of East Jersey, etc., 456.
Letter to, from Governor Franklin,
relative to the Boston Port Act, etc.,
457--Letter to, from the same, trans-
mitting papers, 461.-Letter to, from
the same, transmitting resolutions of
the inhabitants of Essex County, rela-
tive to a Congress of the Colonies, 404.
-Letter from, relative to the removal
of the seat of government from Bur-
lington to Perth Amboy, 468.-Letter

Money, 315.-Letter from the Earl of
Dartmouth, respecting the striking
£100,000 in Bills of Credit, 557.
Cuyler: Henry, 137.
Cushing: Thomas, 529.

from, to Governor Franklin, concern-
ing the Congress in Philadelphia, 496.
Circular letter from, relative to seiz-
ing gunpowder and arms imported
from England without license, 497
Letter to, from Governor Franklin,
transmitting a pamphlet published
by the Congress, 500.-Letter from,
to Governor Franklin, approving his
conduct, 501.-Circular letter from,
concerning the King's determination
to withstand every attempt to weaken
his authority over the Colonies, 513.
Circular letter from, to the Gover-
nors, directing them to prevent the
choice of Deputies to the Continental
Congress, 534.-Letter from, to Gov-
ernor Franklin, relative to the pro-
ceedings of the Continental Con-
gress, 535.--Letter to, from Governor
Franklin, transmitting his speech,
etc., 537.-Letter to, from the same,
relative to the seizure of arms and
ammunition imported into the prov-
ince without license, 548.-Circular
letter from, expressing hopes of a
restoration of the public tranquility,
553.-Circular letter from, enclosing
a resolution by Parliament, 555.--Let-
ter from, to Governor Franklin, re-
specting the lowering of interest; the
striking of £100,000 in Bills of Credit,
etc., 557.-Letter to, from Governor
Franklin, transmitting the names of
the members of the Council of New

Jersey, 560. Letter,to,from the same,
giving secret intelligence, 570.-Re-
ferred to, 580.-Circular letter from,
relative to the Order of the Comman-
der-in-chief of the forces in America,
586.-Letter to, from Governor Frank-
lin, relative to the King's troops at
Concord, 590.-Letter to, from the
same, relative to the affair at Lex-
ington, 601.-Letter from, to Gover-
nor Franklin, relative to the Conti-
nental Congress, 642 Letter to, from
Governor Franklin, relative to the
movement of troops in New Jersey,

Letter from, to Governor Frank-
lin, announcing the King's determi-
nation to crush the rebellion, and
that he had given orders to General
Gage and Admiral Graves to that end,
645.-Letter to,from Governor Frank-
lin, relative to the arrest of Major
Skeene, 648.-Letter from, to Gov.
Franklin, approving his speech, 651.
--Letter to, from Governor Franklin,
announcing that Congress had de-
clared war, 652.-Circular letter from,
relative to employing His Majesty's
ships in sending dispatches, 656.-Let-
ter to, from Governor Franklin, rela-
tive to the condition of the Colonies,
662. Circular letter from, enclosing
the King's speech, 667. Letter to,
from Governor Franklin, giving in-

[blocks in formation]

Essle:: John, 718.


Dennis: John, 422.
DeNoyelles: John, surveyor, 194.
Desbarres: , 518, 519, 520, 661.
Dickinson: John, 529, 574, 678, 689.
Dodd David, convicted of rioting at
Horseneck, 187.

Dodd: John, convicted of rioting at
Horseneck, 187.
Donaldson: William, 137.
Donop: Colonel, 302.
Doremus: John, 718.
Dorman: Philip, 718.
Drummond: Robert, 422.
Drummon: William, 717.
Duane: James, 530.

Dudingston: Captain William, 375.
Dunham: Az, 587, 588.
Dunmore's War: 495.

Dunzoy: Lewis Demarest, 717.
Dyer: Elipht, 529.

the Assembly to Governor Franklin'
in relation to, 180.-Riots in, referred
to, 198.-Letter from the Committee
of, to the inhabitants of Monmouth
County, relative to events in Boston,
459.-Resolves of the Freeholders of,


Ewing: Joshua, 531.

Essex County: Riots in, 172.-Address of Ewing: Thomas, 581, 532.

Fairchild: Benjamin, 717.
Farrall: Garrett, 718.
Farrand: Phineas, 718.

Farrand: Samuel, 718.

Fessenden: Thomas, affidavit, 612.
Finlay: Hugh, 610.

Fisher: Hendrick, 202, 640.

Fisher: William, 717.

Fithian: Joel, 531.

Fithian: Rev. Philip V., 532.

Floyd: William, 530.

Folsom: Nathaniel, 529.

Ford: Samuel, 413, 415, 416, 419, 421.
Foster: Ezekiel, 531,

Foxcroft: Deputy Postmaster-General,
657, 663, 669.

Francisco: Peter, 718.
Franklin: Benjamin, accounts of, 28.-
Referred to, 29, 48.-Letter to, from
Governor Franklin, relative to Cap-
tain Trent's affairs, etc., 111.-Ap-
pointment of, as Agent of New Jer-
sey, 135.-Referred to, 197.-Letter
from, to Governor Franklin, relative
to the Ohio affair and the Assembly's
insolvent laws, 236.-Letter from, to
Governor Franklin, in regard to Co-
lonial Agents in England, 330.- Re-
ferred to, 377, 381, 393, 421, 445.-Let-
ter to, from the Assembly of New
Jersey, inquiring as to the proceed-
ings of the British Parliament, 472.-
Letter from, to Governor Franklin,
on American affairs, 494. -Referred
to, 610, 692, 710.
Franklin: William, Governor of New
Jersey, 8.-Letter from, to Charles
Reed, relative to the case of John
Walker, and Benjamin Franklin's
accounts. 28.-Letter from, to Secre-
tary Hillsborough, relative to the


manufactures, etc., in New Jersey,
29.-Letter from, to Secretary Hills-
borough, relative to the New Jersey
Act of 1767 for quartering the troops,
32.-Letters from, to Secretary Hills-
borough, relative to a letter from
the House of Representatives of
Massachusetts Bay, 34, 36, 58.- Letter
from, to the Earl of Hillsborough,
recommending Richard Stockton to
be appointed a member of the New
Jersey Council, 44.-Letter to, from
Secretary Hillsborough, relative to
a letter from the House of Represen
tatives of Massachusetts, 45.-Letter
from, to the Earl of Hillsborough,
relative to a bill passed by the As-
sembly for striking £100,000 in Bills
of Credit, 48.-Letter to the Earl of
Hillsborough, relative to a complaint
made by the Commissioners of Cus-
toms, 53--Commission from, to
Charles Read, John Smith, and Sam-
uel Smith, to take charge of the seal
during his absence, 54.- Letter from,
to Secretary Hillsborough, relative
to a treaty with the Indians, 55.-Let-
ters to, from Secretary Hillsborough,
relative to the bill for issuing £100,-
000, 60, 99, 103.-Letter from, to the
Earl of Hillsborough, defending his
conduct against the censures of his
Lordship, 64.--Letter from, to the
Earl of Hillsborough, relative to the
treaty with the Indians for settling
the boundary line, 95.- Letter from,
to Cortlandt Skinner. 97.-Letter to
Benjamin Franklin, relative to Cap-
tain Trent's affairs, etc., 111.- Let-
ters of acknowledgment from, to the
Earl of Hillsborough, 118, 180.-- Let-

ter from, to the Earl of Hillsborough,
announcing the death of Lewis Mor-
ris Ashfield, a member of the Coun-
cil, 131.-Letter to, from the Earl of
Hillsborough, relative to the ap-
pointment of Cortlandt (Stephen)
Skinner as a member of Council
Letter from, to Secretary Pownall,
relative to the provision for the sup-
port of the King's troops, 141.-Let-
ter from, to the Earl of Hillsbor-
ough, transmitting Chief-Justice
Smyth's memorial, 144.-Letter to,
from the Earl of Hillsborough, cor-
recting error in regard to the Chris-
tian name of Mr. Skinner, 147.—Let-
ter from, to Cortlandt Skinner, rela-
tive to the riotous proceedings in

County, 148. Letter
from, to the Earl of Hillsborough,
enclosing paper, 150.-Speech of, in
relation to the riots in Monmouth
and Essex Counties, 172.-Address
to, from the Assembly, in relation to
said riots, 180.-Proclamation of, of-
fering a reward for the discovery of
the person who set fire to stable,
etc., of David Ogden, 183.-Letter
from, to the Earl of Hillsborough,
relative to public matters, 191.-
Complimentary Letter to, from the
Earl of Hillsborough, 198.-Letter
from, to the Earl of Hillsborough,
relative to the displeasure of the As-
sembly at the disallowance of the
Paper Money Act, 200.-Letter to the
Earl of Hillsborough, relative to pro-
vision for the supply of the troops
and the appointment of Barrack
Masters, 201.-Message to the Assem-
bly in regard to furnishing the
troops with necessaries, 203.-Procla-
mation of in relation to the assault
on John Hatton, 205. -Letter to,
from John Hatton, complaining of
the Cape May Justices, 209.-Letter
to, from the Earl of Hillsborough,
transmitting orders of Council, 213
-Letter from the Earl of Hillsbor-
ough, relative to providing for the
King's troops, 219- Letter from, to
the Earl of Hillsborough, relative to
the War with Spain, superintend-
ence of Indian affairs, and the death
of John Ladd, 221.-Letter from, to
Major William Trent. 227. - Letter
from, to the Earl of Hillsborough,
relative to recruiting parties, to
making provision for the King's
troops, and to the death of John
Smith, member of Council, 230,--Re-
ferred to, 232.-Letter from, to Lieu-
tenant Arthur Wadman, relative to
recruiting, 233.--Letter to, from Ben-
jamin Franklin, relative to the Ohio
affair and the insolvent laws, 236.
Letters from, to the Earl of Hills
borough, announcing the refusal of
the Assembly to provide for the
King's troops, 237, 297.-Speech of,
to the Council and Assembly, 238.-
Messages of, to the Assembly. 243,
256-Letter to, from the Earl of
Hillsborough, relative to the dispute
with Spain, the Indian trade, etc.,
271.-Letter from, to the Earl of

Hillsborough, relative to John Hat-
ton, 275, 313.-Letter from, to the
Commissioner of Customs at Boston,
relative to John Hatton, 287.-Letter
to, from the Lords of Trade, relative
to two Acts of the Assembly, 300.--
Letter to, from the Earl of Hillsbor-
ough, relative to recruiting the
King's forces, 301.-Letter to, from
the same, relative to John Hatton,
and to the refusal of the Assembly
to provide for the King's troops 304.
-Letter from, to the Earl of Hills-
borough, relative to the resignation
of Mr. Ogden, a member of the As-
sembly, 306.-Letter from, to the
Lords of Trade, relative to the emis-
sions of paper bills, and the appoint-
ment of an agent, 315.-Letter to,
from the Earl of Hillsborough, ap-
proving his position touching the
resignation of a member of the As-
sembly, 318-Letter from, to the
Lords of Trade, relative to the ap-
pointment of an Agent for New Jer-
sey, 320.-Letter from, to the Earl of
Hillsborough, informing him that
the Assembly had consented to pro-
vide for the arrears due to the
troops, 321.-Letter to, from the Earl
of Hillsborough, relative to the re-
moval of the troops from New Jer-
sey, 323.-Letter to, from Benjamin
Franklin, in relation to the appoint-
ment of Colonial Agents in England,
330.-Letter from, to the Earl of
Hillsborough, transmitting papers,
333.-Letter from, to the same, rela-
tive to the resignation of Mr. Ogden,
as a member of the Assembly, 334.-
Letter from, to the same, relative to
Act of Assembly of October, 1770,
337.--Letter from, to the same, trans-
mitting the petition of the Presby-
terian clergy in New Jersey, 339.
Referred to, 311, 345.-Proclamation
of, relative to the election of repre-
sentatives, 356.-Warrants signed by,
357-Letter to, from the Earl of
Hillsborough, relative to the resigna-
tion of a member of the Assembly,
and to the salary of the Chief-Jus-
tice, 361.-Letter to, from the same,
relative to the election of a member
of the Assembly in the room of Mr.
Ogden, 370.-Letter to, from the Earl
of Dartmouth, relative to the burn-
ing of the schooner Gaspée, 375.-
Letter from, to the Earl of Hillsbor-
ough, informing him that the Assem-
bly had granted money for the sup-
port of the King's troops, 378.--Let-
ter from, to the Lords of Trade, rela-
tive to the care of idiots and luna-
tics, 382.-Letter from, to the Earl of
Dartmouth, relative to the boundary
Act, the inheritance of real estate,
and the Lottery Act, 385.--Letter to,
from the Earl of Dartmouth, com-
plimenting the Assembly, 388.-Let-
ter from, to the Earl of Dartmouth,
relative to papers transmitted to
Chief Justice Smyth, 388.-Letter
from, to the same, transmitting a
memorial from Attorney-General
Skinner, 389.-Letter from, to the

same, relative to the petition from
the Presbyterian clergy, 400.-Letter
to, from the Earl of Dartmouth, rel-
ative to the salaries of the officers of
the Crown, 101.-Letter to, from the
same, relative to the application of
the Presbyterian ministers, 404, 407.
-Letter from, to the Earl of Dart-
mouth, relative to the more ade-
quate establishment of the officers
of the Crown, 405.--Letter from, to
the same, relative to the boundary
line between New York and New
Jersey, 407.- Letter to, from the Earl
of Dartmouth, relative to the sup
port of the King's government, 408.

Letter from, to the Earl of Dart-
mouth, expressing the satisfaction
of the Presbyterian clergy, 409.-
Message from, to the Assembly,
transmitting the resignation of the
Treasurer, Stephen skinner, 420.-
Letter from, to the Earl of Dart-
mouth, relative to Treasurer Skin-
ner; also the removal to St. Croix of
Charles Read, a member of the
Council, and recommending Fran-
cis Hopkinson to fill the vacancy,
425. Referred to, 429.-Letter from,
to the Earl of Dartmouth, with
answers to inquiries relative to state
and condition of the Province of
New Jersey, 433.-Letter to, from the
Earl of Dartmouth, relative to the
removal of the Treasurer of East
Jersey, 456,- Letter from, to the Earl
of Dartmouth, relative to the Boston
Port Act: a Congress of the mem-
bers of the several Assemblies; the
removal of the seat of government
from Burlington to Perth Amboy,
457.-Letter from, to the same, trans-
mitting several acts of the New Jer-
sey Assembly, 461.-Letter from, to
the same, relative to a Congress of
the Colonies, 464.--Letter from, to
the same, relative to the first Con-
gress in Philadelphia, 473. Letter
to, from Benjamin Franklin, on
American affairs, 494.-Letter to,
from the Earl of Dartmouth, con-
cerning the Congress in Philadel-
phia, 496.-Letter from, to the Earl
of Dartmouth, transmitting a pamph-
let published by the Congress, 500.-
Letter to, from the Earl of Dart-
mouth, approving his conduct, 501.-
Letter from, to the Earl of Dart-
mouth, relative to the Congress; also
transmitting a plan of a proposed
union between Great Britain and the
Colonies, 503.-Letter to, from the
Earl of Dartmouth, relative to the
Continental Congress, 535.-- Letter
from, to the Earl of Dartmouth,
transmitting his speech to the New
Jersey Assembly, together with the
resolutions of that body, 537.-
Speech of, to the Assembly, 538.-

Gadsden: Christ, 530, 649.
Gage: General, 604, 613, 645.

Gales: Samuel, 502.

Galloway: John, 717.


Address of the Council to, 541.-Re-
ply to the same, 542.-Letter from.
to the Earl of Dartmouth, relative to
the seizure of arms and ammunition
imported into the Province without
license, 548.-Referred to, 549.-Let-
ter to, from the Earl of Dartmouth,
respecting the lowering of interest;
the striking of £100,000 in Bills of
Credit, etc., 557.-Letter from, to the
Earl of Dartmouth, transmitting a
list of the names of the members of
the Council of New Jersey, 560.-
Letter from, to the same, giving se-
cret intelligence, 570.-Letter from,
to the same, relative to the King's
troops at Concord, 590.--Letter from,
to the same, relative to the affair at
Lexington, 601.-Speech of, to the
Assembly, 620.-Address of the As-
sembly to. 633.-Reply from, to the
same, 638.-Letter to, from the Earl
of Dartmouth, referring to the Con-
gress, 642.-Letter from, to the Earl
of Dartmouth, relative to the move-
ments of the troops in New Jersey,
644-Letter to, from the Earl of
Dartmouth, relative to the King's de-
termination to crush the rebellion,
645.-Letter from, to the Earl of
Dartmouth, relative to the arrest of
Major Philip Skeene, 648.-Letter to,
from the Earl of Dartmouth, ap
proving his speech, 651.- Letter
from, to the Earl of Dartmouth, an-
nouncing that Congress had declared
war, 652.-Letter from, to the same,
complaining that letters are opened
at the Post Office, 656.-Letter from,
to the same, relative to the condition
of the Colonies, and to Lord Stirling's
acceptance of a commission from
the Congress, 662.-Letter from, to
the same, announcing the raising of
troops and money in New Jersey,
with an intercepted letter from Dr.
Church, 669,--Letter to, from Lord
Germain, relative to the King's con-
cern that New Jersey should submit
to the Continental Congress, 675.-
Letter from, to the Earl of Dart-
mouth, relative to the sentiments of
the people, the suspension of the
Earl of Stirling and the belief that
Congress will have the assistance of
France, 676.-Letter from Governor
Franklin, to the same, describing his
arrest by Col. Winds, 698. -Letter
from, to Lord George Germain, on
the same subject, 702. - Taken to
Connecticut, 710.- Letter from to the
Legislature of New Jersey, 719.
Frederick, Sen.: Martin, 718.
Frederick; Martin, 718.
Freeman: Henry, 351.
Freehold Committee of Inspection: Let-
ter from, to the Inhabitants of
Shrewsbury, 559,

Galloway: Joseph, referred to, 48.-Note
on, 111, 197.-Referred to, 227, 378, 507,
529, 535.-Extract of a letter from,

[blocks in formation]

Hart: [Moses], 273.

Harwood: Sarah, 126.
Hatfield: Abner, 551, 557.
Hathaway: Silas, 717.

Hatton: John, 53, 205.--Warrant for the
apprehension of, 207.-Letter from,
to Governor Franklin, complaining
of the Cape May Justices, 209.- Let-
ters of complaint, 215, 218.-Referred
to. 217.- Letters from Gov. Franklin
concerning, 275, 287. 313.- Papers
relative to his complaint, 276.-Ex-
amination of, 284. 285.-Letter from
Commissioners of Customs, concern-
ing, 286, 295.-Letter from Earl of
Hillsborough, relative to, 304.-Let-
ter from John Pownall, relative to,

Hayward: Daniel, 718.

Heard: Nathaniel, 719, 720.
Heaton: Gideon, 531,

[blocks in formation]


[blocks in formation]

the public peace, 14.-Letter to, from
Governor Franklin, relative to man-
ufactures, etc., in New Jersey, 29.-
Letter to, from Governor Franklin,
relative to Act of 1767, for quartering
the troops, 32-Letter to, from Gov-
ernor Franklin, relative to a letter
from the House of Representatives
of Massachusetts, 34, 36.-Circular
letter from, to the Governors in
America, relative to the transmis-
sion of their duplicates, 35.-Letter
to, from Governor Franklin, recom-
mending Richard Stockton to be a
member of the New Jersey Council,
44.-Letter from, to Governor Frank-
lin, relative to a letter from the House
of Representatives of Massachusetts,
45.-Letter to, from Governor Frank-
lin, relative to an Act of the Assem-
bly, for striking £100,000 in Bills of
Credit, 48.-Letter to. from Governor
Franklin, relative to a complaint
made by the Commissioners of Cus-
toms, 53.-Letter to, from Governor
Franklin, relative to a treaty with
the Indians, 55.--Circular letter from,
to the Governors, relative to letters
received by them from his Majesty's
Secretaries of State, 57.-Letter from,
to Governor Franklin, relative to the
letter from Massachusetts Bay, 18-
Letters from, to Governor Franklin,
relative to the bill for issuing £100,-
000, 60, 99, 103.--Letter to. from Chief-
Justice Smyth, relative to the insuffi-
ciency of his salary, 62. - Letter to,
from Governor Franklin, defending
his conduct against the censure of
his Lordship, 64.-Letter to, from
Governor Franklin, relative to the
treaty with the Indians for settling
the Boundary Line, 95. Circular let-
ter from, informing the Governors
that his Majesty has had no design
to lay taxes on America for purposes
of revenue, 103,-Referred to, 112.-
Letter of acknowledgment to, from
Governor Franklin, 118, 139.- Letter
to, from Governor Franklin, announc-
ing the death of Mr. Ashfield, a mem-
ber of the Council, 131.--Letter from,
to Governor Franklin, relative to the
appointment of Cortlandt (Stephen)
Skinner, as a member of Council, 139.
-Letter from, to Governor Franklin,
correcting an error in regard to the
Christian name of Mr. Skinner, 147.
Letter to, from Governor Franklin,
enclosing paper, 150.-Letter to, from

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