Enter FALSTAFF, HOST, BARDOLPH, NYM, PISTOL, and ROBIN. Fal. Mine host of the Garter. Host. What says my bully-rook ? Speak scholarly and wisely. Fal. Truly, mine host, I must turn away some of my followers. a It pass'd-it surpass'd; or, it pass'd expression - a common mode of referring to something extraordinary. Thus in Act IV. Scene II., "this passes." b Of Dr. Caius' house- ask for Dr. Caius' house-ask which is the way. e Laundry. Sir Hugh means to say launder, or laundress. d Douce says that bully-rook is not derived from the rcok of chess; but that it means a hectoring, cheating sharper. We scarcely think that the Host would have applied such offensive terms to Falstaff, who sat "at ten pounds a week." Rowe has bully-rock, which Mr. White adopts, showing, by Host. Discard, bully Hercules; cashier: let them wag; trot, trot. Fal. I sit at ten pounds a week. Host. Thou 'rt an emperor, Cæsar, Keisar, and Pheezar. I will entertain Bardolph; he shall draw, he shall tap: said I well, bully Hector? Fal. Do so, good mine host. Host. I have spoke; let him follow: Let me see thee froth and lime: I am at a word; follow. [Exit HOST. Fal. Bardolph, follow him: a tapster is a good trade: an old cloak makes a new jerkin; a withered servingman a fresh tapster: Go; adieu. I will Bard. It is a life that I have desired; thrive. [Exit BARD. Pist. O base Hungarian wight! wilt thou the spigot wield? Nym. He was gotten in drink: Is not the humour conceited? [His mind is not heroic, and there's the humour of it."] Fal. I am glad I am so acquit of this tinderbox; his thefts were too open; his filching was like an unskilful singer, he kept not time. Nym. The good humour is to steal at a minute's rest.d Pist. Convey, the wise it call: Steal! foh; a fico for the phrase. Fal. Well, sirs, I am almost out at heels. Fal. There is no remedy; I must coney-catch; Pist. Young ravens must have food. Fal. Which of you know Ford of this town? Pist. I ken the wight; he is of substance good. Fal. My honest lads, I will tell you what I am about. quotations from Sedley and others, that a bully-rock was a brave dashing fellow. a Froth, and live, in the folio. The reading of the quarto is "froth and lime," which is interpreted to froth the beer and lime the sack. Steevens says the beer was frothed by putting soap in the tankard, and the sack made sparkling by lime in the glass. He does not give us his authority for these retail mysteries of the drawer's craft. Mr. Staunton prints, "let me see thee froth and lime;" assuming Froth and Lime to be an old cant term for a tapster. b Hungarian. So the folio. The quarto, which has supplied the ordinary reading, gives us Gongarian. The editors have retained Gongarian' because they find a similar epithet in one of the old bombast plays. Hungarian means a gipsy-and is equivalent to the Bohemian of Quentin Durward. In this play the Host calls Simple a 'Bohemian Tartar.' Bishop Hall in his Satires has a punning couplet,"So sharp and meagre that who should them see Would swear they lately came from Hungary,"and therefore Malone says that "a Hungarian signified a hungry, starved fellow." The passage in brackets was inserted by Theobald, from the quarto. d See Recent New Readings, p. 158. 155 Pist. Two yards, and more. Fal. No quips now, Pistol: Indeed I am in the waist two yards about; but I am now about no waste; I am about thrift. Briefly, I do mean to make love to Ford's wife; I spy entertainment in her; she discourses, she carves, she gives the leer of invitation: I can construe the action of her familiar style; and the hardest voice of her behaviour, to be English'd rightly, is, I am sir John Falstaff's. Pist. He hath studied her will, and translated her will, out of honesty into English. b Nym. The anchor is deep: Will that humour pass? Fal. Now, the report goes she has all the rule of her husband's purse; he hath a legion of angels. Pist. As many devils entertain; and, "To her boy,' say I. Nym. The humour rises; it is good: humour me the angels. Fal. I have writ me here a letter to her: and here another to Page's wife; who even now gave me good eyes too; examin'd my parts with most judicious eyliads; sometimes the beam of her view gilded my foot, sometimes my portly belly. Pist. Then did the sun on dunghill shine. Nym. I thank thee for that humour. Fal. O, she did so course o'er my exteriors with such a greedy intention, that the appetite of her eye did seem to scorch me up like a burning glass! Here's another letter to her: she bears the purse too; she is a region in Guiana, all gold and bounty. I will be cheater to them both, and they shall be exchequers to me; they shall be my East and West Indies, and I will trade to them both. Go, bear thou this letter to mistress Page; and thou this to mistress Ford: we will thrive, lads, we will thrive. Pist. Shall I sir Pandarus of Troy become, And by my side wear steel? then, Lucifer take all! Nym. I will run no base humour: here, take the humour letter; I will keep the 'haviour of reputation. "She discourses, she carves," so the folio; "she craves," in the quarto. Falstaff does not use the word in the sense of helping guests at table. In 'Love's Labour's Lost,' Act v. Scene 11., Biron says of Boyet, "He can carve too, and lisp," evidently in reference to his courtier-like accomplishments. Mr. Hunter and Mr. Dyce have given several instances of carve being used in the sense of "some form of action which indicated the desire that the person whom it addressed should be attentive and propitious;" and we agree with the definition of Mr. Hunter. b The ordinary reading is "he hath studied her well, and translated her well." The folio gives will, in the two instances. Mr. Dyce says will is an evident misprint, and that the quarto has well." Mr. White prints "studied her well, and translated her will." The Cambridge editors suggest "studied her well, and translated her ill." e So the folio. The quarto reads "she hath legions of angels." But Mrs. Ford has only the rule of the pursenot the possession of it. 156 Fal. Hold, sirrah, [to ROB.] bear you these letters tightly; Sail like my pinnace" to these golden shores.Rogues, hence, avaunt! vanish like hail-stones, go; Trudge, plod away i' the hoof; seek shelter, pack! Falstaff will learn the humour of the age, French thrift, you rogues; myself, and skirted page. [Exeunt FALSTAFF and ROBIN. Pist. Let vultures gripe thy guts! for gourd and fullam holds, And high and low beguile the rich and poor;d Tester I'll have in pouch, when thou shalt lack, Base Phrygian Turk! e Nym. I have operations, which be humours of revenge. Pist Wilt thou revenge? Ným. By welkin, and her stars! Pist. With wit, or steel? Nym. With both the humours, I: I will discuss the humour of this love to Ford. Pist. And I to Page shall eke unfold, How Falstaff, varlet vile, His dove will prove, his gold will hold, Nym. My humour shall not cool: I will incense Ford to deal with poison; I will possess him with yellowness, for the revolt of mien & is dangerous: that is my true humour. Pist. Thou art the Mars of malcontents: I second thee; troop on. [Exeunt. SCENE IV.-A room in Dr. Caius's House. Enter Mrs. QUICKLY, SIMPLE, and RUGBY. Quick. What: John Rugby!--I pray thee, a Tightly-briskly, cleverly. b Pinnace-a small vessel attached to, or in company with, a larger. The folio has honour; the quarto, humour. d Gourd, fullam, high and low, were cant terms for false dice. Pistol will have his tester in pouch, by cheating at play. The quarto reads, "I have operations in my head." f The editors have altered "Ford" to "Page," and "" "Page" to "Ford," because "the very reverse of this happens." Steevens says, "Shakspere is frequently guilty of these little forgetfulnesses." And yet the quarto gives us the reading which the editors adopt. But had Shakspere, who was not quite so forgetful as they represent, no reason for making the change? Nym suggests the scheme of betraying Falstaff, and it was natural that Ford being first mentioned by Sir John, and Ford's wife being most the subject of conversation, Nym should first propose to "discuss the humour of this love" to Ford. How the worthies arranged their plans afterwards has little to do with the matter and it is to be observed that they are together when the disclosure takes place to both husbands. g Mien. This is mine in the folio; but mien was thus spelt. By "the revolt of mien" Nym may intend the change of complexion-the yellowness of jealousy. Or he may intend by "the revolt of mine," my revolt. The matter is not worth discussing. his Quick. Go; and we'll have a posset for 't soon at night, in faith, at the latter end of a sea-coal fire. An honest, willing, kind fellow, as ever servant shall come in house withal; and, I warrant you, no tell-tale, nor no breed-bate: worst fault is that he is given to prayer; he is something peevish that way; but nobody but has his fault; but let that pass. Peter Simple you say your name is? Sim. Ay, for fault of a better. Quick. And master Slender's your master? Quick. Does he not wear a great round beard, like a glover's paring knife? Sim. No, forsooth: he hath but a little wee face, with a little yellow beard; a cane-coloured beard.b Quick. A softly-sprighted man, is he not? Sim. Ay, forsooth: but he is as tall a man of his hands as any is between this and his head; he hath fought with a warrener. Quick. How say you ?-O, I should remember him: Does he not hold up his head, as it were? and strut in his gait ? Sim. Yes, indeed, does he. Quick. Well, heaven send Anne Page no worse fortune! Tell master parson Evans I will do what I can for your master: Anne is a good girl, and I wish Re-enter RUGBY. Rug. Out, alas! here comes my master. Quick. We shall all be shent: Run in here, good young man; go into this closet. [Shuts SIMPLE in the closet.] He will not stay long.What, John Rugby! John, what John, I say! Go, John, go inquire for thy master; I doubt he be not well, that he comes not home:-and down, down, adown-a, &c. a Bate is strife. It is "debate." [Sings. b The ordinary reading is "a Cain-coloured beard." Cain and Judas, according to Theobald, were represented in the old tapestries with yellow beards. But surely the representation was not so general as to become the popular designation of a colour; whereas the colour of cane is intelligible to all. The quarto confirms this: "Quick. He has as it were a whay-coloured beard. Sim. Indeed my master's beard is kane-coloured." The spelling of the folio is, however, "Caine-coloured." c Shent, roughly handled. Enter Doctor CAIUS. Caius. Vat is you sing? I do not like dese toys; Pray you, go and vetch me in my closet un boitier verd; a box, a green-a box; Do intend vat I speak ? a green-a box. Quick. Ay, forsooth, I'll fetch it you. I am glad he went not in himself: if he had found the young man, he would have been horn-mad. [Aside. Caius. Fe, fe, fe, fe! ma foi, il fait fort chaud. Je m'en vais à la Cour,-la grande affaire. Quick. Is it this, sir? Caius. Ouy; mette le au mon pocket; Depeche quickly:-Vere is dat knave Rugby? Quick. What, John Rugby! John! Rug. Here, sir. Caius. You are John Rugby, and you are Jack Rugby: Come, take-a your rapier, and come after my heel to de court. Rug. 'Tis ready, sir, here in the porch. Caius. By my trot, I tarry too long;-Od's me! Qu'ay j'oublié ? dere is some simples in my closet dat I vill not for the varld I shall leave behind. Quick. Ah me! he'll find the young man there, and be mad! Caius. O diable, diable! vat is in my closet?Villainy! larron! [Pulling SIMPLE out.] Rugby, my rapier. Quick. Good master, be content. Caius. Verefore shall I be content-a? Caius. Vat shall de honest man do in my closet? dere is no honest man dat shall come in my closet. Quick. I beseech you, be not so flegmatick, hear the truth of it: He came of an errand to me from parson Hugh. Cuius. Vell. Sim. Ay, forsooth, to desire her to- Caius. Peace-a your tongue :-Speak-a your tale. Sim. To desire this honest gentlewoman, your maid, to speak a good word to Mrs. Anne Page for my master, in the way of marriage. Quick. This is all, indeed, la; but I'll ne'er put my finger in the fire, and need not. Caius. Sir Hugh send-a you?-Rugby, baillez me some paper: Tarry you a little-a while. [Writes. Quick. I am glad he is so quiet if he had been thoroughly moved you should have heard him so loud and so melancholy.-But notwithstanding, man, I'll do your master what good I can: and the very yea and the no is, the French doctor, my master,- I may call him my master, look you, for I keep his house; and I wash, wring, brew, bake, scour, dress meat and drink, make the beds, and do all myself : Sim. 'Tis a great charge to come under one body's hand. Quick. Are you avis'd o'that? you shall find it a great charge: and to be up early and down late;-but late; but notwithstanding, (to tell you in your ear; I would have no words of it ;) my master himself is in love with mistress Anne Page: but notwithstanding that, I know Anne's mind, that's neither here nor there. Caius. You jack'nape; give-a dis letter to sir Hugh; by gar, it is a challenge: I will cut his troat in de park; and I vill teach a scurvy jacka-nape priest to meddle or make :-you may be gone; it is not good you tarry here:-by gar, I vil cut all his two stones; by gar, he shall not have a stone to trow at his dog. [Exit SIMPLE. Quick. Alas, he speaks but for his friend. Caius. It is no matter-a for dat :-do not you tell-a me dat I shall have Anne Page for myself? --by gar, I will kill de Jack Priest; and I have appointed mine host of de Jarterre to measure our weapon:-by gar, I vill myself have Anne Page. Quick. Sir, the maid loves you, and all shall be well we must give folks leave to prate: What, the good-jer! Caius. Rugby, come to de court vid me :-- -By gar, if I have not Anne Page, I shall turn your head out of my door :-Follow my heels, Rugby. [Exeunt CAIUS and RUGBY. Quick. You shall have An fools-head of your own. No, I know Anne's mind for that: never a woman in Windsor knows more of Anne's mind than I do: nor can do more than I do with her, I thank heaven. Fent. [Within.] Who's within there? ho! Quick. Who's there, 1 trow? Come near the house, I pray you. Enter FENTON. Fent. How now, good woman; how dost thou ? Quick. The better that it pleases your good worship to ask. Fent. What news? how does pretty mistress Anne ? Quick. In truth, sir, and she is pretty, and honest, and gentle; and one that is your friend, I can tell you that by the way; I praise heaven for it. Fent. Shall I do any good, think'st thou ? Shall I not lose my suit? Quick. Troth, sir, all is in his hands above: but notwithstanding, master Fenton, I'll be sworn on a book, she loves you :-Have not your worship a wart above your eye? Fent. Yes, marry, have I; what of that? Quick. Well, thereby hangs a tale ;-good faith, it is such another Nan;-but, I detest, an honest maid as ever broke bread;—We had an hour's talk of that wart :-I shall never laugh but in that maid's company! But, indeed, she is given too much to allicholly and musing: But for you-Well, go to. Fent. Well, I shall see her to-day; Hold, there's money for thee; let me have thy voice in my behalf: if thou seest her before me, commend me. Quick. Will I? i'faith, that we will; and I will tell your worship more of the wart, the next time we have confidence; and of other wooers. Fent. Well, farewell; I am in great haste [Exit. Quick. Farewell to your worship.-Truly, an honest gentleman; but Anne loves him not; for I know Anne's mind as well as another does :— Out upon't! what have I forgot? [Exit. now. RECENT NEW READINGS. Sc. III. p. 155.-"Steal at a minute's rest." "Steal at a minim's rest."-Singer. The same correction had been proposed by Mr. Langton. But to rest, to set up a rest, was a phrase of card-playing, equivalent to standing upon the game. The player was allowed time to make up his mind. Bardolph's thefts were too open; he did not deliberate. Nym would pause. We believe the original reading, which we give, is right. If Nym only paused while he could count two-the time of a minim, he would be as rash as Bardolph. Mr. Collier's Corrector' anticipated (? adopted) Langton and Singer. Sc. III p. 156.-"She is a region in Guiana, all gold and bounty." "She is a region in Guiana, all gold and beauty."-Collier. In favour of the correction, Mr. Collier says, "Guiana was famous for its beauty as well as for its gold, and thus the parallel between it and Mrs. Page is more exact." But Falstaff nowhere speaks of Mrs. Page as a beauty. He writes to her, " you are not young." She herself says, "Have I 'scaped love-letters in the holiday time of my beauty, and am I now a subject for them?" Falstaff thinks only of her money, and her bounty in parting with it. "She bears the purse too." 158 1 SCENE I.-"Sir Hugh, persuade me not." WE find several instances in Shakspere of a priest being called Sir: as, Sir Hugh in this comedy; Sir Oliver in As You Like It; Sir Topas in Twelfth Night; and Sir Nathaniel in Love's Labour's Lost.-In a curious treatise quoted by Todd, entitled 'A Decacordon of Ten Quodlibeticall Questions concerning Religion and State, &c., newly imprinted, 1602,' we have the following magniloquent explanation of the matter: "By the laws armorial, civil, and of arms, a Priest in his place in civil conversation is always before any Esquire, as being a Knight's fellow by his holy orders: and the third of the three Sirs, which only were in request of old (no baron, viscount, earl, nor marquis being then in use) to wit, Sir King, Sir Knight, and Sir Priest; this word Dominus, in Latin, being a noun substantive common to them all, as Dominus meus Rex, Dominus meus Joab, Dominus Sacerdos: and afterwards, when honours began to take their subordination one under another, and titles of princely dignity to be hereditary to succeeding posterity (which happened upon the fall of the Roman empire) then Dominus was in Latin applied to all noble and generous hearts, even from the king to the meanest Priest, or temporal person of gentle blood, coatarmour perfect, and ancestry. But Sir in English was restrained to these four; Sir Knight, Sir Priest, Sir Graduate, and in common speech Sir Esquire: so as always since distinction of titles were, Sir Priest was ever the second." Fuller, in his Church History, gives us a more homely version of the title. After saying that anciently there were in England more Sirs than Knights, he adds, "Such priests as have the addition of Sir before their Christian name were men not graduated in the university, being in orders, but not in degrees, whilst others entituled masters had commenced in the arts." In a note in Smith's Antiquities of Westminster, Mr. John Sidney Hawkins gives us the following explanation of the passage in Fuller : "It was, probably, only a translation of the Latin dominus, which in strictness means, when applied to persons under the degree of knighthood, nothing more than master, or, as it is now written, Mr. In the university persons would rank according to their academical degrees only, and there was, consequently, no danger of confusion between baronets and knights and those of the clergy, but to preserve the distinction which Fuller points out, it seems to have been thought necessary to translate dominus, in this case, by the appellative Sir; for had magister been used instead of dominus, or had dominus been rendered master, non-graduates, to whom it had been applied, would have been mistaken for magistri artium, masters of arts." 2 SCENE I.-"The luce is the fresh fish; the salt fish is an old coat." This speech is an heraldric puzzle. It is pretty clear that "the dozen white luces" apply to the arms of the Lucy family. In Ferne's Blazon of |