Suit the Action to the Word & the Word to the Action; with this special observance, that you o'erftep not the Modesty of Nature. Shakespeare. ELEGANT EXTRACTS, POETICA L. BOOK THE THIRD. DRAMATIC, CHIEFLY 1. ALL's WELL THAT ENDS WELL. SHAKSPEARE. BE Advice. E thou bleft, Bertram, and fucceed thy father, In manners as in fhape; thy blood and virtue Contend for empire in thee, and thy goodness Share with thy birth-right. Love all; truft a few; Do wrong to none; be able for thine enemy Too ambitious Love. I am undone; there is no living, none, If Bertram be away. It were all one, That I fhould love a bright particular star, And think to wed it, he is fo above me! In his bright radiance and collateral light Muft I be comforted, not in his fphere. Th' ambition in my love thus plagues itself: The hind that would be mated by the lion Muft die for love. 'Twas pretty, tho' a plague, To fee him every hour; to fit and draw His arched brows, his hawking eye, his curls, In our heart's table: heart, too capable Of every line and trick of his fweet favour! But now he's gone, and my idolatrous fancy Must sanctify his relics. A parafitical, vain Coward. I know him a notorious liar; Think him a great way fool, folely a coward; Yet thefe fix'd evils fit fo fit in him, That they take place, when virtue's fteely bones Look bleak in the cold wind: withal, full oft we fee Cold witdom waiting on fuperfluous folly. FROM SHAKSPEARE. The Remedy of Evils generally in ourselves. Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie, Which we afcribe to Heav'n. The fated sky Gives us free fcope; only doth backward pull Our flow defigns, when we ourfelves are dull. Impoffible be ftrange attempts to those That weigh their pain in fenfe, and do fuppofe What hath been cannot be. Who ever ftrove To fhew her merit, that did mifs her love? Character of a noble Courtier, by an old Cotemporary. King. I would I had that corporal foundness As when thy father and myfelf in friendship [now Would I were with him -He would always fay (Methinks I hear him now) his plaufive words Na He |