The Elegiac Mode: Poetic Form in Wordsworth and Other ElegistsCornell University Press, 1967 - 460 pàgines |
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Resultats 1 - 3 de 72.
Prologue I | 1 |
Flute Song | 9 |
Lucy Light as Elegiac Symbol | 67 |
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The Elegiac Mode: Poetic Form in Wordsworth and Other Elegists Abbie Findlay Potts Visualització de fragments - 1967 |
Frases i termes més freqüents
anagnorisis Arnold ballad balladry beauty beloved Book bright Castara Catullus century Christian classical Coleridge couplets Cynthia D. H. Lawrence darkness dead death discovery distichs dream earth echoes elegiac couplets elegiac imagination elegist elegy English ethical Excursion feeling flute song Greek Habington Hardy Hardy's heart heaven human idyllic images instance Landor Latin Lawrence's light literary literature living lover Lucy lyric Matthew meditative memory metaphor Mimnermus mind Miscellany moon Muse nature Ovid pastoral pattern Peter Bell Phoenix pipe poems poet poet's poetical poetry Prelude probe Propertius prose Psalm quoted revelation revelatory rhythms Sage says Shelley Simonides singing skeptical Solon sonnets soul speculative spirit spondees stanza stars sweet symbols Tennyson thee theme things Thomas Hardy thou thought Tibullus tion translated tree trochees truth Tyrtaeus verse vision W. B. Yeats William William Wordsworth Words Wordsworth worth's writing Xenophanes Yeats Yeats's