Imatges de pàgina

ot rich. Well, Liza got rich, too, an' now I see she's imortJied a long-haired professor of Buddhism an' theosophy, thraight fr'rom the mountains of Himalay, or some sich place, n ordher to outdo the other women. Oh, but it's a grand time Viey have of evenin's while their husbands is out with doublebarreled shotguns lookin' f'r the soul-devourin' coal trust they curried loose unbeknownst themselves! There's Mrs. Smykes, whose father used to keep a saloon down on State sthreet until Vie got rich an' his daughter marri'd a patint medicine docther, an' Mrs. Mulky, whose husband is a son av old Mike Mulcahy, who kem over when I did, an'—well, all the great an' mighty ■who own autymobiles and get their pickchers in the papers once

a week. Annyway, they've got the Christian science people

bate at last."

Old Barney put salt in his by mistake. "The divil they have!" he exclaimed. "An' sure it's desp'rit hard wur-ruk they must V had a-doin' it."

"Well, they've done it, anyhow. The importhed haythen. they say, is able to rade their minds like a book In moments of profound meditation he's able to find pins tltev've s'uck away undher the carpet. Indade, if half's true whit the papers say, he has more tricks than Tony Antonio's monkey. It's his way of interjoocin' the new relijin they're gettin' up—the relijin av the pagan races av Indy and Chiny an' other places where they worship cows an' animals an' die of cholera an' British civilization."

"Well," returned Barney after a pause, "well, they've never had much Christianity, annyway."

"No-0-0. But thin they're settin' a bad example. There's poor Mary Flaherty, who lives in Father Burke's parish; she's beginnin' to run afther the new notion because she read about it in the pa-apers, an' sees the pickchers 3V the fine ladies prominintly displayed; and there's Kitty Walsh, whose father's made some money out av politics, now lookin' around f'r somethin' to set up as an oul clay idol with a red light before it, in hope that Ropy Reed'll come round an' write it up. Afther a while I sup-pose she'll be wantin' to import a Hindoo professor herself in ordher to get her mind read an' have the divil raised up for the eddification av her fri'nds."


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JflfgrO. ^^1*^ ^Afro-American

^ "jL Pilots were taken in the _D!l^e AO^o^^ important office Alger

A&VOT N?^-1^ control to abandon,

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■° l\«*ero1ttn ^0ns to ex-slaves in the

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^crn St»le**i9 not to be supposed Senator Hanna seriously co^se, * upon the taxpayers of the United States a ^ds to itn?°rtnoUS as this proposition would indicate. A '*den s° e0°paid down and a pension of $15 per month to of $5°° £ male or female, would involve an expenditure 'ch adult sl.a^s' Df dollars annually, and there is no probability, Tniany "^"'^dly a possibility, that such a proposition can ever f indeed; gh Congress."

carried tn" thinkers have held, and still hold, that the ^ good rnabjaCi<s during our Civil War without compensarfreeing °f theowners was a gigantic piece of robbery, and that

- n to tnelf nt of the United States ought long ago to have *hl Gove1"""16 uch defrauded owners, or their heirs, for all

mpensa f Sed by the act of Emancipation Mr. Hanna's C°ch slaVCS \ seems to have taken another direction. To SU rier°uS pear that freedom with education and American vrtr\ ^ *'°Uld 3 not enough to have given or bestowed on the

- tizenshiP *e^at now, at this late day, the Government should e>ib oensions besides.


-ve them P Senator Hanna knows as well as the editor
1 sup"n>;e ' '--"'•'
[ the

cVents, ttie 3egJon, viz., that slavery was better than freedom

\ supPose ^ vvhat he really means by his proposition,

^| the T ^tne country can afford the pensions or not. At all

_rtd whether st;on seems to favor the Southern view of
* the sugfc . , , r .

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for the blacks of the South. Mr. Hanna's proposition certainly admits that said blacks are, many of them, incapable of caring for themselves and earning their daily bread, notwithstanding the freedom and education and citizenship they have enjoyed for over thirty years. Why Senator Hanna, by reason of this streak of good nature, should be considered as the legitimate successor of "Embalmed Beef Alger" is not so clear. Senator Hanna has been a very successful politician. By his chosen methods Mr. McKinley was made nominal President of the United States, and by the accident of an assassin Theodore Roosevelt inherits the fruits of said successful methods.

Senator Hanna has not, up to this date, shown himself a very great admirer of Roosevelt's shifting "statesmanship." Only last summer he suggested that the President seemed to be "hunting trouble," and though Senator Hoar was in evidence, some weeks ago, with his anti-trust bill, as per previous agreement, the Philadelphia papers have announced within a few days of this writing that Senator Quay had changed his Senatorial tricks and tactics, so that the anti-trust bill should be indefinitely postponed, and his Statehood bill and other appropriations should take precedence of the anti-trust bill. So these two statesmen, Hanna and Quay, seem to be playing for leadership and more. But Quay has had his day—Senator Hanna is still in the saddle as chairman of the Republican National Committee, and negro pension bill or not, nothing but a tremendous war within the next two years, which might make it seem necessary to keep the famous warrior of Cuban fame at the head of affairs and render it "unsafe to change horses while crossing the stream," can keep Mr. Hanna from saying who the next President shall be, or from being the next President himself.

It is an interesting game, but as both players, and likewise their friends, have so many glass windows in their houses it may be well for the friends of both gentlemen to cease throwing stones. For more than a year we have held and taught in this Review that Roosevelt had knocked himself out. We do not agree with Mr. Bryan that the anti-trust legislation to date is all weak enough to save Mr. R. the nomination; the moneyed elements, the commercial elements, the professional elements, the literary elements and the real political leaders of

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