Renaissance Clothing and the Materials of MemoryCambridge University Press, 2000 - 368 pàgines During the late sixteenth century 'fashion' first took on the sense of restless change in contrast to the older sense of fashioning or making. As fashionings, clothes were perceived as material forms of personal and social identity which made the man or woman. In Renaissance Clothing and the Materials of Memory Jones and Stallybrass argue that the making and transmission of fabrics and clothing were central to the making of Renaissance culture. Their examination explores the role of clothes as forms of memory transmitted from master to servant, from friend to friend, from lover to lover. This 2001 book offers a close reading of literary texts, paintings, textiles, theatrical documents, and ephemera to reveal how clothing and textiles were crucial to the making and unmaking of concepts of status, gender, sexuality, and religion in the Renaissance. The book is illustrated with a wide range of images from portraits to embroidery. |
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fashion fetishism and memory in early modern England and Europe | 1 |
Material subjects | 15 |
1 The currency of clothing | 17 |
making portraits | 34 |
fabrications of the Jacobean court | 59 |
Gendered habits | 87 |
Velázquezs Las Hilanderas | 89 |
Penelope and the Three Fates | 104 |
7 The circulation of clothes and the making of the English theater | 175 |
speculating on the boy actor | 207 |
Griselda clothing and the exchange of women | 220 |
the materiality of memory on the Renaissance stage | 245 |
the ends of livery | 269 |
Notes | 278 |
Bibliography | 329 |
355 | |
Altres edicions - Mostra-ho tot
Renaissance Clothing and the Materials of Memory Ann Rosalind Jones,Peter Stallybrass Previsualització limitada - 2000 |
Frases i termes més freqüents
Admiral's Men Anne Anthony Van Dyck apparel Arachne Arachne's aristocratic armor Barnabe Rich Ben Jonson Boccaccio body boy actor breasts Cambridge University Press cassoni cloak clothes costumes Countess Countess of Somerset court Culture Dekker depicted distaff doublet dress Earl Early Modern England Elizabeth Elizabethan embroidered embroidery English engraving fashion father female fetish Frances Howard garments gender ghost gold gown Griselda Grissill Gualtieri Hamlet Henry Henslowe Hic Mulier Holbein husband James jewels John Jonson King lace Lady linen livery London male marriage Mary material memory needle needlework Overbury Ovid Oxford painting Pamela pawnbroking pawned Penelope Petrarch play political portrait Queen reclothing records Renaissance robe ruffs russet scene sexual Shakespeare silk silver sitters social Somerset spinner spinning stage Stephen Orgel story tapestry textile theater theatrical Thomas Thomas Dekker thread trans translation undressing Velázquez wearing weaver weaving wife William woman women woodcut wool yellow starch York
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The Making of the Modern Self: identity and culture in eighteenth-century ... Dror Wahrman Previsualització limitada - 2004 |