126 156 "Home they brought he. warrior dead" 235 (Princess) 796 292 993 Lullaby (Princess) 254 May Queen, The Mort d'Arthur. Miller's Daughter, The (Miller's Daughter) 327 173 642 New Year's Eve (In Memoriam) "What does little birdie say?" (Sea Dreams) TENNYSON FREDERICK 80 O swallow, swallow, flying south" (Princess) 171 752 (In 392 315 174 446 168 418 393 926 Palm-Tree, The 436 Tintern Abbey Pumpkin, The 455 Reformer, The. 459 600 Thy Will be Done From: Centennial Hymn, 604; Democracy, 813; 375 Hampton Beach Eve of Election, 603, 719; Snow-Bound, 807. WILCOX, CARLOS. Newport, N. H., 1794-1827 God everywhere in Nature 488 IOC 821 1001 523 776 Sonnet composed upon Westminster Bridge The world is too much with us" "Three years she grew To a Chi.d Toussaint l'Ouverture, To Unknown Poets (Excursion) Walton's Book of Lives (Eccles. Sonnets). From: Character of the Happy Warrior, 540; Lao- damia, 203, 206, 399; Lines added to "The WOTTON, SIR HENRY. Eng and, 1568 – 16.79. Character of a Happy Life, The 692 884 356 WROTHER. MISS. From: The Universal Songster 736 667 124 From: The Death of Sir Albert Morton's Wife 312 "Rock of Ages," p. 367, in a previous edition indexed as Anonymous, was written by Prof. EDWARD H. RICE, Springfield, Mass. "Silent Baby," heretofore given as Anonymous is by Mrs. Et1Fn Bartlett CuRRIER, Ober in, Ohio "The Babie," on p. 79, in former editions ascribed to HUGH MILLER, IS by Rev. J. E. RANKIN, Washington, C., b. New Hampshire, 1828. BATES, ARLO. FROM RECENT POETS. For List of Illustrations for these Poems in their order see page ix. East Machias, Me., 1850. From: "Sonnets in Shadow" Publishers: Roberts Bros., Boston. BATES, CHARLOTTE FISKE. New York City, 1838-1889. In Mid Ocean Publishers: The Century Co., New York. London 685 BUNNER, HENRY CUYLER DELAND, MARGARETTA WADE. Oswego, N. Y, 1855-1896. For an Old Poet (Richard Henry Stoddard) 767 Publishers: Charles Scribner s Sons, New York. |