Imatges de pàgina
[blocks in formation]

But what means this? no peace is here!
Do dirks unsheath'd suit bridal cheer?
Or are these naked brands

A seemly shew for Churchman's sight,
When he comes summon'd to unite

Betrothed hearts and hands?”

The Second Canto closes with an inspired prophetic blessing of Bruce by the Abbot; who declares he intended to curse him, but, impelled by a superior power, adds,

"I bless thee, and thou shalt be bless'd." Ronald, made a convert by the Abbot's speech, offers his assistance to Bruce; and they retire to the Isle of Skye, which is described with true poetic energy. There they meet with five strangers:

"Men were they all of evil mien,
Down-look'd, unwilling to be seen;
They mov'd with half-resolved pace,
And bent on earth each gloomy face."
In the cabin of these suspicions per-
sons they find a young dumb captive,
who takes an opportunity of putting
them upon their guard against their
hosts. For this he is stabbed in the
night, but not killed; and Bruce,
awaking, takes a dreadful vengeance
upon the murderer. At length they
leave the Island, summoned by Ed-
ward Bruce, who informs them of the
death of the King of England, and of
Scotland rising in favour of Robert,
Isabel, conscious of Ronald's par-
tiality for her, and displeased at his
rejection of the Maid of Loro, deter-
mines to retire to a Convent; and
Bruce commends the page whom he
had saved to her care: the page,
however, had other objects in view;
and, flying from the Convent, at-
tached himself to Ronald. The con-
cluding stanzas of the Poem gives an
animated picture of the person whom
the page proved to be.

"Turn we to Bruce, whose curious ear
Must from Fitz-Louis tidings hear;
With him, an hundred voices tell
Of prodigy and miracle;

For the mute page had spoke.'
'Page!' said Fitz-Louis, rather say,
An Angel sent from realms of day,
To burst the English yoke.

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Burst when be saw the Island Lord Returning from the battle-field.* 'What answer made the Chief?' He kneel'd,

Durst not look up, but mutter'd low Some mingled sounds that none might know,

And greeted him 'twixt joy and fear,
As being of superior sphere.'

Ev'n upon Bannock's bloody plain,
Heap'd then with thousands of the slain,
'Mid victor Monarch's musings high,
Mirth laugh'd in good King Robert's eye.
And bore he such angelic air,
Such noble front, such waving hair?
Hath Ronald kneel'd to him " he said,
"Then must we call the Church to aid-
Our will be to the Abbot known,
Ere these strange news are wider blown,
To Cambuskenneth strait he pass,
And deck the church for solemn mass,
To pay, for high deliverance given,
A Nation's thanks to gracious Heaven.
Let him array, besides, such state
As should on Princes' nuptials wait.
Ourself the cause, through Fortune's
That once broke short that spousal rite,
Ourself will grace, with early morn,
The bridal of the Maid of Lorn.""

We cannot dismiss this most pleasing work without offering for our Reader's perusal the Author's glowing picture of the hostile armies previous to the battle of Bannocksbourn, which, though described with equal spirit, is too long for insertion. "To centre of the vaward line, Fitz-Louis guided Amadine

Arm'd all on foot, that host appears
A serried mass of glimmering spears.
There stood the Marcher's warlike band,
The warriors there of Lodon's land;

Ettrick and Liddell bent the yew,
The men of Nith and Annan's vale,
A band of archers fierce, though few;
And the bold spears of Teviotdale;
The dauntless Douglas these obey,
And the young Stuart's gentle sway.
North-eastward, by Saint Ninian's shrine,
Beneath fierce Randolph's charge, com-
The warriors whom the hardy North [bine
From Tay to Sutherland sent forth.
The rest of Scotland's war-array
With Edward Bruce to Westward lay,
Where Bannock, with his broken bank,
And deep ravine, protects their flank.


Behind them,screen'd by shelteringwood,
The gallant Keith, Lord Marshal stood;
His men-at-arms bear mace and lance,
And plumes that wave, and helms that
Thús fair divided by the King, [glance.
Centre, and right, and left-ward wing,
Compos'd his front; nor distant far
Was strong reserve to aid the war.
And 'twas to front of this array,
Her guide and Edith made their way."

"Now onward, and in open view,
The countless ranks of England drew,
Dark-rolling, like the ocean-tide [pride,
When the rough West hath chafed his
And his deep roar sends challenge wide
To all that bars his way!
In front the gallant archers trode,
The men-at-arms behind them rode,
And midmost of the phalanx broad

The Monarch held his sway.
Beside him many a war-horse fumes,
Around him waves a sea of plumes,
Where many a knight in battle known,
And some who spurs had first brac'd on,
And deem'd that fight should see them
King Edward's 'hests obey.
De Argentine attends his side,
With stout DeValence, Pembroke's pride,
Selected champions from the train,
To wait upon his bridle-rein.
Upon the Scottish foe he gaz'd—
At once, before his sight amazed,


Sunk banner, spear and shield; Each weapon-point is downward sent, Each warrior to the ground is bent. "The rebels, Argentine, repent!

For pardon they have kneel'd.' "Aye! but they bend to other powers, And other pardon sue than ours! See where yon bare-foot Abbot stands, And blesses them with lifted hands! Upon the spot where they have kneel'd, These men will die, or win the field.' "Then prove we if they die or win! Bid Gloster's Earl the fight begin.''

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17. The Student's Guide through Lincoln's Inn, containing an Account of that Honourable Society, the Forms of Admission, keeping Terms, perform, ing Exercises, Call to the Bar, and other useful Information. By Thomas Lane, Steward. The Third Edition. THE Second Edition of this"Guide" was noticed in our vol. LXXVI. p.142. "The work was originally undertaken from a conviction that it would prove useful to Gentlemen desirous of being acquainted with the rules by which the Societies of the Inns of Court are regulated. The success which has attended its publication, -a success very far exceeding the most sanguine expectations of its compiler,- has fully justified his

opinion of its utility, and afforded him an encouraging inducement once more to submit it to the publick. - A Third Edition has now become necessary; and the Compiler is anxious to avail himself of this opportunity, to express his grateful acknowledgments for the indulgent and flattering manner in which his humble endeavours to be useful have thus been received by the publick, and for the kind assistance and suggestions of improvement with which he has been honoured by individuals. As the Compiler of this little work ascribes its success entirely to its utility, he conceives that, by adding to this utility, he will best evince his gratitude for the liberal countenance with which he has been favoured. He has, therefore, in preparing the present edition for the press, made such additions and improvements as his own experience and the kindness of others have suggested, with the view to render his work less imperfect, and more worthy of the countenance and indulgence it has already experienced."

In his account of the Chapel, Mr. Lane gives an accurate description of the Portraits and Armorial Bearings in the beautiful Painted Windows ; and modestly observes,

"In the first edition of this work we confined ourselves to the inscriptions as they appear under the Arms: having since, however, met with a few biographical sketches and anecdotes relative to some of the eminent personages who have been Members of this Society, we shall present them to the Reader, by way of notes, in those pages where their arms are noticed, or their names occur."

These little notices cannot fail of being very acceptable.

"In a MS volume in the Steward's Office, bearing date 1675, are entered the names of the several Benefactors to this Society, with an account of the articles presented. These donations will be noticed as the benefactors' names occur in the course of the ensuing pages.

"Under the name of Sir R.Wandesford is the following entry: Sir Rowland Wandesford, knight, Attorney-general of the Court of Wards, and one of the Masters of the Bench of this Society, or his executors, gave to this house one fair silver bason and ewer.' On this ewer is engraven the following inscription: May 7, 1652. This bason, with the ewer, is presented to the honourable Society of Lincoln's Inn, in memory of the truly worthye Sir RowlandWandesford,knight, deceased, late Member thereof, and Atturney-generall of the Court of Wardes and Liveryes, by the Right Honourable


Philip Lord Wharton, who married his only daughter, and by Mrs. Elizabeth Wharton, daughter of the said Philip Lord Wharton, and grandchild and heire of the said Sir Rowland.' On the basin and ewer are likewise engraven the arms of Sir Rowland, with the motto, Tout pour l'Eglise.""

"John Greene, esq. one of the Masters of the Bench of this Society, and Recorder of the city of London, gave à large silver cup with two ears (called a College-pot), to be used upon festival days as poculum charitatis.' Upon this cup the armorial bearings of the donor are engraven, with the following inscription: Hospit. Lincolniensi

Legatum Joh'is Greene Ar.
Recordat. Londs."

"On a large silver punch-bowl, with an escalopped rim and two handles, presented by William Fellowes, are engraven his arms and the following inscriptions : On one side-Honorabili Societati Lincolniensis hospitii.' Under the arms, on the opposite side-' Donum Gulielmi Fellowes, de Eggesford in com. Devon, Armigeri, unus Magistrorum Cur. Canc. et de Banco hujus hospitii. Anno Domini 1718.'"

"John Coxe, esq. bequeathed his valuable collection of books (many of which are enriched by his own annotations,) to the Society of Lincoln's Inn; in whose library they are deposited and carefully preserved. He also bequeathed to the same Society several good paintings and drawings, the marble bust of Cicero, and the curious marble tables, as mentioned in p. 55, under the head' Library.' He died in 1785, and was interred under the Chapel in Lincoln's Inn."

"At a Council held the 4th Dec. 1813, an order was made for a monumental tablet, to the memory of the late Right Honourable Spencer Perceval, to be prepared and placed in the Chapel. Black Book, xix. fol. 175 and 242."

"On the 23d April, 1806, two silver (gilt) chalices were presented, by James Allan Park, esq. for the use of the Chapel, on which are engraved the arms of the Society, and the following inscription: 'Presented for the use of the Altar, by James Allan Park, esq. one of the Benchers of this honourable Society, 1806."

"Under the head Cambridgeshire,' in Fuller's Worthies, p. 159, appears the following account of Mr. Dalton: 'Michael Dalton, esquire. He was bred in the study of our municipal law in Lincoln's Inn, and attained great skill in his own profession. His gravity graced the Bench of Justices in this County;

where his judgment deservedly passed for an oracle in the law; having enriched the world with two excellent treatises: the one, of the Office of the Sheriffs; the other, of the Justices of Peace. Out of the dedicatory epistle of the latter, I learnt this (which I knew not before), that King James was so highly affected with our English government by Justices of Peace, that he was the first who settled the same in his native country of Scotland.'-Mr. Dalton seems to have employed the evening of his days in an elaborate research into the text of Scripture; for at the age of seventy-five, he appears to have compiled a Breviary of the Roman or Western Church and Empire, from the time of Jesus Christ till Martin Luther; which he professes to have done for the use of his grandson, Michael Dalton Fitz-Oliver. We do not recollect to have seen this little work in print, though we have seen the manu script in the possession of Richard Whal ley Bridgman, esq., Mr. Dalton died be fore the Civil Wars in England."

In like manner Mr. Lane gives, with brief notes,

"A List of various Law Dignitaries, former and existing Members of Lincoln's Inn, whose Arms are emblazoned on the Windows and Panels of the Hall."

"Upon a large silver cup, with two handles, are engraven the arms of Sir Richard Rainsford; and under, the fol lowing inscription:

'Hoc Pignus Amoris

Ricardus Rainsford Mil.
Capitalis Justiciarius de Banco

Hospitio Lincolniensi
Matri suæ

semper colendæ.

The portrait of this benefactor to the Society of Lincoln's Inn is in the Library."

To the list of the Warburtonian Lecturers (vol. LXXVI. p. 143.) add, "Dr. Pearson, and the present Lecturer, the Rev. Philip Allwood.”

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The History and Antiquities of the Cathedral Church of Salisbury: illustrated with a Series of Engravings, of Views, Elevations, Plans, and Details of that Edifice. Also Etchings of the antient Monuments and Sculpture: including Biographical Anecdotes of the Bishops, and of other eminent Persons connected with the Church. By John Britton, F. S. A. Longman and Co.; Taylor, and the Author.

The above title, and a Dedication to the Bishop of Salisbury, are the only pages of letter-press contained in the two Numbers; on the cover of the first we are informed that it was the intention of Mr. B. to have given a portion of the history of the Cathe dral in it, but he was prevented in consequence of a disappointment in procuring paper, which, he finds, to be of good materials, texture, and uniform colour, should be expressly made for the work. As the paper was then preparing, the Number is to be considered as merely offering a specimen of the plates. The cover of the second portion gives another reason for still with-holding the pro posed description, which we present to the Reader in Mr.Britton's own words: "Waiting the issue of a Bill in Parliament relating to Copy-right, and the presentation of Eleven copies of every new book to certain Public Libraries, I am induced indeed almost compelled, to delay the publication of any letterpress to this work, till I know the full extent of the compulsory measures of that Act. As every Reader may not be fully apprized of this question, I will explain it as concisely and accurately as possible. By a recent decision in the Court of King's Bench, at the suit of the Cambridge University, against a printer of London, every author who publishes his own work, or every proprietor of a book, is bound to present Eleven Copies of the same, on the best and largest paper, to so many Public Libraries. This decision is found ed on an Act of Queen Anne, which was obtained at the express solicitation of publishers, to protect their property against piracies, &c.; and was explicitly but absurdly called, An Act for the Encouragement of Learning. Now it is evident that the Legislature and the Publishers of that age either thought that the giving of a certain number of books to certain libraries was calculated to serve the cause of literature and benefit publishers, or that they employed sophistry and falsehood. Not disposed

to accuse them of the latter, I must think that they fully intended the former. I am also willing to believe, that the Statute was designed and intended to be beneficial to publishers in general, and to serve the cause of learning. It must be recollected, however, that the state of literature-the sizes and prices of books-the relative and positive conditions of booksellers and authors-and also the finances and resources of Uni-. versities and Libraries, were then very unlike what they are at present. The College Graduates were then also in different circumstances to what they are

now; and from these considerations it must be evident to every impartial person, that there is no analogy between the former and present state of the case. Hence it is both unjust and cruel to exact and compel the presentation of books from authors, and from regular publishers, who may be in distressed, or even in poor circumstances, to Establishments that are affluent. At a time when liberality generally prevails, and the English Nation is distinguished and respected for its equitable and benevolent laws, it is really a subject of wonder and and hardship should continue in force; regret that this Act of peculiar severity should be advocated by any Member of the English Legislature; or be sanetioned by any College or Public Library," &c. &c.

The next part is, however, to con⚫ tain some pages of description.

The Engravings already published are, one on wood, of sculpture, qua- ́ trefoil pannels and mouldings in the Chapter-house, Salisbury Cathedral;' four plates of antient monuments junction of the tower and spire; part interior of the Chapter-house; view of the old organ-screen; view of the from the North to the South tran sept; view of bracket, capitals, &c.;' view of the South transept and tower from the cloisters; view of the West front, and view of the interior, look. ing from the South to the North transept.

The monuments are etched with. neatness and freedom, and we doubt. not with accuracy, and parts of the tower and spire are done in the same manfier. These plates have not the richness and relief of the remainder. but we think the minute ornaments of the tower are more clearly exhibited in this way, than could have been accomplished with more shading: they are, indeed, florid and beautiful

in the extreme. The old organ-screen is as profusely decorated with sculpture as the imagination of an Eastern writer would have appropriated to an enchanted palace, and the Artists employed have presented it to us in all its splendour, and in as strong relief as distinguishes the bracket, capitals, &c. in plate 16; those possess peculiar merit, and we much doubt if the execution of the intermixed scrolls, and their apparent projection, was ever exceeded in engraving.

The interior of the Chapter-house wants nothing but colours to make it a complete representative of a painting; the architecture is highly impressive, and the colonnade or arcades under the vast windows are very rich. The glass of one of the windows is painted, the rest are plain; and such is the skill with which they are drawn and engraved, that the different figures of the painted window are not only distinctly observable, but even the obscured or discoloured panes of the others, and through these, adjacent buildings and the sky above them, appear with that softness of tint which is peculiar in these cases; nor should that be forgot which admits the rays of the sun upon the neighbouring clustered pillars.

The view from the North to the South transept shews that the Artists have been carefully attentive in preserving those intervenings of gleams of light and breadths of shadow-one of the distinguishing marks of our Pointed style, and which in a dark day, or in the close of the evening, throw a mysterious charm on these religious structures. Infinite pains have evidently been taken in the minutia of the old monument, the sculpture, and the iron gate of this print. The view from the cloisters is happily chosen, as affording a fine contrast between the time-worn pillars and arches in strong shade in the fore-ground, and the receding Cathedral rendered more faint by distance, The West front offers a perfect unity of design, and a majestic arrangement of parts. To whatever portion of this print we turn our attention, we find that the Artists have carefully baffled crificism by the most scrupulous nicety of finishing, and the same observations will apply to the view from the South transept.

GENT. MAG. February, 1815.

We have dwelt thus particularly upon the prints, as we had no other materials to work upon; and yet, if there had been a volume of literary matter, justice required the notice we have afforded them, as the productions of men so eminent in their professions as Mackenzie and J. and H. Le Keux; neither should we forget to commend Mr. Britton for the Taborious task he has undertaken, or to compliment him on the success of his laudable efforts, which promise to adorn the shelves of our private libraries with as splendid volumes as their owners could possibly desire.

20. Time's Telescope for 1815; or, a Complete Guide to the Almanack: con taining an Explanation of Saints' Days and Holidays; with Illustrations of British History and Antiquities, and Notices of obsolete Rites and Customs: to which is added, an Account of the Fasts and Festivals of the Jews. Astronomical Occurrences in every Month; comprising Remarks on the Phenomena of the Celestial Bodies: a History of Astronomy: and the Naturalist's Diary, explaining the various Appearances in the Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms. To which is prefixed, an Astronomical Introduction. Illustrated with Cuts. To be continued annually. 12mo. pp. 336.

IN vol. LXXXIII. ii. 663, we gave due praise to this pleasing publication, with the drawback only of its then interfering with another new and highly respectable work. That objection being now in a great measure removed, we have no hesitation in giving Time's Telescope our unqualified commendation.

"The present is almost entirely a new work, and, in addition to much curious information respecting the Fathers of the Church, Popish Legends, Ecclesiastical Regulations, and Saxon and British Customs, it contains a succinct Account of the Fasts and Festivals of the Jews, and a notice of the Religious Ceremonies

at present observed in Catholic Countries. The Astronomical Occurrences

will form an agreeable Companion to the Observatory, in the absence of more recondite productions, as they include a detail of the various phenomena of the heavenly bodies, illustrated by Diagrams. In this part of our work also will be

found, a Continuation of the View of the

Solar System given in the last volume, and a concise History of Astronomy;


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