Imatges de pàgina

THEME CXXVIII.-Ill got, ill spent.

Treasures of wickedness profit nothing.-Prov. x. 2.
De mal è venn l'agneau et à mal retourne le peau.
Acquérir méchamment dépenser sottement.

Vien presto consumato l'ingiustamente acquisato.
Male parta, male dilabuntur.-Plautus.

Mala lucra æqualia damnis.

De male quæsitis, vix gaudet tertius hæres.-Juvenal.

THEME CXXIX.-Experience is the best master.

Experience without learning is wiser than learning without experience.

Experience teaches fools; and he is a fool indeed that does not profit by it.

Las experiencia es madre de la sciencia.

Experientia stultos docet.

Experientia optimus est magister.

Minus valent præcepta quam experimenta.- Quintilian.

THEME CXXX.-Even the wicked hate wickedness in


The pot calls the kettle "black-face."

Le renard prêche aux poules.

Il viti altrui dispiace alli stessi vitiosi.
Clodius accusat mochos.-Cicero.

THEME CXXXI.-Adversity tries friends.

A friend is known in adversity.

On connait l'ami au besoin.

Amicus certus in re incerta cernitur.-Cicero.

In angustis amici boni apparent.

THEME CXXXII.-Opportunity makes the thief.
How oft the sight of means to do ill deeds
Makes deeds ill done.-Shakspeare.

Abandon fait larron.

La comodita fa l'uomo ladro.

Ad arca aperta il giusto pecca.

Puerta abierta al santo tiento.

Occasio facit furem.

THEME CXXXIII.-What can't be cured, must be endured.

Make the best of a bad job.

La patience est amère, mais le fruit en est doux.

Leve fit quod bene fertur onus.- Ovid.

Levius fit patientia quid corrigere nefas.-Horace.

In re mala, animo si bono utare, juvat.

THEME CXXXIV.-Cut your coat according to your cloth.

Stretch your arm no further than your sleeve will reach. Little barks must keep near shore,

Larger ones may venture more.

Selon le pain il faut le couteau.

Selon ta bourse gouverne ta bouche.

Fou est, qui plus dépend que sa rente ne vaut.
Noi facciamo la spese secondo l'entrata.
Rapiamus occasionem de die.

Ex quovis ligno non fit Mercurius.

Parvum parva decent.-Horace.

Messe tenus propria vive.-Persius.

Cui multum est piperis, etiam oleribus immiscet.

Sumptus censum ne superat.-Plautus.

Si non possis quod velis, velis id quod possis.

Ne te quæsiveris extra.-Horace.

THEME CXXXV.-Strength is increased by concord.
The fast faggot is not easily broken.

Auxilia humilia firma consensus facit.

Concordia parvæ res crescunt, discordia maximæ dila buntur.- Sallust.

Unius dissentione totus consensionis globus disjectus sit.-Nepos.

THEME CXXXVI. To receive gratuities is to lose independence.

Beneficium accipere libertatem vendere est.

THEME CXXXVII.-At a great bargain pause awhile. Great bargains are great pickpockets.

Bon marché tire l'argent hors de la bourse.

Quanti quanti male emitur quod non necesse est!

THEME CXXXVIII.-Where honour ceases, knowledge


Honos alit artes.- Cicero.

Quis enim virtutem amplectitur ipsam præmia si tollas ?

Præmia bonorum malorumque bonos ac malos faciunt. -Pliny.

THEME CXXXIX.-Grasp all, lose all.

Covetousness always comes home empty-handed.
Qui trop empoigne rien ne' treint.

Qui tout convoite, tout perd.

Qui trop embrasse, mal étreint.

Chi tutto abbraccia, nulla stringa.

Camelus desiderans cornua etiam aures perdidit.
Qui totum vult, totum perdit.-Publ. Syrus.

THEME CXL.-Kindness begets kindness.

A kind action is never lost.

One good turn deserves another.

Un bienfait n'est jamais perdu.

Gratia gratiam parit.-Seneca.

THEME CXLI.-The crow thinks her own bird the fairest. Every child is beautiful in a mother's eyes.

A tous oiseaux leur nids sont beaux.

A ogni grolla paion' belli i suoi grollatini.

Ad ogni uccello, suo nido è bello
Asinus asino, sus sui, pulcher.

Sua cuique res est carissima.

THEME CXLII.-New brooms sweep clean.

C'est un balai neuf.

Novus rex, nova lex.

Omnis conglutinatio recens ægre, inveterata facile divellitur.-Cicero.

THEME CXLIII.-Where there's a will there's a way.

Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.

Forti et fideli nihil difficile.

Possunt, quia posse videntur.-Virgil.

THEME CXLIV.-The sweetest wine makes the tartest


A soured friend is your bitterest foe.

Forte è l'aceto di vin dulce.

Corruptio optimi, est pessima.

THEME CXLV.—We readily believe what we wish.

Our wishes are fathers to our thoughts.

Fere libenter homines id quod volunt, credunt.— Cæsar.

Quod volumus, facile credimus.

Non facile credimus, quæ nolumus.

THEME CXLVI.-Prudence will thrive where genius would starve.

An ounce of discretion is better than a pound of wit. Vis consilii expers mole ruit sua.

Nullum Numen abest, si sit Prudentia.

Gutta prudentiæ præ dolio sapientiæ.

Robori prudentia præstat.

Auriga virtutum Prudentia.

THEME CXLVII.-Flattery is a honeyed sting.

The first act of flattery is Comedy; the last, Tragedy.

Chi te fa piu carezza che non vuole,

O ingannato t' ha, o ingannar te vuole.

Pessimum genus inimicorum laudantes.

Nullam in amicitiis pestem esse majorem quam adulationem, mihi videtur.- Cicero.

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