Imatges de pàgina
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nion with him. All of us who lay claim to this Priviledge, this Dignity, let us so walk. And how shall we do it? why, Being fruitfull in every good work. So it followeth.

1. Being fruit1. Being fruitfull in good works. I. This full in good is the end of this mysticall Insition: viz. Fruworks: which Etification. Wherefore doth the Planter put 1. Is God's Grafts into a Stock? but for Fructification, end in our In- Multiplication, Melioration; that they may grafting.



bring forth fruit, and much fruit, and good fruit: This is God's end in engrafting men into this noble Stock, the Lord Jesus, that they might bring forth such fruit in him. [Ye

are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus 2. This he ex-unto good works, Ephef. 2.10. 2. This being pects, and will God's end, he expects it, and will require it. The Husbandman having planted his Vine in a fruitfull hill, he looked that it should bring forth grapes, Ifai. 5.2. And the Owner in the Gospell, having let out his vineyard, he sends his servants to demand the fruits thereof, Luke 20.10. When our Saviour came to the fig-tree, he came looking for fruit, Mat.21.19. And John the Baptift preaching to the Pharifees and Sadduces, he cals upon them to bring forth fruits meet for repentance, Mar. 3.8.

3. To this end it is that God exerciseth such he exerciseth long-suffering and patience towards the fons of men, that they might have time to bring forth fruit. The Husbandman, Luke 13.6. came year after year, three years successively, to his fig-tree, still waiting for fruit. 4. Which not finding, he ordereth it to be cut down: [Cut

3. To this end


4. Barren trees shall be cut down.

[Cut it down, why cumbreth it the ground? ver.7. Barren Christians are but a cumber to the ground that bears them, a burden to the earth they tread upon. And still remaining unfruitfull, and that under the means of fruitfulneffe, they have just cause to look for the Axe: Now is the axe laid to the roos of the trees: Every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit, shall be hewen down, Mat. 3.10.] Every branch in me which beareth not fruit,

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my Father taketh away, John 15.2.7 5. Where- 5. Fruit-bearas fruit-bearing Grafts, being an honour both ing Grafts to the Planter, and the Stock, they shall be shall want nopruned, they shall be manured, they shall thing to make want nothing to make them more fruitfull, them more So shall it be with fruit-bearing Christians; They being an honour to their God: [Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit, John 15.8. And an honour unto Chrift their Head, their Root, their Stock: they shall want nothing to make them more fruitfull. [Every branch that beareth fruit, my Father purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit, John 15.2.] And 6. Having their 6. They shall fruit unto holinesse here, they shall have their have their fruit fruit unto happinesse hereafter: [Now being unto happiness. made free from fin, and become servants unto God, ye bave your fruit unto holineffe, and the end everlasting life, Rom. 6. 22. Let these motives be to us effectuall perswasions to take out this lesson. Be we fruitfull in good works.

2. And (fecondly,) In every good work: O- 2. In every ther good work,

The Exhorta

and old:

cher Trees bare but one kind of fruit; these Trees of Righteousnesse must bear many. That Tree of life in the midst of the Paradise of God, spoken of, Revel.22. 1,2. is said to bear twelve manner of fruits. Such should these Trees of Righteousnesse be, fruitfull in all kinds of good works: not only in works of Piety towards God, but also of Charity, and Mercy, towards men.

And this let me in the Name of God tion preffed presse upon every foul here present, both upon young young and old. Let not the one say, it is roo Be fruitfull. foon. The time of fruit is not yet. It is noted in the Gospel by Saint Mark, (and it is worth our noting,) that when Chrift came to the fig-tree, it is said, [The time of figs was not yet: yet he cursed it, because it had deceived him with a flourishing show, making shew of bearing fruit sooner then ordinary, but yet was barren. Christians! none of us know how foon Chrift may come unto us in the way of generall, or particular Judgment, looking for fruit. Let none therefore say, The time of fruit is not yet: nor let any say, It is past. The Trees of God's planting, Trees of Righteousnesse, are never fuperannated, never past bearing, so long as they stand: [Tbey that are planted in the House of the Lard, &&c. they shall bring forth fruit in their age, Pfal-92. 12/13] Be we fruitfull then, and at all times fruitfull: Like that Tree in the Reve lation, which brings forth fruit every moneth: Or like the Lemmon, and fome other trees



of like nature, which bear fruit all the long.


Make sure our
Insition inco

1. Now that we may do fo, Let our first Direction 1. work be (let me presse that again, which can never be preffed too much) to make sure our Chrift. Infition, that we are engrafted into Christ, united to him by faith: Till this be done, it is but a prepofterous course to think of doing any other good work. So much our Saviour infinuateth in that answer which he returned to fome of the Jews, John 6.28,29. when they demanded of him, What Shall we do, that we might work the works of God? Why, (faith he,) This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath fent. This is that first work, and the great work; without which it is in vain to go about any o ther work. In as much as, Without faith it is impossible to please God, Heb. 11.6. The Graft may as foon bear fruit out of the Stock, as the Christian out of Chrift: Ye are created in Christ Jesus unto good works, (faith the Apostle,) Ephef. 2,10. A Virgine must be married before the can bring forth children to the joy of her Parents. So must Chriftians be first married unto Christ before they can bring forth fruits unto God, Rom.



2. Being in Christ, abide in him: [Abide Direction 2. in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot Abide in him, bear fruit of it felfe, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me, John

45.4. Abide in Chrift, and that not onely



H. Grotius ad (according to Grotius his Socinian Gloffe ;) Obediendi, Imitandique propofito, by a constant purpose of obeying and imitating him. This is a truth, but not the whole truth: Abide in him, fcil. per fidem; by persevering in a true and lively faith; continually reftDiodar. ad loc. ing upon him for whatever it is we stand in need of. So doth the Branch abide in the Stock; and so abide we in Jesus Christ.




3. Direction. 3. And thus abiding in him, now imitate Imitate him. him. Now propound him as a pattern for our Imitation: [He that faith, he abideth in him, (faith Saint John,) ought himselfe also so to walk, even as he walked, 1 John 2.6. In this the Spirituall engrafting (as I once before told you) differs from the naturall. There the Graft brings forth fruit after its own kind. Not so here; Here the Graft must follow the genius of the Stock The Chri stian must shew forth the vertues of Christ, I Pet.2.9. bringing forth such fruit as Chrift himselfe brought forth. What Saint Peter faith of the paffive Obedience of Chrift, 1 Pet. 2.25. [He fuffered for us, leaving us an Ex ample, that we should follow his steps; may as truely be faid of his Active. He was made under the Law, yeilding obedience to it for our fakes, that we should follow his steps. Thus having washed his Disciples feet, John 13. 13,15. he tels them, I have given you an Example, that ye hould do as I have done unto you; viz. Be ready to serve one another in

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