same life which they lived before, to a na turall life, to a mortall life. A naturall life. so as they ftood in need of meats and drinks, and such other supports of nature as ther did before: When our Saviour had raifed Fairus his daughter, he presently commanded to give her meat, Lake 8.55. And as a na turall, so a morrall life: They all died again. But it was otherwise with our blessed Saviour; The life which he was raised to, was a Spirituall, an immortall life. A Spirituall life, not upheld by creature supports and comforts, as formerly it was True, our Saviour did use some of the creatures after his Resurrection, as the story informs us of his eating the broyled fish, and honey-combe which his Disciples gave him, Luke 24.42. But this he did not out of any neceffity of nature, but onely for the confirmation of his Difciples faith in the truth of his Refurrection, and reality of his present apparition. He lived then a spirituall life; and that an immortall life: He was raised from the dead, no more to return to corruption, (as Paul hath it in his Sermon at Antioch,) Acts 13.34. Christ being dead, he dieth no more, (faith our Apostle, ver.9. of this Chapter :) In that he died, he died to fin once, ver. 10. And in both these doth the Chriftian's spirituall Refurrection carry a resemblance of his Resurrection; being a raifing up of the foule to a spirituall, to an immortall 1. A spirituall life. 1. Το 1. To a spirituall life. Such is the life of regenerate person. He that before was on-life. ly a naturall man, (as Paul cals the unregenerate person, 1 Cor.2.14.) ψύχικος ἄνθρωπος, nay σάρκικος, a carnall man, (as Paul faith of himselfe, fo far forth as he was unregenerate, Rom.7.14.) living onely a naturall, a carnall life; he is now made a spirituall man, (as Paul cals him, 1 Cor.2.15.) ὁ πνώμαλικός, indued with the Spirit of God, and fo living a spirituall life: Not living by sense, or yet by carnall reason, as sometime he did; but by faith: The life which I now live in the flesh, (faith the Apostle,) I live by the faith of the Son of God, Gal. 2. 20. Paul still lived a naturall life, he lived in the flesh; but it was after a spirituall manner, he lived by faith. So doth every regenerate person in measure; fo far forth as he is regenerate, he liveth a spirituall and heavenly life; having Spirituall meat and drink: (as the Apoftle cals the Manna, and water in the wilderneffe, 1 Cor.10.3,4.) Seeking after spirituall, and heavenly things: Whilest others mind nothing but earthly things, (as Paul faith of fenfuall perfons, Phil. 3.19.) profits, and pleasures, and honours, curve in terras anima, &c. having their fouls bowed downwards, groveling upon the earth, like the Serpents brood, feeding upon duft; the regenerate perfon, fo far forth as he is regenerate, he minds and seeketh the things which are above, Col 3.2,3. His conversation, his πολίτωμα, chief negotiation and businesse is in heaven Phil.3.20. The chief things which his though are most seriously intent upon, and taken u about, are heavenly things. How a ChriAs for the things of this world, true, stian useth the useth them: but how? why,even as our S things of this viour did the broyled fish and honey-combe, world. 1 as if he used them not. He hath learned the distinction of Augustines, or rather of Paul 1 Cor.7. 30,31.) betwixt uti and frui, uf and enjoying: He useth earth, and earth things; but he enjoyeth God, and heavenl things: making the one his viaticum, hi voyage-provision; the other his poffeffion, b portion: Thou art my portion, O Lord, (faith David,) Pfal.119.57. As for the things of this life, his heart doth not run after them in fuck an inordinate way, as sometimes it did. This it is which our Saviour meaneth in Job.4.14 Whosoever shall drink of the water that I shall give him, shall never thirst. ] So again, Joh.6.35 He that cometh unto me shall never hunger, and he that believeth in me shal never thirst: that is he shal find a full fatisfaction in me, as that he shal not hunger and thirst after other things as somtimes he did; his foul shal not run out in ordinately after creature-comforts, to feek for happinesse and contentment in them. Thus doth the life of this new-creature carry with it in measure)a conformity to the life of Jefus Christ after his Refurrection; being, as his was, a spirituall life. 2. Animmar- 2. And (secondly,) an immortall life. Thus 1 life. Was vas Christ raised, never to die again. And fo s the Christian raised: So the Apostle himel fe maketh out this Resemblance, ver. 9,10, 1,12. of this Chapter. Christ being raised from he dead, dyeth no more; death hath no more doninion over him, &c: Likewise reckon ye your elves also dead unto fin, but alive unto God, brough Jesus Christ our Lord. Let not fin therefore reign in your mortall bodies, &c.] Christ being raised from the grave, he returns no more to his old lodging, to his former state. He never came under the power and dominion of death again. Even so the Believer, being once raised up from the grave of fin, he dieth no more. Expreffe to this purpose is that of our Saviour, John.11.25,26. He that believeth on me, though he were dead, yet shall be live ; And whosoever liveth, and believeth on me, shall never die. This are we to understand, not only of the second Resurrection, (as Arminians would have it, who that they might decline the evidence of this Text, make use of that fubterfuge,) but also, and most properly of the first Resurrection, the raifing up of the foul to a spirituall life: Of fuch a life speaketh our Saviour in Joh.5.25. The hour cometh, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God, and they which hear it, shall live.] Understand it not only of a corporall RefurreEtion, (as Grotius would have it, in which sense yet it is true which is there said, but of a )Spiritual Resurrection.[The Dead such as are spiritually dead; dead in fin: [They shall hear the voice of the Son of God.] They shall hear Christ speaking to them in the Mi nistery of his word. [And they which beat this word, hear it with faith, [They shall live, live a spirituall life, the life of grace here, and glory hereafter. And in a like sense, are we to understand this passage in this Chapter: wherein our Saviour(as Diodate observeth upon it,) according to his ufuall custome, taketh occafion from the corporall Resurrection before spoken of, to inftruct Martha in the doctrine of the spirituall ReSurrection. And speaking of this Resurrection, he faith, He that believeth on me, though he were dead: dead in trespasses and fins, [yet shall be live, live a spirituall life. [And whosoever (fo) liveth, and believeth on me, shall never die; never die a spirituall death again, never come under the power and dominion of fin again, never totally fall from the grace which he hath received. That incorruptible feed by which he is regenerated, shal abide in him; that Spirit of grace which he hath received, shall maintain this spirituall life in him. True indeed, the body is still fubject unto death, but not so the foul. If Christ be in you, (faith the Apostle) the body is dead because of fin, but the spirit is life because of righteousnesse, Rom.8.10. that is, (as Diodate and Beza, and others expound it,) the body is yet subject to corporall death through the remainders of fin that are in all regenerate persons; but [The spirit is life; even that little spark of the |