Christs Satisfaction, how confiftent with the Justice of God. 113 Mediation of Christ, how manage and carried on, s stop To a Mediator of Intercession two 270 Christians ought to be Peace-makers, onely in God's way 31,32 Perseverance of Saints undertaken for by Christ 143 Chrift Mediator as God-Man 212 | The death of Chrift a true Price, or Chrift the only Mediator 254 Mofes and others, how called Me diators Counterprice ९० 258 Whether Saints or Angels be Me- ibid. Promises of Remission and Salvatiupon the Conditions of Repentance and new Obedience, how to be understood 109 11 Mediation of Christ a spring of con Promises affured by Chrift: vix, by folation. 228 bis Word, Works, Blood, Spipst Mediation of Christ to be made use 145, &c. of 253 Properties of God agreeing to Chrift 1 The Mercy of God, how confiftent 13, &c. with Chrifts Satisfaction 129 Chrift the Propitiation for our fins, Μεσίτης, the word opened 6,7 the word, and thing explained Chrift a Middle person betwixt 85,&c. God and Man. 8 Christ a protector to his people x86 Millenaries refuted 90,161 Chrift a provider for his people 8 Chrift purgeth our fins, bow 97 N Chrift purgeth not onely from power, WHy Chrift must partake of both but guilt 98 Natures. 19 How Chrift is said to put away fin According to what Nature Christ is Mediator 91 203 The concurrence of the two Natures in the work of Christ's MediatorShip explained R Christ a Ransome for us; word and thing explained 220 76 God forgiveth fin without any recompence 128 Whether a party offended may be Reconciliation the great bufineffe a Mediator. Christ offered up himself, how The way and means of Reconciliation imparted in the Gospel 53 Chrift the meritorious cause of reconciliation 137 Fustice and Mercy Chriftians may be confident, but not 81 The same way of reconciliation under the old Testament and under | Socinian doctrine about the suffering the new 235 of chrift, explained and confu Comfort to fuch as defire reconcili-ation with God sed. 79 228 Socinian Objections against Chrifts A shreefold relation betwixt Cbrift | Satisfaction answered 105 and the Beleever Chrift a Solicitor for his people 172 Naturall Christ the Son of God, how 12 Speculum Divinum a School fancie Voluntary 263 Whether a man may remit what bee Chrift no stranger to those for whom of his own right 133 God c cannot part with b bis right, 134 -13 pleafesh though man may Cbrift the rewarder of his people 195 | In the sufferings of Christ no Cru he suffered and fatisfied 115,116 Chrift luffered for us, not only for our Good, but in our stead 72 ८ P.77.1.7. dele of. Foshita as the Apostle Often P.92.marg. r.R Repentance without Faith. 26. whence. p. 154. 123.1 19. r.mysticall. p. 192. 2.1.4.r. garment. p. These p.105.11. x. bere callerh d.2. partaker. 1.32. 2.1. retract. p.215.1.22. r.fecretioribus. p.240. unbelievers. r. other. p.269.21.r. renounce 1 56.1.28. 1. ὅσιος. p.250 27 ??? 70 r. p.2 .262. I 0000000ΦΙΦΟΙΣΙΙΟ ΜΕΣΙTHS, OR. The One and Onely Medi- I TIM.2.5. For there is one God, and one Mediator betwixt God and men, the Man CHRIST JESUs. A Mongst Minifteriall offi- Coherence ces and services there ked upon as chief and speake to God for his people. The one of these |