* To the Pious and Judicions Reader.. Reader, D Oeft thou expect an Account of the Presching and Publishing of this Treatise, take what the Frontispiece holdeth forth. The Word of Reconciliation is that facred Depofitum, which God hath committed to his Minifters, not that it should be smothered in their private bolomes, but that by them it might be tranfmitted and published to the world. And fuch is the main Subject of this Dilcourse, which is here Doctrinally opened and Practically applied. As for the Polemicall and Controverfall Part of it, I with it were not too juftly occafioned through thofe pernicious errours of Socianisme, which now, a-† Ἐπαζωνίζε mong the croud of many other, begin to walk abroad, θαι, Jude v.3. triking at tite very Root or Foundation of that Reli- Nec fi ubique which hash hitherto been called Chriftian. And if The Foundation be destroyed, what shall the Righteous do? clariffimis verThis it is which hath stirred my spirit to appear in this bis teftatum recause, thus to contend (which I am required to do, and periremus, fic tathat earnestly, for that faith which was once delivered men rem se hawere bere nobis gion, unto the 2 Saints: Wherein my designe is, not so much * com to recover those who are already taken in this snare; pertum effet. Sowho are by others (how juttly let themselves fee to it cin. de Jefu Chrifto Servalooked upon for the most part, as men so wedded to their own carnall Reason, as that they disdain to fub- tore, part.3. mit themselves to God's Reason; not regarding the cap.2. Authority of Scripture further then as it complieth with Ego uidem, the genius of of their naturall Principles. So much their etiamfi Master and Leader sticketh not to professe, who hath in down-right terms published it to the world, that in facrismo non sehath mèl, fed Sapè id in as nimentis Scriptum extaret, upon bis Son Chrift, for God's punishing our fin in, and though he should find it every where attested in most exprefs non idcirco ta in Scripture, yer would be not take it word's in that so it is. And again, speaking of for granied Chrift's Satisfa-prorfus men itd rem Je babe ction: For my part (laithe) though I should not once, but often meet with textantin facred Records, yet would I not re crederem, for all that believe that it was so indeed. Now it his fol- ni. Socom ut vos opinamilowes be of thellameinindi luhall icave them as I find them, oncly praying for them, (what Simon Peter wil- cap.6. Acts Jesh 22. leth Simon Magus to do for himselfe, that upon their Repentance, his thought of their heart may be forgiven them. It is for the lake of others that I have spent this little strength; such whose veins are not as yet infected with this poison. For them have I prepared this Antidote, that their spirits being confirmed in the ancient and received Truths of God, they may not by whatever devices of Satan, or his Instruments, be removed to another Gofpell. In the managing of this Controver fe, I must acknowledge (what my Margin confefseth) my selfe to owe not a little to the learned Grosius. But whether to Grotius Orthodox, or Grotius Heterodox more, I must say I cannot readily tell. I have made use of both, comparing the one with the other, his former with his later thoughts, his Book De Satisfa ctione, with some of his Comments. So doing, I have found the one clear and candid, free from fubterfuge, or evafion; such as (whatever hath been aflayed by way of reply to it) may give full fatisfaction to any unprejudiced spirit: The other so palpably guilty of both, as that they deserve both Censure and Pity. And this to me, (and I suppose it may be the like to others,) hath been, and is no small confirmation of this Truth of God. Surely, if any one had been able to answer Gratius, it should have been Grotium himselfe, then whom I know none more able to have done it, and (as it feemeth) none more willing. But finding him so foiled by himselfe, so unable by all his Artifice, to build again what before he bad destroyed; I cannot but subscribe to 1 Efdras 4.41. that Apocryphall Text, Magna eft veritas, & pravalet: Great is Truth, and mighty above all things. May these my poor labours contribute te ought towards the clearing and vindicating of this sacred Truth, (upon which i do freely adventure my own foul, not knowing in what other way to look for salvation,) whileft God hath the Glory, and others the Benefit, my felfe thall have what I aimed at. In the defire whereof, I reft Thine in the Service of JOHN BRINSLEY. |