3 • atorship. In the handling whereof I hall take leave to invert Bellarmines order, dealing first with the last, as conceiving the former to be the higher step of the two. Christ is first a Surety, then an Advocate. First a Surety, undertaking, Satisfying for the fins of his people; before an Advocate, Interceding for their persons. So much we may learne from the Prophet Ifaiah, Ifai. 53. last, where speaking of the Meffiah, he faith, He bare the fin of many, and made intercession for the Transgreffours. As also from the Apostle, who ranks them in the same order Rom.8.34. It is Chrift that died, yea rather that is risen again, &c. who also maketh Intercession for us.] oblation goeth before Intercession. And so I shal .or The 3d step, handle it. Sponsor. Chrift a Sure-3. In the 3rd place then, Christ manageth ty betwixt this his work of Mediatorship quà Sponfer, as God & Man. a Surety, so we find him exprefly called by the Eodem prorfus Apostle Heb.7.22. The Surety of a better Tesensu euov et stament (or Covenant) ἔγυ, Sponsor, Μεσίζην Chriftum vocat A- Fidejuffor, a Surety or undertaker. Which postolus. Pare-for substance is all one with that which elfeus ad Heb.8 6. where he cals him, a Mediator of the CoveAn office pro-nant. In this respect is Christ said to be a Meper to Chrift. diator, in as much as he is a Surety betwixt God diationis propri and Man. issimè convenit An office proper and peculiar unto Christ. Chrifto. More peculiar (faith Bellarmine) then any Bellarm. de of the other three by him named. As for the Mediatore lib. other three (faith he) they are or may be common with Christ to others. And there is Hic modus me 5. cap... م is some truth in that assertion, though not so much as is by him contended for. Men may rbe Judges, and after a fort, Arbitrators betwixt God and others. Thus the Lord appeals to the men of Judah in the cafe betwixt him, - and his unfruitfull vineyard, his ungratefull people, making them Judges in their own cause, Ifai.5.3. And now O Inhabitants of Jerusalem, Judge I pray you, betwixt me and my vineyard. And thus elfewhere he appeals to them in the cafe betwixt himselfe and their forefathers, Jer.2.4,5. Heare ye the word of the Lord, O house of Jacob, &c. What iniquity have your fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me? &c? And as Men may be sometimes Judges betwixt God and Men, fo oft times Messengers from God to Men, to impart his will unto them. Such a Mediator was Moses (as I showed you) at the giving of the Law. And such a Mediator was John the Baptist in the promulgating of the Gospell; Thence called the Lords Messenger Mal.3.1. Behold, I willfend my Messenger, and he shall prepare the way before mee. And fuch Mediators are all the Ministers of the Gospel, being by their office Gods messfengers, his Interpreters, as Elihu stiles them Job.33.23. This being their proper worke, to go betwixt God and his people, to make known to them the way and means of Reconciliation: the Ministry wherof is committed unto them, 2 Cor.5.19. And fo again for Interceffion; however I dare not call any other a Mediator " A Mediator of Intercession besides Jesus Christ, to whom that stile properly belongeth (as God willing, I shall show you hereafter ;) yet others may be called Interceffours. Such a one was Job for his friends, Job 42.8. And such ones ought all Christians to be one for another [I exhort, that Intercessions be made for all men, (faith our Apostle in the first verse of this Chapter.) Thus may those three be after a fort communicated to others; but Solus ipfe fol- not so this. To be a Surety betwixt God and vit.Bellar.ibid. Man, this is proper and peculiar to Christ: not communicable to any Creature, whether man or Angel. A furety, what. Quest. But how, and in what respect is Chrift faid so to be? "Exsu, ponAnsw. For Answer. A Surety, we know for propriè eft (it may be some of us too well) what properqui pro faisfactionem ly he is: One that undertaketh and ingageth fpondet, vel de for another, whether for his debt, or otherca cauet. Pare- wife, [My Son if thou be surety for thy friend, us Comment. &c. (faith the Wifeman, setting forth the ha iu Heb.8.6. zard and danger of such ingagements) Pro.6.1. now such a furety was the Lord Jesus : One that undertook for his elect people unto God. As he was Gods messenger unto them; so he is their furety unto God. Or, to give you it somewhat more largely and fully. Christ is a furety betwixt God and Man, Chrift a mu- and that on both parts. On mans part to God: tuall Surety. and on Gods part to man. Such is the Covenant. It is mutuall on both parts: from God to man, and from man to God. And in both respects spects Christ may be said to be a furety of that Covenant. A Surety on Mans part, on Gods part undertaking for Man to God, and for God to Man. I shallinsist upon them severally, beginning with the former. I 1. Christ is a furety on Mans part. This the Socinian denyeth [Christ is said to be a On mans part. Surety of the Covenant (faith one) not as if D. Lusshington be became our furety to God, and took upon him in Heb.7.22. the payment of our Debos.] How then? Why, Onely as a furety on Gods part, undertaking the performance of bis promises unto us.] But Scripture is as expreffe for the one as the other, as (God willing) I shall shew you before I part with this point. Chrift is a furety for Man to God, and Chrift Sure that in a twofold respect. A furety in way of ty for man to Satisfaction, and a furety in way of Caution, Ged two Such are the fureties which are common and wayes. Ordinary amongst us. Sureties in way of fatisfaction; Such are sureties for Debt or Trefpaffes. Sureties in way of Caution, Such are Sureties for the Peace or good-behaviour, and fureties for Appearance. And both these wayes shall we find Jesus Christ afurety for his Elect, for all true beleevers. A furety in way of satisfaction; A furety in way of Caution: Thus have I laid out the way wherein Ham/to walk. I shall defire you to goe along with mee with your best Attentions! And the good Lord be a Guide unto us both.barisonca si of jon - Chrift is a furety in way of fatisfaction, under 1. In way of Satisfaction. eruditos tan qui undertaking for the Debts and trespasses the fins of his Elect; In this respect it is that Chrift is most properly called a Surety; In regard of his taking upon him the sins of his Elect, and undertaking to answer, and make fatisfaction unto the Justice of God for them. And in this respect it is chiefly and principally (as Bel larmine and others rightly observe upon the In this respe& Text) that he is here called by our Apostle a principally Mediator. [A Mediator betwixt God and called a Medi- men, id est, One that interposeth himselfe acour in the betwixt the wrath of God and them, unText. dertaking to satisfie their debts and fo to Neque apud in- reconcile them unto God. Thus the tum, sed & a word in the Text (as Grotius noteth) may pud eos qui ele-fitly be rendred : Μεσίτης, Plaactor; One gantiùs loquun-that pacifieth and appeaseth another by gitur, Μεσίτης ving fatisfaction and contentment to him. dicitur is placat aliquem, And in this sense it is here applyed unto Grot' de Satif Christ. fact.cap.8. Obj. Not so (faith Socinus, and his folObject. lowers.) The word here signifieth no more then what it doth elsewhere, Interpres, Internuncius, an Interpreter, an Intermessenger or displea- betwixt God and Man: Not a Peace-maker; No, here is not a word (faith he) concerning any wrath or displeasure of God against fin or finners, that might induce us to make fuch a construction of the Apostles meaning. Here is no mention of Gods wrath fure. Answ. Parcus in Heb. 8.6.17 1 1 Anf. But to this Parens returns him an Answer. It is not to be conceived that what ever belongs to such, or fuch a fubject |