J will, do comply with God, and contract with him, are reconciled with him, and enjoy their peace afterwards. But that this is not the whole truth, I shall have occafion (God willing) to shew you hereafter: For the present, take we up what is truth in it! viz. that as the word [ Μεσίζης] will fitly bear this sense, so it may in this sense as fitly be applied unto Chrift. Such a Meditour is he an Interpreter, an Inter-messenger, going betwixt God and man, imparting the mind of the one to the other; fuch an Interpreter was Mofes, who went betwist God and the people at the giving of the Law, making his mind and will known unto them. And in that refpect he may not unfitly be called a Mediatour. That Text in Deutronomie (Deut. 5.5.) imports no lesse, where Mofes speaking to the people, I stood (faith he) between the Lord and you at that time, to show you the Word of the Lord. Which the vulgar Latine renders, [Ego Jequester & medius, I was a Mediatour, a Middler betwixt God and you! And to Beza, and fome others Beza Gr. An(and that as I conceive most properly) under- Theodorctus stand that place of the Apostle fore cited, Germadius, ciGal.3.19. where he faith of the Law, that it tat per Claudiwas ordained by Angels in the hand of a Media-um Espencaum de Mediatore, τον.ζἐν χειεί μεσίτο: meaning therby Mofes, who was an Internuncius, an Inter-messenger betwixt cap. 4. God and his people in the promulgating of the Law, in making the mind of God known unto his people. Thus was Mofes a Typical Mediator. And this is the Lord Jesus Chrift truly laid to not. to iman. Imparting the be the Mediator. In as much as he is his Fathers mind of God Interpreter, by whom the mind and wil of God is imparted to the fons of Men. [No man bath Seen Gadhat any time (faith Saint John), the only begotten Son which is in the bofome of the Fa ther, (mear and dear to him, and intimately acquainted with all his fecrets) he hath declared him, John 1.18. ἐκεῖνος ἐξηγήσαλο. He it is that giveth the true, clear and full knowledg (for that is properly εξήγησις, as Beza, Aretius, Pifcator note upon the place) of God, and of his will unto the fons of Men, which otherwise were unsearchable. [No man know. eth the Father Save the Son, and he to whomSoever the Son will reveal him.] faith our Saviour, Matthew II. 47: him it that the hidden things of God the mysterie of his will is revealed unto the Sons of Mens By is - In this respect (among others) it is that he is called the word]. John 1. In the be ginning was the Word, &c. ver. i 14. The word A Dismas made 31 flesb as much as A as by A word him God revealeth his will unto men. an is an Interpreter of the mind; and so is Jesus 11. Chrift of the minde of his Father. And hence alfo it is that he is called A Prophet, Acts. 3. 22. and The Prophet John 7. 40. and Prophet John 6. 14. In as much as this was one part of his office, to impart the wil of God to the fons of men. That niv. J ٢ Which he hath done. And that olasin o ther passages, so specially in declaring and Reconcilia making knowne the gracious purpose of God Specially con towards his Elect, for the Reconciling, and cerning the bringing them to life and falvation, In this way & means respect it is that he is called the Angell (or tion. Messenger) of the Covenant, Malacky 3. 1. It is spoken of Christ, who was the publisher of the Gofpel Covenant, the Covenant of Grace. And in this respect also (among others (it is, that he is called the Mediatour of the Covenant, (in those places forenamed,) the new Covenant. Even as Mofes was the Mediator of the Old Covenant, (for to him the Apostle the re alludes) the Publisher of it. So was Christ of the new Covenant; Gods Messenger and Ambassador fent and imployed by him to declare the Gracious purpose of God towards his Elect, held forth in that Covenant. Here is now the 2d staff of this Ladder; the second step in this great work of Christs Mediatorship. He is a Mediator betwixt God and Menviz. as an Interpreter an Intermeffenger betwixt them, Imparting the mind of God to Man. pro And in this way doth he promote this great Thereby design of Reconciliation; the Reconciling of moting that men to God viz. by enlightning of them, great designe. This is his work. He is that true light, which enlightneth every man that cometh into the world: John 1.9.] Enlightneth them with a Common, Naturall light of Reason and understanding; So he enlightneth all Men Enlightneth them with a speciall, fupernaturall light of faving knowledge; Thus he inlight neth neth all that are so enlightned. And by this means he beginneth to dissolve the work of the Divell. It was the way whereby Satan first eftranged man from God, by blinding his eyes. And by the same means it is that he holdeth him under that estrangement, by continuing him under that blindnesse. This is Satans grand designe, as the Apostle sets it forth, 2 Cor. 4. 4. In whom the God of this world bath blinded the mindes of them which beleeve not, least the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ who is the Image of God, should bine unto them. And by this means he maintaineth, confirmeth, increaseth that alienation and estrangement betwixt God and Man, which was at the first by himselfe introduced. This is the great barr which hinders all communion betwixt God and the foul, Ignorance. The Apostle speaking of the Gentiles, Ephef. 4.18. he faith [They were alienated(estranged) from the life of God] But how came they fo to be? The Reason followeth [Through the Ignorance that was in them, because of the blindnesse of their mindes.) Thus are men estranged from God. Now for the effecting of a Reconciliation, Christ's first work is to dispell this darknesse, to open these blind eyes, and to make known unto men the things which belong unto their peace: which he doth by the revelation of his word and Spirit, making known the good will of God unto them; causing that Grace of God that bringeth salvation to appear unto them; To shine not only C t onely upon their Heads, but into their Hearts, (as the Apostles say of themselves 2 Cor.4.6.) God who commanded the light to shine out of darkenesse, hath shined in our hearts, working in them an effectuall knowledge of God, and his will, whereby they are brought in to comply with God, and to close with him upon his own termes, the terms of Faith and Obedience. Thus in this way is Christ a Mediator of Reconciliation. Even as at the first, being a Mediator in the work of Creation (for fo he was, [By him God made the worlds, Heb.1.2.) he laid the foundation of that work in light, that being the first Creature that was produced, Gen. 1.3. Even fo in this new Creation, in effecting this great worke of Reconciliation, he lay eth the foundation of it in light, even the light of fupernaturall knowledge, the knowledge of God and his will; By that means making way for peace. But to paffe on.. Having done with the two first and loweft fteps of this ladder, come we now to the two next; both which belong to the Priestly office of Chrift, as the two former did to his Propheticall. This our Mediator, as he was an Arbitrator betwixt God and Man, and an Interpreter or Messenger, making knowne the mind of God unto Man; so shall we also find him an Advocate and a Surety. Here are the two next and principall staves of this ladder, the chief and principall parts of Chrifts Mediatorship E 4 |