Imatges de pàgina

times set their markes or feals upon things which they design and intend for fome speciall use. And thus was the Lord Christ Sealed by God his Father, with the seal of his Eternall Predestination. That Seal which the Apostle speaketh of 2 Tim. 1.2. 2. 19. 19. The foundation of God remaineth sure, and hath this seal, God knoweth who are bis. Thus are all Gods Elect Sealed; having an irrevocable decree passed upon them; whereby they are - Sealed up unto Eternall falvation, being predeftinated unto life. And thus was Christ the Head of the Election sealed, predestinated unto this his office of Meditatorship. 2. Sealed by way of Qualification. Thus are Agents and Ambassadors faid to be Qualified by the Seal of the Prince or State that sends him, which giveth them Credit and Power to act in their Name; so as they are thereby known to be what they are, where ever they come. And thus hath God the Father fealed his Son Christ, by putting his own Image upon him, communicating to him the fulnesse of his Spirit, Anointing him with the Holy Ghost and with power; which is as it were Gods Seal, whereby Christ was known to be the Meffiah, the true Mediator. And 3. Sealed by way of Investiture. Thus are publick offivers inverted in their places, by receiving their commissions under feal; which give them Authority to execute that office to which they are called. And thus hath God the Father Sealed his Son Chrift, Authorizing him to under

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undertake, and execute the office of a Me-
Thus was this our Mediator called
to this office. Here is the manner of his

Question 3.
Question. But when was he thus called to
When Chrift this office. There is the 3d Enquirie; To
was called to which I shall return Answer briefly.

this office.


Before time.

Ans. He was called to this office, Before

time: In time.

1. Before time, in respect of Destination: He was predestinated hereunto from all Eternity. Yea, in some sense he may be said to have been a Mediator from Eternity, viz. in the businesse of Election. So much we may learn from the Apostle in that known place, Eph.1.4.where he telleth beleevers, that they were chofen in Chrift before the foundati

on of the world.] Chosen ἐν ἀντις, in Chrift, or Musculus Loc. for, by and through Christ. In him, as Electi- bers in their Head. For, by, and through him, as one Cap. 6. Mediator. He being the Head of the Election, the first born amongst many Brethren (as the Apostle upon another account calls him Rom.8. 29.) the first that opened the womb; others were Elected in, by, and through him. Thus was he a Mediator before his Incarnation: yea, before the worlds Creation. Then was he a Mediator in the business of Election: yea, and then was he predestinated to be a Mediator of Reconciliation. I was set up from Everlasting (faith Wisdome) Prov. 8,23. It is spoken of Christ the Wisedome of the Father, who was designed and appointed to be a Me

diator from Eternity. Thus was hecalled to be

a Mediator before time.

2. In time.

Then was he int efted in this 2. In time.

office, put upon the undertaking and executing of it. Which he did first virtually, then actually



1. Virtually and Inchoately. So was he. Virtually, a Mediator even from the fall of Adam. When God and Man were fallen at variance by reason of fin, so as the First Covenant, the Covenant of works was disolved and broken, and an enmity, through Satans artifice, introduced; Now did the Lord Christ, for the disolving of that work of the Divell, and the repayring (in measure) that breach which fin had made, enter upon the exercise of this office of Mediatorship, to which he was before designed. Now did he undertake that great negotiation of Reconciling God to man, and Man to God. Now did that promise made unto our first parents, being yet in Paradise, take place, Gen.3.15. Now did the feed of the woman begin to break the serpents head. So as from thenceforth he was a Mediator virtually. How ever he was not of many ages after incar nate, yet was he an Effectuall Mediator. The vertue and efficacie of his Mediation extending it self even unto the first Ages of the world. In which respect (as also in the former) Chrift is faid to be the Lamb flain from the beginning of the world, (as that passage is commonly read) Revelation 13.8. So he was, (as in respect of Gods destination, being designed before

2. Actually.

before time to be offered up in time, so) in respect of the Efficacy of that his Sacrifice, which extended to the first age of the world, as far as Adams fall. Even as it was with the Incense offering in the Tabernacle, or Temple, however it was burnt only in one place, viz. upon the golden Altar before the Arke of the Testimony, Exod.11.5. yet the perfume of it extended to every corner of the house. Thus the Sacrifice of Christ, however it was offered up onely at one time, in one age, in the End of the world (as the Apostle hath it Heb.9.26.) and only in one place, upon the Altar of the Crosse, yet the vertue and efficacy thereof extended to all places, and all ages; as well to those who lived before his Incarnation, as those who lived after. Thus did Christ enter upon the exercife of this office immediately upon the fall of man, so soone as there was need of a Mediatour. From thence doth this his Mediatourship Commence, From that time he was a Mediator vertually.

2. Actually. Thus was he a Mediator after his Incarnation. When he had taken the nature of man upon him, and was made man, Then was he an Actuall and Compleat Mediator. Marke the Text (There is one Mediator bet wixt God and men, [the Man] Christ Jesus. The eternall Son of God being made Man, Θεάνθρωπος, God-Man, now was he an Actuall and compleat Mediator. Being chus manifested in the flesh, now he was manifested

nifested to be what before he was. Now did )he act that part visibly upon earth, which becffore he had acted fecretly and invisibly in ώς με wotheaven. Now was he every way furnished th for the office of a Mediator. Now was a BoTedy prepared for him (fo the Apostle Heb.10.1 pla6. following the Translation of the SeptuaAgint, citeth that of the Pfalmist, Pfal.40.6. fwapplying it unto Christ, [A Body haft thou 100 prepared(or fitted) for me.]) Thereby meaning the humane nature of Chrift, which was prepared, fitted for the work of the Meth diatorship: Fitted through Sanctification of the Spirit. Thus are all believers fitted for their worke of obedience; as Saint Peter telgleth them, I Pet.1.2. Elect according to the foreknowledge of God, through Sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience. And thus was f the Lord Chrift fitted for his great work of of obedience, which as Mediator he was to pero form here upon Earth, viz. through Sanctification of the Spirit; the large effusion of the Spirit upon his humane nature. And being thus fitted for it, now he entred upon it; upon the worke of his Active and Passive obedience: difcharging his Propheticall and Priestly office here upon earth; which having done, then he entred upon his Kingly administration in heaven. But this I shall have occafion to cleare up unto you more fully in resolving of the next Question; which now fal

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leth in fitly. And that is,

Question. How, and in what waies the Question 4.



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