Imatges de pàgina

An Intimati

ralell'd love: that God was thus in Christ, reconciling the world to himselfe.

A clear Intimation (so let us conceive of it) on of a graci- of a gracious purpose in God towards all thofe ous purpose. whose hearts he inclineth to accept of this Reconciliation. Surely, had not he had a good will towards them, he would never have called forth his Son to this Service.

Assurance of a gracious acceptance.


And withall, giving a full assurance to them of a gracious acceptance of whatever this Me diatour hath done and performed on their behalfs, in as much as he was thereunto called by God himselfe. But I do but glance at these (not unusefull) Meditations by the way. Christ was cal- Thus you fee, By whom Christ was called led by God his to this Office, viz. By God, By God his Father. So the Spirit of God in Scripture more peculiarly attributes this work unto him; to the first Person in the blessed Trinity. Him hath God the Father Sealed, John 6.27.] [It pleaserd the Father, &c. By him to reconcile all things to himselfe, Col. 1. 19.] where, though the word [Father] be not expressed in the Originall, yet it may not unfitly be fupplied. So in those places where it is faid, God gave bis Son, John 3.16. God fent forth his Son, Gal.4.4. The word [God] is to be understood Relatively and Personally, as pointing at God the Father; not that the two other Perfons are thereby excluded from any concurrence in this work; not fo, as it is in all other Actions and Operations ad extra, (as they are called,) works done out of themselves, they are Indivisa,


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visa, Common to all the three Perfons; so is it here. The calling of Christ to this office of Mediatorship it was the concurrent Act of all the three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Onely it is Attributed to the Father for Orders fake, in as much as he being the first, is the beginning, as of every operation, so of this. But to go on. Christ was called to this office by God his Father.

Queft. 2. But, How was he called to it? There Quest. 2.

is the second Question.


How Chrift Answer. To which I Answer. 1. He was called to was Designed to it. 2ly He was Furnished be a Mediator. for it. 3ly He was invested in it. In these three consists the manner of this his Ans. 1. calling.


Hee was de

He was designed, elected, ordained by figned to it.

God his Father unto this office. Thence called his Elect one, Ifaiah 42.1. [Behold my fervant whom I uphold, mine Elect in whom my foul delighteth], It is spoken of Christ as Mediator, who was Elected and designed by God his Father unto that Office; viz. In his secret purpose and Decree.

2. Being thus Elected io it, he was also furnished for it. Furnished with all re- Furnished for quisite Qualifications for the discharge of it. it. So it there followeth, [Behold my Servant, whom I uphold, mine Elect one, have put my Spirit upon him, Ifaiah. 42. 1. that is, fitting him for that office to which he was Elected.

&c: I

3. Being thus elected to it, and furnished


for it, he was Invested in it. This are we to Invested in it. understand by those phrases even now named, of Gods giving his Son, John 3. 16. His fending his Son, Galat. 4.4. Each importing the Investiture of Christ into the office of his Mediatorship.

Here is the manner of this his calling to this office, He was thus designed to it, furnished for it, Invested in it.

All compre- All which may be conceived to be combended in the prehended in that one word, [Anointing:]

word Anointing.


From whence this our Mediator is called by the name of Messfiah, or Christ; [Thou art Chrift] it is the Divels confeffion Matth. 16. 16. And the Christ, [We have seen the Meffia, which is, being interpreted, The Christ, Joh.1.41. ὁ Χείσοs, And, the Christ of God, Luk. 9.20.i. e. One Anoynted of God, Anointed by way of Defignation, Qualification, Inaugura


All these three wayes was David AnoynThus was Da- ted. First, by way of Designation. Of vid Anointed. this we may read, I Samuel 16. 13. Where the story informes us, How he was Anointed by Samuel, [He tooke the horn of oyle, and Anoynted himin the midst of his Brethren: By that ceremony designing him to the Kingdome. And being thus designed to it, he was Qualified and furnished for it: So it there followeth; And the Spirit of the Lord came upon David from that day forwards] id eft, God did indue him with Heroicall gifts in an ex

traordinary measure, and manner; as wisdome,

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dome, Magnanimity, Courage, Grace, Ho Linesse. And being thus designed to it, and furnished for it, then was he Inaugurated, and. Invested in it, And that by a second Anointing in the presence of the people; of which we may read, 2 Sam.2.4. Thus was David Anointed.

And herein may we look upon him as a David herein lively Type of Jesus Christ the Anointed of the a Type of Father. Who being after the like manner first Chrift. designed to this office of his Mediatorship, before he undertook it; he was then Qualified for it. This is that which Peter tells Cornelius and his company Ads 10. 38. God Anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost, and with power] Thus was he Anointed; with the Holy Ghost, [The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because the Lord hath anointed me; Ifaiah 61. 1. Anointed him by a large effusion of the Spirit upon him, after an extraordinary measure and manner, [ God, even thy God bath anointed thee with the oyle of gladnesse above thy fellowes, (faith the Pfalmist, Psalm 45.7. Speaking of the Meffiah.) Of whom Saint John telleth us, that God gave not the Spirit by measure unto him, Joha 3.34. This is the Spirit given to all other of the Saints of God, [unto every one of us is gi ven grace according to the Measure of the gift of Chrift, Ephef. 4.7. But not fo to Chrift; To him nat by measure, that is, plentifully, abundantly, [It pleased the Father that in him Should all fullnesse dwell. Col. 1. 19. that is,

All three com


all Perfection of grace, wisdome, goodness, mercy, Thus was he Anointed with the HoLy Ghost. And with Power; Having both διύαμιν and ξεσίαν given to him, might and Authoritys Christ the Power of God, faith the Apostle, 1 Corinthians 1.24. Θεῖ διώαμιν. All power is given to me in heaven and in Earth, (faith our Saviour) Matthew 28. 18. Thou hast given him power over all flesh, John 17.2. ξεσίαν, Authority. Thus was he anointed, furnished with all Qualifications requifite for the discharge of this his MédiatorThip.

And being thus furnished for it, now was he invested in it, put upon the undertaking and executing of it. Of his Propheticall office [The Lord hath Anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek, be hath sent me, &c. Ifaiah 61.1. Of his Priestly office, [The Lord hath sworne and will not repent, Thou art a Priest for ever, Psalm 110, 4. his Kingly office, [The Lord said unto my Lord, fit thou at my right hand untill I make thine enemies thy footstoole, Psalm 1101. Which three are the parts of his Mediatorship. Thus was the Messiah called to this office: Designed to it, furnished for it, Invested in it.


Which three we may again in like manprehended un-ner conceive to be couched under that other der the word word of Sealing. [Him hath God the Fa


ther fealed, John 6.27. Sealed, 1. by way of Destination. Thus do men sometimes



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