Imatges de pàgina

- solve that Union betwixt the creature and the
Creatour: to fow the feeds of Divifion be-
d twixt them which he did (even as Tale-
bearers, and Make-bates use to do,) first, by
a casting in of jealousies, and fufpitions betwixt I
1. the one and the other, Yea, hath God Said, ye shat
10 not eat of every tree of the garden? (faith he to
the woman Gen.3.1.) Infinuating that in that
Prohibition God intended no good to man.
Then plainly accusing the one to the other; 2
God to man; as if he envied man's happiness,
[God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof..
r your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as Gods,
knowing good and evill, ver.4. Thus did he
fbring in Enmity into the world at the first;
hand by the like Artifice he still indeavours to
a continue, and increase it; to that end accu-2
fing man to God. Thus dealt he with righteous
Job, Job 1.9. Doth Job ferve God for nought?]
e Infinuating that Job, what ever shows he made,
he was no other but a Mercenary Hypocrite;
tone, that in what ever service he did, looked
more at his own private advantage, then the
is honour of his God. And the like he stil doth;
, whence he is called the Accuser of the Brethren,
h Rev.12.10. Accusing man to God, and man
to man; all to fow divisions betwixt them.
1 Such a Mediatour is he.


And such Mediatours there are enough to be found every where; Mediatours of Enmiety: Such as doe the like ill offices betwixt men and men; fowing of strife, (as the wise man faith of the wicked man, the mischievous



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2. Then be we in our selves peaceable; al of us seeking after our share in that wisdome which is from above; which is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easie to be intreated. That so, what in us lieth, we may all of us promote this so much defired work of a Nationall, Ecclefiafticall, Civill, Domesticall, Perfonall Reconciliation. A service gratefull to God. Only in God's Onely, Let it be managed in God's way. So did this our Peace-maker, our blessed Mediatour manage this great businesse of Reconciliation betwixt God and man, in the way that God his Father had laid forth to him. The like do we: not going out of God's way to feek for peace, not parting with what is Gods, to purchase it: what is our own, we both may, and in some cases ought. So did this our Mediatour; however he was tender of his Fathers honour, yet he emptied himselfe (so the Originall hath it; Phil.2.7. ἑαυτὸν ἐκένωσε,) viz. of his own honour, [He made himselfe of no reputation; yea, laid down his life to purchase peace, Col.1.20. And herein imitate we him ; be content to emptie our selves, to part with much of our own for peace; not with God's Truth, his Honour, his Glory, by yeilding to any finfull accommodations and complyances. Peace so bought is but an ill purchase; otherwife it can hardly be purchased at too dear a rate. 7. Βυσσινα πν

But to return from whence I have deviated, being drawn aside by the seasonableness of this Exhortation, which fell in by the way.

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We have feen what the great Negotiation is, in reference whereunto Jesus Christ took upon him the office of a Mediatour betwixt God and men..


Quest. Our next Question must be, How How Chrift came be by this office? How came he to under- came by this take this work? Office.


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Anf. To which I return this generall An- Answer. swer, He was called to it. Christ did not in- He was called trude himselfe into this office, He glorified not to it. himselfe to be made an High Priest, na Mediatour, Heb.5.5. He did not run before he was fent. So much we may learn from chose Titles given to him; that of an Angel, or Meffenger, Mal.3.1. [The Messenger of the Co venant: That other of an Apostle, Heb.3.r [The Apostle and High Priest of our Profeffi on. Each importing a Miffion, a Seriding. Christ did not undertake this office without the warrant of a lawfull: Calling

Let it be taken notice of by all those who shall undertake any publick Office or Service in the Church of God. Let them also see that they do not herein glorifie themselves; that they have a calling, a lawfull and warrantable calling to it; not running before they are fent. This would not Jesus Christ do, He would, not undertake the Work of Reconciliation, but upon a lawfull Call Let not any without the like warrant undertake the Ministery of Re cinciliation. Such is the publick preaching of the Gofpel, the dispensing of the Word of • Reconciliation, 2 Cor. 5. 18,19. Concerning which,




which, the Apostle propounds this Question, Rom. 10.15. How shall they preach, except they be fent? A Question (which (my selfe not being able,) I shall leave to them to answer, who stand guilty of that presumption. I pass on. 1-besus Christ was called to this Office. But, By whom was he called? How was he called? When was be called to it? A threefold Enquiry, the ow off Resolving whereof will contribute not a little to the clearing and illustrating of this Branch of the point in hand, touching the Calling of Chrift to this Office of Mediatorship.

Question 1.
By whom was Guest. π. I. By whom was be called?..

he called?

By God him-



- Anf. Lanswer, By Godhimfelfe: [No man taketh this Honour unto himselfe, (faith the Apoftle, speaking of the Prieftly Office) but he that is called of God, as Aaron was, Heb.5.4.] This he speaketh de jure, shewing not what men sometimes do, but what they ought to do: viz. Not take upon them a Ministeriall Office to deal betwixt God and his People, unlesse they be called of God, either Immedi ately, or Mediately. This did not Jesus Chrift do, His Office of Mediatorship he received it immediately from God himselfe, [He was called of Godan High Priest after the Order of Melchizedech, aida

3. And from what other hand should he re None could ceive it? Who should appoint a Mediatour to appoint a Me- deal betwixt God and man, but God himself? diator but God As for man, as he was the person offending, fo he was far from seeking of Reconciliation; having finned against his God, he flieth from his Pre

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prefence to hide himselfe; Nay, fach was the corruption of depraved nature, that it was ready Gen.35.3.8. bent to stand it out against God, to hold out the quarrel, to maintain this enmity; so far was man from seeking Reconciliation. But, had he fought it, what Mediator should he have fought for? This was that which Job in his paffion complaineth of,706 9.33. Neither is there any Daysman(or Umpire) betwixt us, that might lay his hand upon us both.] None to judge betwixt him & his God. Amongst the creatures, there was none in Earth or Heaven that durst have undertaken this cause, to interpose and come betwixt the Creature and the Creatour. [If one man fin against another, the Judge shall judge it, but if a man fin against the Lord, who shall intreat for him?1 Sam.2.25. This was God's own work, first to find out a way & means of Reconciliation, then to find out a fitting person to undertake that Work; then to put him upon that undertaking. This was the Lord's own doing.

And well may it be marvellous in our eyes? A DemonftraNever such a Demonstration of Love as this. tion of Divine That when man had offended his God, broke Love. Covenant with him, and turned enemie to him, standing out in actual rebellion against him that God should then seek peace with him, offer - conditions of peace unto him. And for that purpose should appoint a Mediatour, and call his own Son to that Office, to undertake the work of Reconciliation; what a gracious - condescention was this? Herein, let us both admire and adore this matchleffe and unparallell'd


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