Testimony to and condemned by others as erroneous and the Truth by hereticall, having no ground for it, but the the London Mi- ignorance of the Authors and Abettors: who nisters. p.9. (as it seemeth) doe not understand the ciled to one: pounded. meaning of that phrase, To be reconciled unto one. - To be reconciled unto one, what is it but to be reingratiated, to be restored to grace and fa To be reconthe phrala ex- stins understood the word, 1 Sam. 29.4. where declaring their jealoufie concerning David, lest if he should go along with them, he might betray them, [wherewith (fay they) should be reconcile himselfe to his Master? &c.] i.e. Reingratiate himselfe, make his peace with him, procuring his grace and favour again. In the same sense our Saviour adviseth the offending Brother, that he should go and be reconciled to his Brother, Matth.5.24. i.e. Seek to make peace with him by confeffing his fault, and if need were, making fatisfaction. And so in like manner the Apostle willeth the woman that had without cause deferted her husband, [Let her (faith he) be reconciled unto him, 1. Cor.7.11. i.g. Humble her selfe, and seek the good will of her hufband, that he passing by her offence, might receive her again as a wife, being reconciled unto her. And thus are men most properly said to be reconciled unto God; when they do Redire cum Deo in gratiam, when they are restored to his grace and favour again; so as his wrath is appeased towards them, and they are reingratiated with him. But vour with him? So the Princes of the Phili 1 nd But to leave them (with whond happily I cht shall have occafion to deale somewhat more ho fully upon this point hereafter.) Hold we on he our way. The Reconciliation undertaken by Christ betwixt God and man, is a Mutuall Reconcilibt ation. On God's part, on Man's part. Fa : 4 1. On God's part, the reconciling of God to man. In this respect it is that Christ is faid 1. On God's It to have made peace, Col.1.20. And to be our Part. Peace, Ephef.2.14. ile. the Authour of peace and reconciliation with God: which he hath purchased by the Blood of his Croffe; by making fatisfaction unto the Justice of God. This - is the Reconciliation spoken of by the Angel Gabriel, Dan.9.24. Seventy weeks are determined, &c. to finish the transgression, and to make an end of fins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity. This was the Meffiah's work. So the Apostle applieth it unto him, Heb.2.17. where speaking of this great high Prieft, he fets forth this to be the principall part of his work, [to make reconciliation for the fins of the people. This was the work, the most proper work of the Priests under the Law, those Typicall Mediatours, to reconcile God unto this people, Lev.8.15. by making Agreement for them, Exod.29.36. And this is the work of this Architypall Mediatour, the Lord Jefus, to reconcile God unto man. So are we most e properly to understand both those forenamed places, which our Adversaries aforesaid conceive to speak so full for them. That of the Apoftle Object. Apostle, Rom.5.10. [When we were enemies we were reconciled unto God.] How? why, by the death of his Son,] by and through that fatisfaction which Christ hath made to the Justice of God. And that other, 2 Cor.5.19. God was in Chrift reconciling the world to himselfe.] How? The next words explain it, [not imputing the trespasses unto them, pardoning the fins of his people; accepting the fatisfation made by Christ on their behalfes : which being applied unto the persons of believers, now God is actually reconciled unto them. Object.. But was he not so before? Did not God love his Elect from eternity? How then is he said to be reconciled to them?.... Answ. Anfw. To this it is answered, True, he did Gods eternall fo. Jacob have I loved, So the Apostle love, what? Rom.9.13. citeth that of the Prophet Malachy, Mal. 1. 2,3. which is to be understood not onely of Jacob's pofterity, the Ifraelites, whom God preferred before the posterity of Efau, the Idumeans; but of the perfon of Jacob. Thus God loveth the persons of his Elect, and that before they have done either good or evill. But what is that Love? why, only a gracious purpose of God towards them, for the reconciling of them unto himselfe, and receiving them into grace and favour with him. This is the Love of God to his Elect; not any complacencie and wel-pleasing that he hath in their persons so long as they are in a state of fin; no, the Apostle layeth down this for an irrefragable Conclusion, Rom.8.8. that They siel OA ; They which are in the flesh (in state of nature) they cannot please God. And the verse foregoing giveth a reason for it, because the cat wall mind (or the minding or wisdome of the - test, φρόνημα σαρκός) is Enmity against God.] Rebellious Subjects, fo long as they continue in that state of Rebellion, cannot be pleasing to their Prince. No more are rebellious sinners (and fuch ave God's Elect, as well as others, before converfion, Eplaef 13.) to their God. To the fame purpose is that other Text, Heb 11.6. Without faith it is impossible to please God.] Neither the person, nor services of an unbeliever can be well pleasing unto God. And why? Because it is by faith that the perfon is united unto Christ, In whom God the Father is well pleased, Mat.3.17. In him it is that the perfons of God's Elect come to be accepted : He hath made us accepted in the beloved, Ephes 1.6. God's eternall love then towards his Elect imports no more but a gracious purpose of reconciling them to himselfe in time. Which is not actually done, untill the Reconciliation purchafed by Chrift be effectually applied unto them through faith. Now is God said to be reconciled unto them, artd not before. Here is Reconciliation on God's parted 10250 لو 2. On Man's part; the reconciling of man 2. On Mans to God; Which is done by subduing and hea. Part. ling that rebellious principle of Enmity which unto him: to close with God upon his terms; by by faith to lay hold upon his grace and mercy )in Christ: yeilding up himselfe unto God; taking and acknowledging him for his Soveraign Lord: so as laying down and cafting away the weapons of his rebellion, abandoning what ever it is that might be offensive to him, whatever it is that might alienate him from his God, or his God from him; thenceforth to walk before him to all well pleasing, in newnesse of obedience all his dayes. This is Reconciliation on Man's part. Of which we may understand the Apostle to speak, 2 Cor. 5.20. We pray you in Christ's stead be ye reconciled to God... Accept the grace that is offered you in the Gofpel, imbracing it by faith, indeavouring to walk worthy of it, answerably to it. Put these together. Here is the great work, for the effecting and procuring whereof the Lord Jesus undertook the Office of a Mediatour: viz. a Mutuall Reconciliation betwixt God and man. Reconciliation Reconciliation] A bleffed work! Such is a bleffed Work. not only Reconciliation betwixt God and man, but also betwixt man and man: a work which every Christian should be forward in, and ambitious of; to be in this sense a Mediatour, a Saran a Media. Mediatour of Reconciliation; not of Debate, tor of Enmity. and Division; to make, or maintain, or widen differences. This was Satan's work at the first; Such a Mediatour was he betwixt God and man, a Mediatour of Enmity; going betwixt God and man to make a Breacle, to dif |