AND SPIRIT OF THE FOREIGN MAGAZINES. BY E. BRONSON, AND OTHERS. THE WHEAT FROM ALL THESE PUBLICATIONS SHOULD, FROM TIME EXTERNO ROBORE CRESCIT CLAUD. VOL. I. PHILADELPHIA: FROM THE LORENZO PRESS OF E. BRONSON PUBLISHED BY HOPKINS AND EARLE, NO. 170, MARKET STREET. SOLD BY MATHEW CAREY, 1809. : ADVERTISEMENT. ON presenting to the Publick the sixth number of this work, which completes the first volume, the Editors cannot refrain from the expression of their thanks for the patronage which they have received. Although they have never doubted that the compilation, which they projected, would be successful, they were yet not sufficiently sanguine to anticipate, in the infancy of their establishment, the acquisition of so many names as appear upon their subscription list. It is, however, at once an incentive to future exertion, and a pledge of future success, which they are too prudent, as well as too grateful, to disregard. It is the object of the Editors to consult the taste of every reader to as great an extent as the limits of their journal will allow; and they persuade themselves, that, when the volume shall have been perused, every one will find, in addition to matter which is generally interesting, an essay or a review more particularly adapted to his own prevailing opinions and taste. Should this be the case, their chief object will have been attained, and their stipulations with the publick fulfilled. In the present political situation of the European world, it is not easy to obtain the journals of the Continent, and little more of them is known than can be gleaned from British publications, or furnished by individuals among ourselves. The editors have availed themselves of this latter resource, and the sixth number of the journal commences with an interesting article, written for them by an intelligent foreigner, whose means of obtaining |