women: but then he was rheumatic; and talked of the whore of Babylon. Boy. Do you not remember, 'a saw a flea stick upon Bardolph's nose; and 'a said it was a black soul burning in hell? Bard. Well, the fuel is gone that maintained that fire: that's all the riches I got in his service. Nym. Shall we shog? the king will be gone from Southampton. Pist. Come, let's away. -My love, give me thy lips. Look to my chattels, and my moveables : For oaths are straws, men's faiths are wafer cakes, And hold-fast is the only dog, my duck; Go, clear thy crystals. - Yoke-fellows in arms, Boy. And that is but unwholesome food, they say. Pist. Touch her soft mouth, and march. [Kissing her. Nym. I cannot kiss, that is the humour of it; but, adieu. Pist. Let housewifery appear; keep close, I thee command. Host. Farewell; adieu. [Exeunt SCENE IV. -France. A room in the French King's Palace. Enter the French KING, attended; the DAUPHIN, the DUKE OF BURGUNDY, the CONSTABLE, and others. Fr. King. Thus come the English with full power upon us; And more than carefully it us concerns, To answer royally in our defences. Therefore the dukes of Berry, and of Bretagne, Of Brabant, and of Orleans, shall make forth, And you, prince Dauphin, with all swift dis patch, To line and new repair our towns of war, As fear may teach us, out of late examples Upon our fields. Dau. My most redoubted father, It is most meet we arm us 'gainst the foe: For peace itself should not so dull a kingdom, (Though war nor no known quarrel were in question,) But that defences, musters, preparations, Therefore, I say, 'tis meet we all go forth, No, with no more, than if we heard that England Her sceptre so fantastically borne By a vain, giddy, shallow, humorous youth, That fear attends her not. Con. O peace, prince Dauphin ! You are too much mistaken in this king: Dau. Well, 'tis not so, my lord high constable, Fr. King. Think we king Harry strong; And, princes, look you strongly arm to meet him. The kindred of him hath been flesh'd upon us; And he is bred out of that bloody strain, That haunted us in our familiar paths; Witness our too much memorable shame, When Cressy battle fatally was struck, And all our princes captived, by the hand Of that black name, Edward black prince of Wales; Whiles that his mountain sire, -on mountain standing, Up in the air, crown'd with the golden sun, Saw his heroical seed, and smiled to see him The native mightiness and fate of him. Enter a Messenger. Mess. Ambassadors from Harry king of England Do crave admittance to your majesty. Fr. King. We'll give them present audience. Go, and bring them. [Exeunt Messenger and certain Lords. You see, this chase is hotly follow'd, friends. Dau. Turn head, and stop pursuit: for coward dogs Most spend their mouths, when what they seem to threaten Runs far before them. Good my sovereign, As self-neglecting. Re-enter Lords, with EXETER and Train. Fr. King. From our brother England? majesty. He wills you, in the name of God Almighty, The borrow'd glories, that, by gift of Heaven, Unto the crown of France. That you may know 'Tis no sinister nor no awkward claim, Pick'd from the worm-holes of long-vanish'd days, Nor from the dust of old oblivion raked, [Gives a paper. In every branch truly demonstrative; Exe. Bloody constraint; for if you hide the crown Even in your hearts, there will he rake for it : groans, For husbands, fathers, and betrothed lovers, message: Unless the Dauphin be in presence here, Fr. King. For us, we will consider of this further: |