Som. Methinks, my lord should be religious, And know the office that belongs to such. War. Methinks, his lordship should be humbler; It fitteth not a prelate so to plead. Som. Yes, when his holy state is touch'd so near. War. State holy, or unhallow'd, what of that? Is not his grace protector to the king? Plan. [aside.] Plantagenet, I see, must hold his tongue; Lest it be said, Speak, sirrah, when you should ; Must your bold verdict enter talk with lords? Else would I have a fling at Winchester. K. Hen. Uncles of Gloster, and of Winchester, The special watchmen of our English weal, I would prevail, if prayers might prevail, To join your hearts in love and amity. O, what a scandal is it to our crown, That two such noble peers as ye should jar ! Believe me, lords, my tender years can tell, Civil dissension is a viperous worm That gnaws the bowels of the commonwealth. [A noise within-Down with the tawny-coats! What tumult's this? An uproar, I dare warrant, Begun through malice of the bishop's men. [A noise again-Stones! Stones! Enter the MAYOR of London, attended. May. O, my good lords, -and virtuous Henry, Pity the city of London, pity us! The bishop and the duke of Gloster's men, Have fill'd their pockets full of pebble-stones ; And, banding themselves in contrary parts, out: Our windows are broke down in every street, And we, for fear, compell'd to shut our shops. Enter, skirmishing, the Retainers of GLOSTER and WINCHESTER, with bloody pates. K. Hen. We charge you, on allegiance to ourself, To hold your slaughtering hands, and keep the peace. Pray, uncle Gloster, mitigate this strife. I Serv. Nay, if we be forbidden stones, we'll fall to it with our teeth. 2 Serv. Do what ye dare, we are as resolute. [Skirmish again. Glo. You of my household, leave this peevish broil, And set this unaccustom'd fight aside. 3 Serv. My lord, we know your grace to be a man Just and upright; and, for your royal birth, I Serv. Ay, and the very parings of our nails Shall pitch a field, when we are dead. Glo. [Skirmish again. Stay, stay, I say ! And, if you love me, as you say you do, K. Hen. O, how this discord doth afflict my soul! Can you, my lord of Winchester, behold War. Yield, my lord protector ;-yield, Except you mean, with obstinate repulse, Or I would see his heart out ere the priest War. Behold, my lord of Winchester, the duke Glo. Here, Winchester, I offer thee my hand. K. Hen. Fie, uncle Beaufort! I have heard you preach That malice was a great and grievous sin : War. Sweet king !-the bishop hath a kindly gird. For shame, my lord of Winchester! relent; What, shall a child instruct you what to do? Win. Well, duke of Gloster, I will yield to thee; Love for thy love, and hand for hand I give. Glo. Ay; but, I fear me, with a hollow heart. See here, my friends, and loving countrymen ; Win. [aside.] So help me God, as I intend it K. Hen. O loving uncle, kind duke of Gloster, How joyful am I made by this contract !Away, my masters! trouble us no more; But join in friendship, as your lords have done. I Serv. Content; I'll to the surgeon's. 2 Serv. And so will I. 3 Serv. And I will see what physic the tavern [Exeunt MAYOR, Servants, &c. affords. War. Accept this scroll, most gracious sovereign; Which in the right of Richard Plantagenet We do exhibit to your majesty. Glo. Well urged, my lord of Warwick,-for, sweet prince, An if your grace mark every circumstance, K. Hen. And those occasions, uncle, were of force: Therefore, my loving lords, our pleasure is That Richard be restorèd to his blood. War. Let Richard be restored to his blood; So shall his father's wrongs be recompensed. Win. As will the rest, so willeth Winchester. K. Hen. If Richard will be true, not that alone, But all the whole inheritance I give That doth belong unto the house of York, And, in reguerdon of that duty done, Plan. And so thrive Richard, as thy foes may fall! And as my duty springs, so perish they of York ! Som. [aside.] Perish, base prince, ignoble duke of York! Glo. Now will it best avail your majesty, To cross the seas, and to be crown'd in France: The presence of a king engenders love Amongst his subjects, and his loyal friends; As it disanimates his enemies. K. Hen. When Gloster says the word, King Henry goes; [Sennet; flourish. Exeunt all but EXETER. Exe. Ay, we may march in England, or in France, Not seeing what is likely to ensue: |