Imatges de pàgina



ANIM-US, the mind, or thinking principle: as, unanim'ity, the being of one mind, or oneness of mind.

ASTR-ON, a star: as, astronomy, the laws or science of the stars; as'terisk, as'terism, as'tral.

AVANT, before, forward: as, van'courier, one who runs before; avantguard, vanguard', advance.

BEAU, a man of dress, -BELLE, a woman of dress; hence, fair, beautiful as, beauty, a being fair or beautiful; embellish, to make beautiful; beau, beau'ish, beau-monde, beauty.

BENE, good, well: as, benevolent, willing, good.

BINI, two by two: Bis, twice, two: as, biped, two-footed, (animals.) CED-O, casum, to cut, to kill: as, incision, a cutting in; hom'icide, killing a man, or one who kills a man; su'icide, killing one's self. CANO, cantum, to sing: as, can'ticle, a little song.

CAPI-0, captum, to take, to take in or up, to hold or contain: as, cap'tive, one taken (in war); capacity, the power of taking in or containing; excep'tion, a taking out; perceptible, that may be taken up or in thoroughly, or observed; anticipate, to take up before; participate, to take a part in.

CARO, flesh as, incarnate, having put on flesh; carniv'orous, eatCARNIS, Sing flesh.

CED-Q, Cessum, to go, to give up, to yield: as, antece'dent, going before; interces'sor, one who goes between (a mediator); accede, to give up to, to come to; proceed', to go forward; recede', to go back.

CIT-o, cieo, to move or stir, to call, to cite, to rouse or stir up: as, excite', to call out, to rouse; resuscitate, to call up again, to stir up anew.

CIV-IS, a citizen, a free man or woman of a city or town: as, civil, belonging to a citizen (polite); civility, a being civil, or manners of citizens. CLAUD-0, clausum, to shut, to close: as, conclusion, a shutting together (the close or end); exclude, to shut out; include', to shut in.

COR, CORD-IS, the heart: as, con'cord, hearts together, union of hearts (agreement); dis'cord, hearts asunder, (disagreement.)

CORPUS, a body: as, corporal, belonging to the body; corpo'real, having a body; corps, a body of soldiers; corpse, a dead body.

CRED-0, creditum, to believe, to trust: as, cred'ible, worthy of credit or may be believed; credulous, apt to believe; credit, belief of or trust; (honor; good opinion.)

CRIT-ES, to separate, to discriminate, to judge, a judge, one who decides: as, critic, one skilled in judging (of literature); hypocrisy, an assuming a fictitious character, a feigning or dissembling (in morality or religion).

CURA, care, concern, charge, a cure: as, si'necure, (an office which has revenue,) without employment, or care; curate, one who has the cure or charge (of souls under another.)

CURR-0, cursum, to run: as, incur, to run in; excursion, a running out; precursor, one who runs before; recurrence, a running back; succour, to run up (to help); con'course, a running together.

CUTI-O, Cussum, to shake: as, discuss', to shake asunder (to examine) ; concussion, a shaking together.

DIC-o, dictum, to speak, to say: as benedic'tion, a saying good (a blessing); interdict, to say between (to forbid); preach', to speak publicly (upon sacred subjects); predict', to say before, (to foretell.)

Do, datum, to give: as, add, to give to; donor, one who gives; editi'on, a giving out (publication of a book); dative, (the case of nouns, denoting the person to whom,) any thing is given.

DUBI-US, doubtful: as, indu'bitable, that cannot be doubted; indubious, not doubtful.

Duc-o, ductum, to bring, to lead: as, deduct', to bring down; induce, to bring in; productive, bringing forward; seduce', to lead aside; conducive, leading together; ductile, that may be bent or drawn out into length.

EQU-Us, even, equal; just, right: as, equanimity, evenness or equalness of mind; equilibrium, equality of weight; equinox, equal day and night; equivalent, equal in value; equitable, what is equal, just; inadequate, not equal to; iniquitous, not equal, unjust, (wicked.)

ERR-O, to wander; to mistake: as, aberration, the act of wandering (from the right or known way); erroneous, wandering, mistaken.

FACI-O, factumn, to make, to do, to cause, to give: as, benefactor, one who does good; malefactor, one who does evil; manufacture, the thing made by the hand; fact, a thing done (deed); effect', the thing made out; effective, having the power to produce effects; effectual, belonging to, or productive of, effects; perfect, thoroughly done; beneficent, doing good; artificial, made by art (opposite to natural); horrific, causing horror; prolific, making or producing young (fruitful); fi'at, let it be done (a decree); cer'tify, to make sure; fortify, to make strong; tes'tify, to make or bear witness; viv'ify, to give life.

FEND-0, fensum, to keep off, to strike: as, defend', to keep off, to preserve; offend', to strike against.

FER-O, to carry, bear, or suffer, to bring: as, circum'ference, (the line,) carrying round; suffer, to bear under; soniferous, giving or bringing sound; infer, to bring on (to draw from); fer'tile, fit to bear, or proper for bearing, (fruitful.)

FID-ES, faith, credit, trust: as, confide, to trust together or in (to trust); dif'fident, not trusting; in'fidel, one who does not believe or credit (an unbeliever); perfidy, faith gone through (want or breach of faith); affi'ance, affi'ancer.

FIN-IS, the end; a bound or limit: as, finite, having limits or bounds; infinite, having no bounds or limits; final, relating to the end; con'fine, a common boundary; confine, to put ends together, (to bound, to limit, to shut up.)

FIRM-US, stable, firm, strong: as, firmament, the thing made firm or stable (the sky or heavens); in'firm, not strong (weak); confirm, to strengthen together, (to establish, or settle, to put past doubt by new evidence.)

FLU-O, fluxum, to flow: as, af'fluent, flowing to; flux, a flow; re'flux, a flowing back; influence, a flowing in or upon; superfluous, flowing above, or more than enough, (unnecessary.)

FORM-A, form or shape, a figure: as, deform', to spoil the form (to make ugly); formal, belonging to form; reform', to form again or anew ; transform', to change the form.

FORT-IS, strong, valiant: as, comfort, to make strong together (to make glad); fortify, to make strong.

FRANG-0, fractum, to break: as, infran'gible, that cannot be broken; fraction, the act of breaking, a broken part; frag'ile, or frail, easily broken, (weak.)

FUND-0, fusum, to pour, to melt: as, con'found, to pour together (to mix, to perplex, to amaze); fu'sible, that may be melted; refund', to pour back, (to pay back what is received.)

GE, the earth: as, geography, a description of the earth or world; geology, the doctrine of the earth; geopon'ics, the science of cultivating the ground; geot'ic, belonging to the earth.

GENUS, a race or descent; a family, a kind or sort: as, degenerate, to



fall from the virtue of ancestors, or from its kind; gen'der, sex or kind; gen'eral, belonging to a whole tribe (common or usual); generalize, to reduce to a genus; generous, of noble birth or mind (liberal); genial, tending to propagation or cheerfulness (natural); genuine, of one's own production, (not spurious or vitiated, real.)

GER-0, gestum, to bear or carry, to bring: as, belligerent, carrying on war; vicegerent, one who carries on or. rules for another (a lieutenant); suggest, to bring under (to hint, to intimate); ingest', to throw into the stomach.

GRADI-OR, gressus, to go step by step: as, degrade', to go or bring a step down (to place lower): aggress', to go to (to assault or begin the quarrel); graduate, to go step by step, or mark with degrees (to dignify with, or take an academical degree); transgress', to pass over or beyond (to violate or break); progressive, going forward.

GRAND-IS, great, lofty: as, ag'grandize, to make great; grand, great, splendid; grandiloquous, using lofty words.

GRAPH-0, to trace lines, to write, to describe: as, anemog'raphy, a description of the wind; au'tograph, the handwriting of any one (the original, the opposite of apograph, a copy); bibliography, the description of books or literary history; brachygraphy, short-hand writing; hi'erogram or hierog'raphy, holy writing; hydrography, the description of water; lithography, writing upon stone; orthography, correct writing of words; polygraphy, writing in many unusual ways; graph'ic, well described or delineated, or relating to engraving.

GRATI-A, favor, gratitude, thankfulness: as, gracious, full of favor (kind, becoming); gratify, to make grateful (to indulge, to please); gratis, freely, (for nothing.)

HAB-EO, habitum, to have, to hold: as, cohabit, to dwell or live together (as husband and wife); exhib'it, to hold out; inhabitable, that may be dwelt in; prohibit, to hold forward, (to forbid, to hinder or debar.)

JAC-10, jactum, to throw, to cast, or to dart: as, eject', to throw out; inject', to throw in ; object', to cast against; object, something cast in the way; ejaculate, to throw, shoot, or dart out; subjective, throwing or placing under, or relating to the subject.

JUDIC-0, judicatum, to give sentence, to judge: as, ju'dicatory, distributing justice, or a court of justice; judici'al, relating to a judge or legal justice; prejudice, judgment formed beforehand, without examination.

JUNG-O, junctum, to join as, adjunct, something joined or united to (though not essentially); conjunction, a joining or connecting together; enjoin', or injoin', to make to join (to direct, to order); subjunctive, joined under, or added to.

LEG-0, lectum, to gather, to read, to choose: as, collect', to gather together; eligible, that may be gathered out, or fit to be chosen ; election, the act of choosing or gathering out; lecture, the thing read (a discourse); neglect', not to gather (to omit by carelessness); prolegom'ena, introductory observa


LEX, a law or rule: as, illegal, not lawful; law'yer, one who professes or is skilled in law; legislation, the act of giving laws; leg'islator, one who makes laws; legitimate, legal, genuine, born in marriage.

LIBER, free: as, lib'erate, to free or set free; deliver, to set free, (to save, to give up; to speak.)

LOG-Os, reason, a word, a speech, a discourse, science, or knowledge: as, anthology, a collection of flowers or poems; apology, defence, excuse; asthenology, a discourse on weakness; di'alogue, a discourse between two (or more); entomology, a discourse on insects, log'ic, the art of reasoning.

LOQU-OR, locutus, to speak: as, alloquy, a speaking to, (address); col'loquy, a speaking together (talk); eloquence, a speaking out, (the power of speaking with fluency and elegance); loqua'cious, full of talk or tongue; ob'loquy, a speaking against, (blame.)

LUMEN, light: as, illume', illumine, or illuminate, to shine on, or put light in; luminary, a body or thing that gives light.

LUSTR-UM, a survey made every four years; a purifying sacrifice: as, illustrate, to brighten with light or honor, (to explain or elucidate.)

MALE, malus, evil, ill: as, dis'mal, an evil day, sorrowful; malefactor, one who does evil; malev'olent, willing evil.

MAND-O, mandatum, to commit, to command or bid: as, command', to bid, to govern; man'date, a command or charge; demand', to ask for with authority.

MAN-US, the hand: as, eman'cipate, to take out by the hand (to set free from servitude); man'acle, a chain for the hand; man'iple, a handful, a small band of soldiers; manufacture, the thing or work done by the hand; man'uscript, the thing written with the hand; manu'brium, a handle.

MEMOR, mindful, keeping in mind: as, mem'orable, worthy of memory, or of being kept in mind.

MEND-A, a blemish; a mistake: as, amend', or emend, to take out the blemishes or faults, (to correct.)

MENSUR-A, measure: as, commensurate, measured with or together; immense, not measurable, (unlimited, infinite.)

MINU-O, minutum, to lessen: as, dimin'ish, to make or grow less; mi'nor, the less,-petty, little; minute', small, slender; minu'tiæ, the smaller particulars.

MITT-0; missum, to send: as, admit to send to (to allow); demit', to send down (to depress); dismiss, to send asunder or away; omit', to leave out, to pass over, to neglect; remit, to send back; inamis'sible, not to be lost; transmit'tible, that may be sent beyond, or from place to place.

MONE-O, monitum, to put in mind, to warn as, admon'ish, to warn of faults; mon'ument, anything that puts or keeps in mind, a tomb.

MON-OS, one, alone, solitary: as, mon'achal, pertaining to monks or a monastic life; mon'ad, an indivisible thing; mon'arch, the government of a single person; mm'astery, a house of religious retirement; mon'ody, a poem sung by one; monopathy, solitary feeling or suffering.

MOVE-O, motum, to move: as, commotion, a moving together, a tumult; immovable, that cannot be moved; promote to move forward, to advance. MULT-US, many: as, multifid, many-cleft; multilocular, having many cells; multiparous, producing many at a birth; multiped, an insect with many feet.

MUNUS, a gift or present; an office; a part, a portion: as, communicate, to give a share with, to impart; mu'nerary, relating to a gift; munificent, making a gift,-liberal in giving or bestowing; immunity, freedom or exemption, privilege.

MUT-o, mutatum, to change: as, commute, to change with, or to put one thing in the place of another; mu'table, subject to change.

NON, not as, non'age, not age, - - under 21, minority; non-contagious, not contagious; nonsense, no sense; nonpareil', no equal.

NUMER-US, a number: as, innumerable, that cannot be numbered; enu'merate, to number out, to count or tell; supernumerary, one above number. OMN-IS, all, every as, omnif'erous, all-bearing; omnipotence, all or almighty power; omnis'cient, all-knowing or seeing.

OPER-A, work, labor: as, operate, to act, to exert power or strength, to work; opus'cule, a small work.



ORDO, order, rank, arrangement: as, extraordinary, beyond the common order; inordinate, not according to order or rule; ordain', to set apart for an office; to appoint.

OR-0, oratum, to speak, to beg: as, adore', to pay divine worship or honor to; inexorable, that cannot be moved by entreaty or prayer; oral, of the


PAR, equal, like, meet, match to: as, par'ity, a being equal, like state or degree; comparable, that may be compared, or being of equal regard; compeer', an equal, a companion, an associate.

PARS, a part, a share, a portion: as, partial, of a part or party, biassed to one party; partake, to take a part, portion, or share of; partic'ipate, to take or have a share in common with others; particular, pertaining to a single person or thing, special; impart', to give, to grant.

PATER, a father: as, patrimony, a right or estate inherited from one's father or ancestors; patriot, a lover of his country.

PAX, peace as, pac'ify, to make peace, to appease, to quiet; appease', to make quiet, to calm; pacil'ic, peace-making, mild, gentle; also, an ocean.

PELL-O, pulsum, to drive, to strike: as, compel', to drive together, or urge with force; dispel', to drive asunder, to disperse ; expulsion, the act of driving out; repellent, driving back.

PEND-EO, pensuin, to hang: as, depend'ent, hanging down, subject to the power of, at the disposal of; pen'sile, hanging, suspended.

PHIL-OS, a lover: as, philanthropist, a lover of mankind; philosophy, the love of wisdom; Theophilus, a lover of God.

PLAC-EO, to please: as, pleasant, pleasing; placid, quiet, gentle, serene,


PLAN-US, plain, smooth, level; evident, clear: as, explain', to make plain or clear, to expound; complane', or com'planate, to make level.

PLAUD-0, plansum, to make a noise by clapping the hands, to praise: as, displode, to discharge or burst with a violent noise: plausible, that may be praised.

PLEN-US, full: as, plenipotentiary, one who is invested with full power to transact any business; plenary, full, entire ; replen'ish, to fill again, to fill.

PLIC-O, plicatum, to fold, to knit as, apply, to fold or lay to, to use, to put, to betake; complicate, to fold and twist together, to entangle; explicate, to unfold, to explain; display', to unfold, to open, to show; complex, embracing two or more things.

PLOR-0, ploratum, to cry out, to wail, to weep: as, deplore', to bewail, to


POL-IS, a city, a town: as, Constantinople, the city of Constantine ; cosmopolite, a citizen of the world; polite' polished or elegant in manners, well-bred; polish, to make smooth and glossy, to refine; politics, the science of government.

POLY, many: as, pol'ychord, having many chords; polygamy, the having many wives or husbands at the same time; polygon, a figure of many angles and sides; pol'ygram, a figure of many lines; polymorph'ous having many forms; polyon'omy, many names; polyphyllous, many-leaved.

PON-o, posituin, to put or place: as, apposite, placing to, fit; compose', to place or set together; depose', to put or lay down; dispose', to set or put apart, to place or distribute; expose', to put out or lay open; impose to place, or lay on, to cheat; oppose, to put or set against; postpone', to put after or off; to delay; coin'post (put together or mixed), manure.

POPUL-US, the people: as, populous, full of people; pop'ular, belonging to, or beloved by the people; public, belonging to a whole people, open; depop'ulate or dispeople, to strip of people or inhabitants.

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